Zoltán, a young electrician, lives in Komárno, a town on the border of Hungary and Slovakia. His simple, carefree life suddenly changes, when he is accidentally hit by a car and almost killed. He dreams of a guardian angel who grants him a new lease on life on one condition: in three days, he has to improve the lives of at least three other inhabitants of this town that long ago forgot how to be happy. Thus begins Zoltán's incredible journey.
A wonderful dark tale of coming of age in a country in transformation - then Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia) in 1990s. Against the backdrop of a regime change and general crisis of basic values, a young man is finding his way into adult life. Playing a part in a love (hate?) triangle he does not fully understand until the conclusion, he desperately tries to make sense of the unpredictable behavior of the other two main characters which is linked to the secrets lurking in their past. All this while he is not sure about his own role in a world where yesterday's truths mean nothing today. Brilliant actors in a brilliant film that even gives you a glimpse of hope at the end.