Dr. Hutter
Can twin sisters sense each other? In any case, Marie feels Amelie. While the one sister is already on her way home from their birthday party, Marie, who stayed longer, suddenly collapses on the dance floor. That night, Amelie never arrives home and disappears without a trace. Her friend Jonas alerts the police the next morning, worried that something must have happened. Chief Inspector Ingo Thiel immediately begins the investigation, but for the time being he and his SOKO team are groping in the dark: no witnesses, no enemies, just an earring found in the park. But then Marie notices that something is missing from the couple's apartment: a striking patchwork blanket that Marie had given her sister. Thiel is certain: Jonas is hiding something. So does he have something to do with the disappearance of his girlfriend?
Pfarrer Wiegand
Precuela de la trilogía Heimat que Edgar Reitz realizo para televisión en 1984, 1993 y 2004 en donde sigue la historia de Alemania en el siglo XX a través de un ficticio pueblo alemán. Esta película está ambientada en mediados del siglo 19 y sigue a la familia Hunsrück que busca escapar de la pobreza y el hambre empezando una nueva vida en Brasil. Dividida en dos partes: Home From Home (107 minutos) y Chronicle of a Vision (128 minutos) (FILMAFFINTY)