El principiante DJ Shreds y el violonchelista de fama mundial Vladimir Chizhov se encuentran en una calle ruidosa en Moscú con los pies descalzos. Al hacer clic en la máquina extraña, los personajes se trasladan al planeta desierto Plyuk. Una nueva versión de la amada película animada "Kin-dza-dza!" No menos fascinante y divertido que el original, las aventuras de Shred y Uncle Vova. En este mundo de arena, los habitantes se dividen en dos categorías: patsaks y chatlan, un partido simple tiene un valor increíble, y la gente se encuentra y es escoltada por el color de sus pantalones.
An eccentric musical comedy based on the tale of Korney Chukovsky.
In Africa, monkeys fell ill. This news was reported to Dr. Aybolit by the monkey Chichi, who escaped from the robber Barmaley.
Aybolit and his assistants — Chichi and the dog Avva — are in a hurry to save the monkeys from the disease. But Barmaley and his robbers are trying to stop them. First, they capture the doctor’s ship at sea and throw Aybolit, Avva and Chichi into the water, but they swim to Africa.
Filmed in the context of the fortieth anniversary of the creation of the Komsomols, the League of Young Communists, tells the story of three youth delegates from the League in 1918, who must make the dangerous journey to Moscow during the civil war to participate in League’s congress.