Focus Puller
Jeanne, una joven de clase trabajadora ávida de cultura y placer, utiliza su inteligencia y su atractivo para ascender uno a uno los peldaños de la escala social. Se convierte en la favorita del rey Luis XV, quien desconociendo su condición de cortesana, recupera a través de ella su apetito por la vida. Se enamoran perdidamente. Contra todo decoro y etiqueta, Jeanne se traslada a Versalles, donde su llegada escandaliza a la corte...
First Assistant Camera
Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...
First Assistant Camera
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
First Assistant Camera
Alexandre finds out his wife Juliette is cheating on him. They quarrel with each over, Juliette runs away during the night, and has a fatal fall. The next day, torrential rain have taken her body away. The police force is investigating and Patrick, Juliette's father, shows up to find out what happened. Fearing to be charged, Alexandre convinces his 18 years old daughter Lison to cover him. But his lies make things worse, and Patrick has doubts about him. It's the beginning of a dreadful chain of events.
First Assistant Camera
Thierry is convinced that the best is behind him. When Claire, his wife, tired of «it was better before», announced that she is leaving him, Thierry, devastated, decided to go back to Greece where they spend their best family holidays 20 years ago. Officially, he wants to spend one last week with their children before announcing their separation. Unofficially, he hopes to win back his wife... By trying to rekindle the flame of his couple, Thierry may well set his family on fire...
Additional Camera
Philippe, un aristócrata que se ha quedado tetrapléjico a causa de un accidente de parapente, contrata como cuidador a domicilio a Driss, un inmigrante de un barrio marginal recién salido de la cárcel. Aunque, a primera vista, no parece la persona más indicada, los dos acaban logrando que convivan Vivaldi y Earth Wind and Fire, la elocuencia y la hilaridad, los trajes de etiqueta y el chándal. Dos mundos enfrentados que, poco a poco, congenian hasta forjar una amistad tan disparatada, divertida y sólida como inesperada, una relación única en su especie de la que saltan chispas.
Amazon of César
En el año 52 antes de Cristo, Egipto, gobernado por la poderosa Cleopatra, ha caído bajo el yugo del Imperio Romano. Y lo peor es que Cleopatra ha decidido entregar su corazón a Julio César, emperador del pueblo más grande del mundo. Harta de los sarcasmos de César, la orgullosa y bella reina hace una apuesta con él: si consigue construir un castillo para él en el espacio de tres meses, en medio del desierto, él reconocerá que el pueblo egipcio es el más grande de todos. Cleopatra confía la misión a Numerobis, un emergente arquitecto vanguardista al que cubrirá de oro si triunfa o arrojará a los cocodrilos si fracasa. Numerobis necesita un milagro para llevar a cabo el proyecto, y el milagro se llama Astérix y Obélix.