Marina Ananyeva


Costume Design
An unprecedented epidemic of rabies is breaking out in the taiga. Infected wolves become more and more ferocious, and even the slightest bite brings certain death. At the same time, a desperate father decides to forcibly isolate his son in one of the hunting lodges in order to save him from addiction. Soon, he and several local residents will have to fight not only with a rabid pack, but also with the most dangerous predator of the forest.
El último guerrero
Costume Design
Ivan emprende un alucinante viaje desde Moscú a Belogorye, un mundo de fantasía habitado por personajes de cuentos de hadas y magia rusos. Sin saber muy bien cómo, se encuentra en el centro mismo de la batalla entre las fuerzas de la luz y la oscuridad, donde todos creen que poner fin a la guerra depende únicamente de él.
Costume Design
Cuando el reino celebra la boda de la princesa Miroslava, ésta es secuestrada por un dragón y llevada a una isla remota. Quedando todo atrás, su familia, sus amigos y su futuro esposo, es encerrada en una jaula de piedra. Su único contacto es Arman, un joven misterioso que ha aparecido ante ella, pero ¿Quién es él y qué está haciendo en esa isla?
22 minutos
Costume Design
Un grupo de elite ruso comandados por el mariscal Shaposhnikov tiene que liberar un metanero ruso que ha sido secuestrado por un grupo de piratas somalíes. Uno de los marineros, Alex Ezhov, en plena reyerta de asalto queda atrapado en una cisterna.
Costume Design
Two sisters arrive to Moscow trying to find their father who left the family 15 years ago.
Travelling with Pets
Costume Design
Natalie tenía 16 años y vivía en una casa de acogida cuando fue comprada por un hombre violento e inestable con el que fue vivir a un lugar remoto en un matrimonio que duró 19 años. Tras la muerte de su marido y libre, Natalie descubre su primer amor cuando conoce a Sergei.
Greek Holiday
Costume Design
Two young students - Sonya and Ippolit - are spending their holiday time in sunny Greece. But not everything is going as planned.
Costume Design
Somewhere deep, deep in Russia there is a town called Marks (named after Karl Marks, founder of Communism theory) where all people are working on toy factory and receiving their wages as toys. News from other cities are arriving on very rare occasion. One morning, Boris, a former boxing who is running from something, wakes up in train and see four letters MAR_S. From his first steps he starts to meet new people as Gregori, young man with a dream who is in love with local librarian, Greta, whose dream is to get out from this god-forgotten town. With each new step, he is meeting new people, but the past is hard to escape
The Stringer
Costume Design
Vadik Chernyshov is an impoverished dreamer who spends his life drifting though Moscow with a video camera, hoping to shoot footage that will interest Western press agencies. He falls in love with the beautiful Helen, an English media executive, and subsequently they must contend with the barriers that their different backgrounds present.