François Guillaume


Los buenos profesores
Sound Recordist
François Cluzet (Intocable, Pequeñas mentiras sin importancia), Adèle Exarchopoulos (La vie d’Adèle, Passages) y Vincent Lacoste protagonizan esta reivindicación de la profesión de la educación y su papel como pilar fundamental de cualquier sociedad. A través de un sobresaliente trabajo de interpretación coral que dan vida a un grupo diverso de docentes, nos ofrece un retrato realista de los profesionales que nos acompañan desde nuestra infancia poniendo especial énfasis en los valores que forjan la vocación de maestro.
Crash Test Aglaé
Sound Engineer
Aglaé, a young factory worker, has only one focus in life: her job at a car crash test site. When she learns that the factory is going to be relocated abroad, she accepts, to everyone's surprise, to go to India in order to hold on to her job. Accompanied by two colleagues, she sets out on a perilous road trip to the other side of the world.
Correspondências cuenta la historia de dos poetas protugueses de la segunda década del pasado siglo, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen y Jorge Sena, que se intercambian cartas, ya que el segundo de ellos se encuentra en el exilio.
Green Paradise
Lucas, a young sociologist, finds in his home village two friends, Isabelle and Simon. Discovering that they almost got married ten years earlier, he sets out to bring them together again. However, Isabelle is in fact falling in love with Lucas. Written by
The Moonless Night
"In The Moonless Night, the whole of Albania seems to head for the coast by train in order to emigrate to the West. So too is 16-year-old Rudina and her strict and secretive grandfather, who have left their village with that aim in mind. In the train, Rudina meets Gjergj, who is on his way with his friend Millo. The grandfather tries at all costs to keep the two away from each other, but is left powerless in the train when Rudina and Gjergj miss the train at the station. As they continue their journey on foot, they get to know each other better. When they reach the beach, the local Mafia is busy organising the smuggling of people and goods. When the train travellers arrive there too, it slowly becomes clear how much Rudina's grandfather tries to hide about his past and why he doesn't want the two young people to be together." - IFFR
Amantes Criminales
Sound Engineer
Érase una vez una chica llamada Alice, que vivía en los suburbios. A esta preciosa chica le gustaba jugar, a juegos de seducción, a juegos de violencia. Un día Alice decide matar a Saïd, un guapo compañero de clase. Pero ella no puede hacerlo sola. Así que Alice manipula a su ingenuo novio Luc para que cometa el crimen a sangre fría, como prueba de su amor. No fue tan fácil como Alice pensaba. Los asesinatos pueden ser confusos y agotadores. Alice pensaba que lo tenía todo totalmente planificado, pero la vida de un verdadero asesino puede estar cargada de muchas dificultades y pronto descubrirán que la vida no es un cuento de hadas.
Laurent hasn't seen his father since the age of two. His father has just had an accident. He almost died. Laurent refuses to go see this father who always acted as if he didn't exist. Julie, his girlfriend, tries to convince him.
À l'ombre des grands baobabs
A César nominated short drama about a mother, her daughter and her fiancé who live in a remote woodland cottage and of the days before their wedding.
Sound Designer
On her birthday, Juliette is too upset to worry about the strange cleaner who imitates her every move and lusts after her clothing.
A young woman attending a conference in Tangier with her husband is kidnapped and raped, but rebuilds her relationship with her husband on a trip to the south of Morocco.
El vestido de verano
Boom Operator
Es verano. Sébastien canta el "Bang Bang" de Sheila en la terraza. Su novio Luc, avergonzado, escapa a la playa, donde conoce a una turista española, Lucía.