Miguel Ángel Saldaña


La fraternidad
A group of businessmen tired of so much crime, meet to take drastic measures to defend their person and their respective businesses. The fraternity is the new organization dedicated to removing nuisances.
In the streets the gangs are the ones that rule. When one side kills its opponents, it starts a war that is going to be very expensive for all.
In the streets the gangs are the ones that rule. When one side kills its opponents, it starts a war that is going to be very expensive for all.
In the streets the gangs are the ones that rule. When one side kills its opponents, it starts a war that is going to be very expensive for all.
Memorias de un sicario
El Buitre
A story of how some unscrupulous people use power and their dirty minds to take advantage of the miseries of the most needy and thus manipulate them to achieve their criminal objectives, leading them to commit unimaginable violations and marking them for the rest of their lives.
Memorias de un sicario
A story of how some unscrupulous people use power and their dirty minds to take advantage of the miseries of the most needy and thus manipulate them to achieve their criminal objectives, leading them to commit unimaginable violations and marking them for the rest of their lives.
El Mochomo
The fight for Sinaloa will lead the two most important cartels in the country to betray and deceive whoever is necessary to seize it, be it the police themselves or federal agencies.
Sleep Dealer
Coyotek #1
Ambientada en un futuro marcado por fronteras internacionales que permanecen cerradas, empresas militarizadas y una clase subterránea de trabajadores que conectan sus sistemas nerviosos a una red informática global. Memo Cruz, un joven campesino mexicano que vive con su familia, lucha por salir adelante en su granja, aunque en el fondo le apasiona la tecnología y sueña con marcharse a trabajar a una empresa tecnológica.
Peor que los perros
Rehab center run as a playground for sadistic sociopaths; police close it down at the end with extreme prejudice.
Peor que los perros
Rehab center run as a playground for sadistic sociopaths; police close it down at the end with extreme prejudice.