Bruno Štampalija


The Match
First Assistant Director
Inspirado en hechos reales de la primavera de 1944, cuando los nazis organizaron un partido de fútbol entre un equipo de reclusos del campo y un equipo nazi de élite en el cumpleaños de Adolf Hitler. Un partido que los prisioneros están decididos a ganar, pase lo que pase.
El ángel de la muerte
Second Assistant Director
Copenhague, Dinamarca, 1951. El investigador criminal Anders Olsen sigue el caso de un ladrón de bancos que, según los testigos presenciales, parece haber actuado bajo algún tipo de trance.
All Inclusive
Second Assistant Director
A trip to Croatia to celebrate Inger's 60th birthday. The whole thing sounded like a great idea until Inger caught her husband having an affair. When the plane takes off for Split the depressed Inger and her two daughters, much too sensible Malin (35) and chaotic Tove (32) are on board. Tove has to struggle to be included in Inger and Malin's circle, the sister's rivalry over their mother is so strong it quickly escalates into a competition of who can comfort Inger the best.
Canary Black
Second Assistant Director
Top level CIA agent Avery Graves who is blackmailed by terrorists into betraying her own country to save her kidnapped husband. Cut off from her team, she turns to her underworld contacts to survive and help locate the coveted intelligence that the kidnappers want.