Carlos Ibáñez Díaz


Sound Mixer
Surrounded by social and political chaos in Lima during the summer of 1992, Lucia, Aurora, and their mother, Elena, plan to leave and seek opportunities in the United States. Their farewell involves reconnecting with their estranged father, Carlos, adding turbulence to the regrets, hopes, and fears of their emotional departure.
Colombine finally wants to know who her father is. But her mother vehemently refuses to tell her. With the help of Mathilde the greengrocer, Colombine obtains a magic potion that transports the 13-year-old several months back in time to the "Fête des Vignerons" wine festival in Vevey. There, Colombine must summon up all her courage to uncover the secret of her father.
El Agua
Es verano en un pequeño pueblo del sureste de España. Una tormenta amenaza con volver a desbordar el río que lo atraviesa. Una vieja creencia popular afirma que algunas mujeres están predestinadas a desaparecer con cada nueva inundación porque tienen "el agua adentro". Ana (Luna Pamies) vive con su madre (Bárbara Lennie) y con su abuela (Nieve de Medina) en una casa a la que el resto del pueblo mira con suspicacia. En medio de la atmósfera eléctrica que precede a la lluvia, Ana conoce a José (Alberto Olmo) a la vez que lucha por aventar a los fantasmas.
Hijos del viento
Between 2002 and 2010, more than 10,000 civilians were killed by the Colombian army and thrown into mass graves—with the aim of demonstrating the success of the offensive against the FARC. Felipe Monroy offers a voice to the families of the victims of this unpunished state crime, thereby creating a heartrending film that stands against the worst crime of all: oblivion.
A Swiss village, Elisabeth, 17, returns home from the convent after learning of her sister's mysterious death. Reunited with her three childhood friends she discovers that faith and desire can sometimes be intertwined.
Silencio radio
Mexico, March 2015. Carmen Aristegui, incorruptible journalist, has been fired from the radio station where she has worked for years. Supported by more than 18 million listeners, Carmen continues her fight. Her goal: raising awareness and fighting against misinformation. The film tells the story of this quest: difficult and dangerous, but essential to the health of democracy. A story in which resistance becomes a form of survival.
The Jarariju Sisters
Viviana and Yandris weave red and yellow yarn into bags. In the distance we hear the hammering of machines, the wail of sirens and the thunder of explosions.
Ambassade questions the role of diplomatic relations and territorial representation. Through the prism of the American hostage crisis in Iran between 1979 and 1981, this film focuses on Switzerland’s role as an intermediary in resolving this international conflict. Pascal Décosterd was a young Swiss diplomat sent to Tehran in 1979. Today, recently retired, he is embarking on a journey to try to understand the events of which he was one of the actors. Flavio Meroni was number 2 of the Swiss Embassy in Iran, today he is writing a book on negotiations to free the hostages. In their company we visit places in the United States, Iran and Switzerland, we meet the protagonists and retrace the different stages of these three years that shaped a new global balance. Behind the scenes of these events, where small and great history mingle, Ambassade offers insights into the importance of the human being at the heart of major diplomatic mechanisms.
After the death of her grandmother, filmmaker Juliana Fanjul has to return to Mexico City, where she realizes how unfair is the relationship between housemaids and their employees.
Jean Ziegler: The Optimism of Willpower
Sound Mixer
In 1964, Che Guevara asked the young Jean Ziegler to stay in Switzerland to fight in the "Monster brain" capitalist. Since then, Jean Ziegler nerve stops fighting against injustices as a public writer, a speaker and as a Kofi Annan collaborator. During a trip to Cuba, his ideas are challenged by what he discover on the island.
Jean Ziegler: The Optimism of Willpower
Sound Editor
In 1964, Che Guevara asked the young Jean Ziegler to stay in Switzerland to fight in the "Monster brain" capitalist. Since then, Jean Ziegler nerve stops fighting against injustices as a public writer, a speaker and as a Kofi Annan collaborator. During a trip to Cuba, his ideas are challenged by what he discover on the island.
Pedro M, 1981
Madrid. Una mujer está buscando a su padre, al que nunca conoció. Pedro Martín, un cámara español, filmó el intento de golpe de estado del 23 de febrero de 1981. En busca de su padre, la hija del cámara conoce a gente perseguida por las imágenes del pasado.
Fragment 53
Sound Editor
Fragment 53 is a feature-length documentary film on war considered in its necessary and universal dimension, faced both as an actual and archetypical event.
La Buena Vida - The Good Life
Location Sound Recordist
The village of Tamaquito lies deep in the forests of Colombia. Here, nature provides the people with everything they need. But the Wayúu community's way of life is being destroyed by the vast and rapidly growing El Cerrejón coal mine. Determined to save his community from forced resettlement, the leader Jairo Fuentes negotiates with the mine's operators, which soon becomes a fight to survive.
Out of Sight
Sound Mixer
Thirty female prisoners share the convicts’ ward of Tuilière Prison at Lonay. More than half of them have one or more children being raised elsewhere: with a sister, in a foster family, or – further away still – in their countries of origin. In portraying some of these women, the film sheds light on these mothers and the bond that ties them to their children.
Sound Designer
Prora, Rügen Island, Mar bático. Un complejo de vacaciones nazi y un campamento militar comunista. Jan, un tímido adolescente alemán, pasa sus vacaciones con su amigo Matthieu, un francés autoproclamado machote mujeriego. Los dos amigos se embarcan en un juego erótico que pone en riesgo su amistad. Intentarán escapar pero se perderán en Prora, un laberinto de estancias y corredores.
Les années Schwarzenbach
Sound Mixer
Oil Rocks: City Above the Sea
Sound Editor
Témoin indésirable
Sound Engineer
This documentary offers a complex portrait of Hollman Morris, the Colombian war journalist whose multiple award-winning news show Contravía is one of the few local current-affairs programs that refuses to pander to President Alvaro Uribe's staunchly authoritative government. While most television viewers in Columbia opt for variety shows and soap operas, citizens in search of suppressed truths tune in to Contravía to hear the latest news about forced disappearances, secret mass graves, and various other atrocities taking place all across the countryside. But when you live and work in the country that Reporters Without Borders claims is one of the most dangerous places in Latin America for a journalist to work, denouncing human rights abuses can be a dangerous game. Yet despite the danger to both himself and his family, Morris remains convinced that the situation in Columbia will never been improved if outspoken media figures like himself simply disappear into exile.
An elegy to a teacher in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. A film about longing and loss.