Yurei Yanagi

Yurei Yanagi

Nacimiento : 1963-04-08, Hiroshima, Japan


Yurei Yanagi (柳 憂怜) is a Japanese actor.  He's also been credited as Masahiko Ono (小野 昌彦).


Yurei Yanagi
Yurei Yanagi
Yurei Yanagi


The Butterfly Collector: The Red Room
A former high school teacher Sugiura lost everything when he was caught, peeping photos of his favorite student and living a degenerate life. One day, a girl named Rumi, wearing high school uniform, appears in front of Sugiura. They are immediately drowns in lust and Rumi crashes into Sugiura's apartment. Gradually, Sugiura becomes obsessed with Rumi and tie her down. When Sugiura's dark desire to leave her in a beautiful, young appearance forever, and Rumi's deep feeling towards Sugiura crosses, they head towards a beautiful but sad ending.
Un poco de música nocturna
Kunihiko Kurume
Sato es un hombre soltero de 27 años. Está esperando un momento dramático en su vida que lo llevará al amor. Trabaja en una empresa de investigación de mercado. Un día, le pide a un transeúnte frente a la estación Sendai que complete un cuestionario. Le cuesta encontrar participantes dispuestos. Una mujer con un traje negro acepta responder el cuestionario. Sato ve la letra "shampu" en su mano... ¿es este el destino?
Japanese Girls Never Die
Jiro Tsugawa
While a gang of high school girls randomly beats lone men at night, the photo of a young woman who has been declared missing is used to design a template which is painted on each wall of a small suburban town.
Okinawa Days: Kitano's Second Debut
Interviews with the people who worked on Beat Takeshi Kitano's second film: Boiling Point (3x4 Jugatsu), released in 1990 : Masayuki Mori (Producer and Manager) and Yurei Yanagi (Actor).
The Crawler In The Attic
Private detective Kogoro (Kouta Kusano) receives a request from Naoko (Yuki Mamiya). She is the daughter of a family that runs a large hosital. Naoko wants private detective Kogoro to investigate her fiance Endo (Yasushi Fuchikami) and whether he is having an affair with university student Teruko (Noriko Kijima).
Family Court Probation Officer, Akira Yamanobo
Takanori Fujinami
Tokyo Family Court judicial research official Akira Yamanobo is in charge of Tetsuo and Ayano Katase's divorce arbitration. Ayano, the wife, who works for a boutique company, insists her husband is involved with another woman. Supported by her employer Kotomi Saegusa, the company president, she demands a divorce as soon as possible. On the other hand, her husband Tetsuo, a trading professional, denies having a relationship with a woman. He says he will not agree to the divorce and does not plan to let his only son Kenta go, so the arbitration continues. According to Akira's investigation, Ayano gave birth to Kenta as a single mother five years ago when she was working as a hospital clerk, making him Tetsuo's stepson. Tetsuo loves Kenta as his own child, so Akira doesn't understand why Ayano is so insistent on getting a divorce. However, Tetsuo's insistence on not giving up custody of his stepson Kenta is also very unusual.
Ghost Theater
Sara, es una joven actriz, capaz de llevar el peso de un papel protagonista en una obra de teatro. Rápidamente, se da cuenta que algo o alguien quiere acabar con la producción a toda costa, algo que la pondrá seriamente en peligro.
Dear Deer
When Fujio, Yoshio and Akiko were children, they saw a fantastic "Ryoumou Deer," but nobody believed them. The three siblings lived in a mountain village.
Omnibus film that tells five stories from a radio station and its listeners.
The Complex
Una joven estudiante a enfermería, Asuka, se traslada junto con sus padres y su nuevo hermano a un nuevo inmueble. Pero, ya la primera noche, Asuka se despertará al escuchar un extraño sonido, como de uñas escarvando, que viene del piso contiguo. Al investigar, descubrirá a un anciano muerto por malnutrición que aparentemente se encontraba escarvando la pared con sus uñas para invadir su dormitorio.
Good-bye Debussy
Tetsuya Katsuki
16-year-old Haruka lost the people she loved the most in a fire. Haruka is also physically and emotionally wounded from the fire, but she still dreams of becoming a pianist. She takes part in an upcoming competition. Inauspicious incidents then occur around her. Musical student Yosuke, who teaches piano to Haruka, tries to solve the case.
The Little Girl in Me
After Kensuke graduated from college, he began to work at a company. He didn't get along with his co-workers and six months later quit his job. Since that time he has stayed in his home for 5 years. One day, Kensuke learns about men who enjoy dressing up as women through the internet. At first he feels uncomfortable about them, but he becomes interested in those men. He begins to exchange emails with cross-dresser Karen who has a charismatic personality.
Cold Bloom
Yoshio Tachibana
Industrial Hitachi City is the location for this post-3.11 drama. Still recovering from the tsunami, Shiori receives news of her husband’s accidental death, which marks the start of a personal recovery that mirrors the town’s for Shiori as well as forgiveness of surviving coworker Takumi.
Una misteriosa nube de origen alienígena cubre la mitad norte de Japón, transformando a todo aquel que la inhale en un zombie devorador de carne fresca dispuesto a acabar con la raza humana. Inmersa en el más absoluto caos, Japón se encuentra dividida en dos partes, la mitad sur del país, donde la población, protegida por un gran muro, parece estar a salvo del mortífero gas; y la zona norte, plagada de zombies. Las fuerzas políticas no saben cómo responder a esta situación, la economía se resiente, y la nación japonesa parece haber perdido toda esperanza. Sin embargo dicha esperanza llega de la mano de Kika, una preciosa colegiala armada de una sierra mecánica cuya energía procede de un corazón artificial. Reclutada por el gobierno y al mando de un grupo de mercenarios, Kika se embarga en una misión secreta que consiste en penetrar el la zona zombi, exterminar a su reina Rikka, y poner punto y final a la plaga zombie…
Gothic & Lolita Psycho
Jiro (Yuki's Dad)
Yuki es una joven que busca venganza después de presenciar el asesinato de su madre el día de su cumpleaños. Ayudada por su padre y, convertida en una Gothic Lolita, no descansará hasta que los culpables paguen su deuda. ¿Quién mató a su madre? ¿Cuál es la verdad y el propósito que su padre conoce? Su terrible destino está a punto de suceder y tendrá que lidiar con la muerte.
Lost Love Murder
Shuuichi (Miyako's husband)
Shuichi Minamida lives comfortably on the proceeds of his father's legacy, but he struggles with the idea that his beautiful wife, Moyako, no longer loves him. One day he confesses his worries to Kotoura, his dentist. Kotoura summons the Akechi detective agency and asks them to investigate his friend's wife, Miyako. Fumiyo Akechi takes the case and begins her investigation. She soon notices that something strange is going on between Miyako and the dentist. This observation leads to a tragic ending which none of those involved could ever imagine.
Silver Rain
Woman-Killer in Oil Hell
Starting with director Gosha Hideo's version in 1992, the puppet theater of Chikamatsu Monzaemon has been made into a film on countless occasions. The actor Sakagami Shinobu wrote and directed this version. This new interpretation focuses on a woman who played a minor role in the original version, and features a bold performance from former pin-up model Fujikawa Nozomi. Yohee (Yasuda Shingo), son and heir of the store Kawachiya, runs up huge debts due to his obsession with the prostitute Okiku (Fujikawa). Told by her husband Chizaemon, Okichi (Yamada Kinuwo) goes to condemn Yohee. On her way back home, Okiku laughs and mocks her, which Okichi finds sexually exciting.
The Code
For 60 years, the group of detectives known as "Detective Office 5" has raised the bar for detective work. The agents of Detective Office 5 are a group of stellar detectives lead by the genius code breaker Detective 507. When an unknown client enlists 507 to crack his most difficult programming code yet, the detective embarks for Shanghai where he crosses paths with a sniper, an informant, the head of the Blue-Dragon Mafia, and beautiful singer on the run, Meilan. As 507 stumbles deeper into a twisted quagmire of intrigue he discovers the sad truth behind the mystery.
The Slit-Mouthed Woman 0: The Beginning
The Slit-Mouthed Woman 0: The Beginning
Aquiles y la Tortuga
Young Machisu
La obsesión de un joven con el arte lo deja sin un centavo hasta que su esposa alejada lo ayuda.
Ghost Zombie
Straight-to-DVD horror release from "Kushisake Onna" director Koji Shiraishi. A taxi driver who lives only for the idol Mika Enno accidently runs over a heretic folklorist named Hirano. Film stars Chise Nakamura and Nocchi.
Japón, hace 250 años. Un prestamista es asesinado por un cruel samurái que hace desaparecer el cadáver en el río. Veinticinco años más tarde, el destino hace que se crucen los caminos del hijo del samurái y la hija del prestamista que, ajenos al trágico pasado que les une, se enamoran. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ghost vs. Alien 03
A two-part feature directed separately by Shimizu and his colleague Keisuke Toyoshima. Unrelated to each other, both have a common goal: to bring ghosts and aliens together in pure, referential and absurdistic delirium, including neo-Nazi specters, zombie yakuzas and nasty aliens.
Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman
Detective Kubo
Cuenta la leyenda que hace 30 años, un vecindario fue aterrorizado por el espíritu de una mujer cuyo horrible rostro había sido grotescamente desfigurado. Andando por las calles con un abrigo largo y unas enormes tijeras, el espíritu se acercaba a sus jóvenes víctimas y, mientras se descubría el rostro, preguntaba si ella era hermosa. La respuesta de la víctima casi siempre conducía a una muerte violenta.
Look of Love
Police Officer
A young man is unable to have relations with the girls he likes. A pimp meets him after having a strange experience and they are althogether on a bizarre ride through a gloomy and disconnected Tokyo.
Ju-rei: The Uncanny
Juku-kôshi Kasahara
Japanese school girls die violently after seeing a man wearing a black hood.
Biopic of ceramic artist Hazan Itaya (1872-1963).
The Suicide Manual 2: Intermediate Stage
There has been a surge in the number of people killing themselves; a mysterious DVD is found on the bodies of the victims... Nozomi falls under the spell of a deadly cult. Yousuke, the policeman she is dating, soon realizes that the cult has something to do with the DVD. Then one day all trace of the group disappear--along with Nozomi.
Last Scene
Young film star Ken Mihara is about to fall from stardom. His rise as a celebrity is solely credited to his onscreen counterpart, Keiko, who recently announced her retirement from acting in order to get married. Feeling frustrated and helpless, Ken turns to alcohol as he begins to provoke fights, attempts to lure a girl into bed, and argues with his wife, who came to visit him at the studio. All she says is thank you and leaves Ken puzzled. Ken Mihara, once a budding young star, takes a job as an extra. Although he's past his prime, he still manages to infuse a young filmmaker with the motivation to pursue her dreams as a director.
Asako con zapatos color rubí
Young Cameraman
Entre Japón y Corea, Tokio y Seúl, dos personas llevan vidas paralelas: U-In es un funcionario que trabaja en el departamento de reciclaje y recolección de basura del Ayuntamiento. El reciclaje es de por vida, al igual que su trabajo. Aya es una estudiante que lucha por adaptarse a la edad adulta mientras estudia para sus exámenes de ingreso a la universidad. Habiendo perdido recientemente a su abuela y admirando el suicidio de su abuelo al contener la respiración, comienza a fantasear con quitarse la vida. Para esto necesita dinero. U-In es un solitario, con una indiferencia palpable hacia su trabajo y su vida en general. Recurre a Internet en busca de compañía. Aya también recurre a Internet, publicándose en un sitio de contactos personales y cambiando su nombre a Asako. De alguna manera se encuentran tanto en línea como fuera de línea.
Ju-on 2 (La maldición 2)
Shunsuke Kobayashi
El fantasma de Kayako sigue al acecho. Tatsuya Suzuki, un agente de bienes raíces, le pide a su hija Kyouko que vaya a la casa en la que Kayako y Kobayashi fueron asesinados (y donde también se produjo la desaparición de la familia Murakami). Kyouko logra ver el fantasma de Kayako y esto le da motivo para iniciar su propia investigación sobre los hechos, llegando a la conclusión que Kayako fue muerta en la casa de Kobayashi. Tatsuya vende la casa encantada al matrimonio de los Kitada.
Ju-on (La maldición)
Shunsuke Kobayashi
Primera de las adaptaciones de Takashi Shimizu sobre la historia de la maldición (ju-on), que se editó en video. Ju-On es la maldición del que muere presa de la rabia. Ésta se concentra y actúa en los lugares donde vivió la persona. Los que la encuentran mueren y nace una nueva maldición. El pequeño Toshió no va a clase últimamente, por eso su profesor Mr. Kobayashi decide ir a su casa. Toshio está solo, en medio de un caos total. Sus padres no están y el profesor asume que han salido de compras. Pero en esta casa hay más de lo que se ve a simple vista. Esta familia no es exactamente lo que llamaríamos una familia normal.
Akira's wife walks out on him, leaving him to confide in his gangster brother-in-law. Using only a cryptic note as a clue the two brothers go on a road trip to find his wife. After a series of violent encounters with strangers, Akira meets a prostitute. The pair start a relationship. After Akira finds his wife, he questions whether he still wants to be with her.
The ring 2 (El círculo 2)
Una mujer está investigando la misteriosa muerte de su novio, cuando le llegan los rumores de una cinta de video maldita según la cual toda aquella persona que la ve muere una semana después. La pista la lleva hacia la ex esposa del fallecido y a su hijo, pero hay un problema: están desaparecido
La senda de la serpiente
Después de que su hija de 8 años sea raptada y asesinada, el yakuza Miyashita (Teruyaki Kagawa) busca venganza. A él se le une un misterioso personaje (Sho Aikawa) con el fin de ayudarle.
An Obsession
Police detective Sosuke is shot down while chasing down a suspect. While he is unconscious, his gun is stolen. He recovers, but loses his wife and resigns from the police force. All of a sudden, his lost gun used in a series of crimes.
Hana-Bi: Flores de fuego
Chef #1
Un policía llamado Nishi (Takeshi Kitano) se enfrenta a la enfermedad terminal de su esposa, al drama de un compañero que ha quedado parapléjico en una redada y a un grupo de mafiosos que le siguen la pista.
Dangan Runner
An unemployed man trying to steal from a convenience store, and the store clerk catches him in the act. the thief runs away with the store-clerk right after him. All the while, the store clerk is in trouble with a low-rank yakuza. Along the chase for the thief, they catch the eye of the Yakuza who's been looking for the convenience store clerk.
Tokiwa: The Manga Apartment
Teruo Tanasita
There still stands a famous apartment building where such prominent manga artists as Tezuka Osamu, Shotaro Ishinomori and Fujio Akatsuka once lived, worked, and shared experiences.
Don't Look Up
Toshio Murai
On the set of a dark war time drama at an old movie studio, a young director, Toshio Murai, is trying to complete his debut film. The two starring actresses, Hitomi Kurokawa and Saori Murakami, play sisters in his film. Murai has a crush on Hitomi, the seasoned leading actress, and keeps a photo of her by his bed. The younger and less experienced actress, Saori, is annoying and likes to have recess on the set. The production of the movie is consistently interrupted by strange occurrences and the cast and crew begin to get spooked.
Immoral: Indecent Relationship
Getting Any?
Una comedia de payasadas, sobre un tonto hombre de mediana edad que está obsesionado con la idea de tener sexo en el automóvil. Mientras persigue su 'sueño', hace todos los movimientos incorrectos posibles y termina inscribiéndose en una serie de locas escapadas.
Waiting for the Flood
A young asthmatic man learns he has magical powers.
Boiling Point
Dos miembros de un equipo de baseball junior se ven mezclados con la yakuza local. Después de que su entrenador sea herido por ellos, los dos chicos se van a Okinawa para hacerse con un arma y vengarse. Allí, los dos jóvenes se hacen amigos de un psicótico yakuza retirado llamado Uehara (Kitano), que tiene una deuda pendiente con la yakuza, por lo que no duda en acompañar a los dos chicos a Tokio y enfrentarse con la mafia japonesa. (FILMAFFINITY)