A semi-fictional correspondence between two women: one goes to Iran in 1979 to topple the Shah; the other experiences the onerous years of Ceaușescu’s Romania. Their biographies run in parallel via images of everyday life and videograms of revolution.
Women and men in the middle of the night, without their own clothes, without personal papers and money, without their car keys and mobile phones. In a deserted city the only solution would be, regardless of how far home is, to walk alone all the way there.
The Suspicious Lady
Ecaterina, a high school Religion teacher and wife of the town priest, gets involved with Iuliu, a 16-year-old student with a troubled past. Ecaterina tries to keep him under control, but she loses her own sense of control in this process.
Emi, una maestra de escuela, encuentra su carrera y reputación amenazadas después de que se filtró una cinta sexual personal en Internet. Obligada a encontrarse con los padres exigiendo su despido, Emi se niega a rendirse a su presión. Radu Jude (¡Aferim!) Ofrece una mezcla incendiaria de formas poco convencionales, humor irreverente y comentarios mordaces sobre la hipocresía y los prejuicios en nuestras sociedades.
"I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken in the Council of Ministers of the summer of 1941, started the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front. The film attempts to comment on this statement.
Zoe finally met someone (Duncan) that she really cares about enough to introduce to her friends. Everybody seems to be excited for her and they’re trying their best to make Duncan feel at home, but Zoe has a secret. Her mood transforms the evening into the perfect opportunity for scandal and all the characters will get the chance to express how they really feel
Rumania, 1937. Emanuel, un joven veinteañero enfermo de tuberculosis ósea, pasa sus días en un sanatorio a orillas del mar Negro. El protagonista, que se enamora de otra paciente, narra su esfuerzo y el de sus otros compañeros por exprimir al máximo la vida mientras sus cuerpos languidecen y sus mentes se niegan a rendirse. Inspirada en la novela autobiográfica Scarred Hearts del escritor rumano Max Blecher, escrita antes de morir a los 29 años, tras diez años de sufrimiento.
The sweetest girl, Dana (Diana Dumitrescu) has to go out on a date with a broker, Dani (Andi Vasluianu) because her chubby friend, Oana (Antoaneta Zaharia), doesn't have the courage to meet her Facebook lover face to face. A hacker (Marius Damian) is cheating his partner, the computer, with a Facebook profile picture of two exquisite "delicious" girls. The whip cream/ chocolate teacher (Loredana Groza), a French woman who knows the insights of living in Bucharest teaches her pupils the art of Savarin by day and Marquis de Sade's practices by night. No one is what they pretend to be and they all believe that telling lies is the most beautiful truth, and this leads to a series of misunderstandings.
Italian Nurse
En 1989, los servicios de emergencia recibieron una llamada al 911 de Maria Rossi confesando que había asesinado brutalmente a tres personas. 20 años después, su hija Isabel, trata de comprender la verdad de lo sucedido esa noche y viaja al Hospital de Centrino para depravados mentales en Italia, donde su madre ha sido encerrada para determinar si es una enferma mental o está poseída por demonios. Isabel decide reclutar a dos jóvenes exorcistas que podrían curar a su madre usando métodos poco convencionales que combinan la ciencia y la religión y terminan enfrentándose cara a cara con el mal en estado puro en forma de cuatro poderosos demonios que poseen a María. Muchos han sido poseídos por uno, sólo una ha sido poseída por muchos.
Being forced into prostitution by her father, she finds solace in her friends and her journal.
short film by Ilinca Harnut