La syndicaliste is the true story of Maureen Kearney, the head union representative of a French multinational nuclear powerhouse. She became a whistleblower, denouncing top-secret deals that shook the French nuclear sector. Alone against the world, she fought government ministers and industry leaders, tooth and nail to bring the scandal to light and to defend more than 50,000 jobs.. Her life was turned upside down when she was violently assaulted in her own home... The investigation is carried out under pressure: the subject is sensitive. Suddenly, new elements create doubt in the minds of the investigators. At first a victim, Maureen becomes a suspect.
La policière
Thomas, a frustrated reporter who works for a local newspaper in North of France, is assigned to write a portrait of alternative musician and recent mayoral candidate Usé. After the interview, the two men happen upon the inanimate body of a man lying in a desolate alley. To their surprise, the man – Jojo – rises before them like a zombie. He appears to be fine, but has lost his memory. Some clues lead them to Jojo’s little sister Marilou. Through a series of unexpected events, the newfound friends forge bonds and embark upon a surreal journey.
Axelle is having the worst day of her life: while she is recovering badly from a break-up, she has to go to her sister's bachelorette party in a ghostly spa in the mountains. Fortunately, among the guests, there is Marguerite. Through one gaze, love is awaken again.
Because he forgot his identity card, Elias cannot take the entrance exam to Sciences Po. In search of a job while waiting to be able to take the exam again, he becomes an educator in a children's home. Confronted with an environment he doesn't know how to work, Elias doesn't yet know how much this experience will change his life.
Cuenta la historia real de Stephane Benhamou y de Daoud Tatou, dos amigos de distintas creencias religiosas que, 20 años atrás, crearon una organización sin ánimo de lucro para ayudar a niños y adolescentes autistas.
Christalle is seventeen and lives in the middle of the countryside with her grandfather André. She often visits her father Franck, who lives in a floating cabin on the Loire River. When she has to transport drugs to Orléans, Christalle is threatened by local traffickers. Franck and André must join forces to help her extricate herself from the situation.
Es verano, en algún lugar de la Dordoña, los jóvenes desaparecen. Los rumores más salvajes circulan, estamos hablando de un felino merodeando. Laura busca dilucidar el misterio y conoce a Paul, un extraño escritor que lo atrae tanto como él la asusta. A medida que se acercan, un amante rechazado por Laura desaparece a su vez.
A penniless young man, Kevin is forced to return to live with his parents in the heart of the Picardy countryside. There, he finds a job in a pig farm. Not knowing how to look ahead, Kevin has no real project to defend. Everything shifts the day he meets Alice. This attractive voltigeuse who is not cold to the eyes exercises her talents in a circus of the region. Under the spell, Kevin tries to get closer to her and her way of life very free. To conquer it, he decides to train himself to acrobatic riding. Despite the misunderstanding of his family, he does not intend to give up this crazy bet that finally gives him a reason to live his life as he sees fit ...
Con la Guerra Fría como telón de fondo, “Cold War” presenta una apasionada historia de amor entre dos personas de diferente origen y temperamento que son totalmente incompatibles, pero cuyo destino les condena a estar juntos.
París, principios de los años 90. Un grupo de jóvenes activistas intenta generar conciencia sobre el SIDA. Un nuevo miembro del grupo, Nathan, se quedará sorprendido ante la radicalidad y energía de Sean, que gasta su último aliento en la lucha.
Woman of the Resistance
La historia del famoso guitarrista y compositor Django Reinhardt, el primer músico de jazz europeo que llegó a ser tan influyente como los grandes artistas americanos. Además, también se centra en su huida de París en 1943 debido a la ocupación alemana. La familia del artista fue perseguida y acosada por los nazis debido a su origen gitano.
Adaptación de la novela "Mal de Pierres". Sigue los pasos durante 20 años de una sofisticada mujer, que tras contraer matrimonio con un hombre después de la II Guerra Mundial, se enamora de un enfermo que conoce en un balneario al que acude para tratar las piedras que tiene en su riñón.