Eleonóra Peták


Budapest Noir
A murder mystery set in 1936 Budapest, just as Hungary was preparing to align itself with Hitler. A beautiful young girl is found dead and nobody wants to investigate—except Gordon, a crime reporter who has a gut feeling that things are not what they seem.
Most of the Souls That Live Here
The renowned anarchist teacher Count Ervin Batthyány reappears 100 years after his death. He tries to put his theories into practice again, as he realises that the world has not turned out as he had expected. He founds a new free school with the help of some like-minded people, and starts teaching a new generation who believe in solidarity and cooperation, rather than a system of oppression. But the ideal of freedom and equality awakens the same fears in the choreographers of power as it did 100 years ago. And after an encouraging start the count and his new friends come up against more and more obstacles.
La revolución de la Sra. Ratcliffe
La señora Ratcliffe (Catherine Tate) abandona la tierra de Marks & Spencer para adentrarse en el mundo de Marx y Lenin. La revolución de la señora Ratcliffe es una divertidísima comedia inglesa que sigue a una peculiar familia desde la Inglaterra de 1968 a la helada Alemania del Este y su regreso a casa. El señor Ratcliffe (Iain Glen) lucha por su causa, pero su mujer lucha por sus singulares hijas: una adolescente diosa del sexo y una espía comunista de 12 años. ¿Podrá el señor Ratcliffe dejar de lado sus ideales para volver enamorarse de su renovada y valiente esposa?
Production Manager
During a film course lead by Yvette Biro at the Hungarian Academy of Drama and film in 1995, the director students were shown a black-and-white photo taken by Lucien Herve in 1952, and they were given the task of writing a short film based on it. Three women are standing at the outskirts of a village, looking out of the picture in the same direction. This six-minute one-shot film shows what the Herve photo does not.