Vladimiro and Brunilde are grappling with the disappearance of Nando, the head of the family. The sad event brought together the human family of Luna, daughter of Nando, and the monstrous one of her husband Adalberto. Humans, vampires, witches, werewolves and ghosts will find themselves in the throes of a new monstrous marriage...
Students Adalberto and Luna meet and fall in love. Far from home, they can't get to know each other's family. This has to change once Luna gets pregnant. Adalberto first paints such an unflattering portrait of them that Luna says: "you talk as if they were monsters ". Little does she know.
A middle-aged man finds out his late mother was sponsoring a Brazilian girl who has now become a beautiful model.
During a séance with some friends, divorced carny Gualtiero successfully conjures the spirit of Marilyn Monroe — although he's the only one who can see her. With Marilyn's help, he tries to win back his wife, who left him for a lion tamer, and his teen daughter.
A pesar del sufrimiento que le causa a Geppetto, Pinocho emprende un viaje para conocerse a sí mismo, durante el cual tendrá que enfrentarse a diversos peligros: lo perseguirán unos asesinos, se verá convertido en un burro, formará parte de un circo ambulante y será engullido por un inmenso tiburón. Finalmente, los remordimientos y el sentimiento de culpa harán que vuelva con Geppetto, aunque quizá ya sea demasiado tarde. Pinocho es la eterna y emotiva historia de un niño que aprende a ser hijo y de un hombre que aprende a ser padre.
Mariano has been married for 10 years with Miranda, a woman way out of his league. Their small-town life is disrupted by womanizing photographer Andrea, who — struck by her good looks — offers Miranda a one-time modelling job. Albeit hesitant, the couple eventually accepts his invitation to the Seychelles...
Divorced high school PE teacher Gilberto falls in love with Margherita, unaware that she is the mother of Paolina, a student that has been sending him "I love you" notes written in every language in the world.
Un técnico de efectos especiales que está en Isquia por trabajo conoce a una mujer fascinante que cambia su cínica opinión sobre el amor... pero las apariencias engañan.
In Sicily, in a time not yet forgotten, in the heart of a small secluded town populated by cicadas, ticks and venomous snakes, that which made a man a real man was not riches or power, but his honor. He had to defend his dignity against insults and village gossip. It took little to stoke the fire once lit, and no one was immune. One of the worst humiliations a man can suffer was to have an adulterous wife. A man so disgraced would bear the mark of shame, with all eyes of the community upon him. It was said that "his horns were sticking out" for all to see.
After his father's death, elementary school teacher Leopoldo discovers he has to share the inheritance with a half-brother he didn't know existed: hustler and small-time crook Melchiorre, currently in jail.
Claudia is your typical thirtysomething urban woman going through a life crisis. She is a hypochondriac with a stressful job and a boring partner. Her unlikely saviour is none other than her mother, a former hippie who gives her an amulet that belonged to her great-grandmother.
Assistant Sound Editor
Tras la caída del comunismo, los albaneses sueñan con un futuro mejor y confían en la generosidad de la vecina Italia, pero la realidad dista mucho de sus sueños. Algunos de ellos son contratados por Gino (Enrico Lo Verso) y Fiore (Michele Placido), dos empresarios italianos que acaban de comprar una antigua fábrica de zapatos con la única intención de hacer dinero rápido a costa de los inmigrantes. Sin embargo, una serie de circunstancias hacen que uno de ellos conozca en carne propia el drama de la inmigración. (FILMAFFINITY)
Assistant Editor
Aventuras y desventuras de un grupo de vividores que con el tiempo se ve mermado, bien por la muerte de unos o por el encarcelamiento de otros. Tras salir de prisión, Tiberio jura no volver a delinquir y está dispuesto a rehacer su vida, pero cuando regresa a su casa se encuentra con que las cosas ya no son como antes.
Assistant Editor
Inspirada en la conocida novela de Luigi Pirandello "El difunto Matias Pascal". El protagonista, a quien todos dan por muerto en su pueblo, viaja a Montecarlo y gana una considerable suma de dinero jugando a la ruleta, situación que aprovechará para cambiar de identidad y empezar una nueva vida recorriendo Europa. Años más tarde, hastiado de una vida que lo obliga al aislamiento, regresará a su pueblo natal.