Amadeo: a mysteriously restless and indefatigable man as if always sensing brevity of the time he had left. An artist out of definition, whose painting questions the painting itself, indomitable, scandalous and misunderstood. For being «Infinitely» according Almada, is someone who never had the time within him. How many lives are there in Amadeo de Souza Cardoso’s brief life?
In 1974, after years of civil war, the Portuguese and their descendants fled the colony of Angola where independentist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a young Portuguese soldier. Meanwhile, another group of Portuguese soldiers is barracked inside an infinite wall from which they will have to escape once the past comes out of the grave to claim its long-awaited justice.
On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal
It is 1979. Four young ladies are hired to form a girl band. They can sing, they shine with their dancing, and they shock the country. They become a big hit. They are DOCE.
En un país europeo en crisis, Portugal, un director se propone construir ficciones a partir de la miserable realidad que le rodea. Pero incapaz de encontrar sentido a su trabajo, huye de manera cobarde, dejando su lugar a la bella Sherezade. Ella necesitará ánimo y coraje para no aburrir al Rey con las tristes historias de ese país. Con el transcurrir de las noches, la inquietud deja paso a la desolación, y la desolación al encantamiento. Por eso Sherezade organiza las historias en tres entregas. Comienza así: "Oh venturoso Rey, fui conocedora de que en un triste país...". Libre adaptación de 'Las mil y una noches' ambientada en el Portugal de hoy, y dividida en tres películas. (FILMAFFINITY)