Bengt Svedberg


The Health Journey
Production Design
The film is about the health resort Granhedsgården in Dalarna, Sweden, and they have a problem. They don't have many guests at all and something must be done. At the same time, Stig-Helmer is a little depressed after his girlfriend has left him, and so he lives on junk food. His best friend Ole invites him to come along to the health resort Granhedsgården. Now, the craziness begins.
The Well
Set Decoration
This very serious drama, based on a true incident, explores the unremitting labor which put a young mother living in rural isolation into the situation of being charged with having thrown her children down a well. Her husband is an unimaginative, work-obsessed man who cannot see that her constant hard work without any support or sympathy from anyone is driving the sensitive woman to consider suicide. When the loutish fellow discovers that his wife and three children are missing, he calls the police, and a manhunt begins. The police discover the oldest boy alive, and find that the mother tried to drown herself, but has survived. The two younger children remained missing.
The Serpent's Way
A salesman and his son sexually abuse the generations of women of a poor family as payment for debt. Janni must see his mother, sister, niece and wife all being exploited, and the family grow bigger with the abuser's kids.
Mientras su familia se reúne para celebrar su cumpleaños, el periodista Alexander se siente angustiado por la desoladora falta de espiritualidad que caracteriza al mundo contemporáneo. Sus peores temores se confirman cuando, durante la fiesta, llega la noticia de un inminente conflicto nuclear: la Tercera Guerra Mundial. El final, definitivo e irreversible, está cerca. En ese momento están con él su angustiada esposa, sus dos hijos, un amigo médico y un peculiar cartero, que lo convence de que una de sus criadas es una bruja que tiene el poder de salvar al mundo mediante un último sacrificio.
Ronia, The Robber's Daughter
Set Decoration
Ronya vive feliz en el castillo de su padre hasta que se encuentra con un nuevo compañero de juegos, Birk, en el bosque oscuro cercano. Los dos exploran el desierto, desafiando a peligrosos Witchbirds y Rump-Gnomes. Pero cuando sus familias descubren que Birk y Ronja han estado jugando juntos, les prohíben volver a verse. De hecho, sus padres son competidores jefes de ladrones y enemigos amargos. Ahora los dos niños valientes deben intentar derribar las barreras que han mantenido a sus familias separadas durante tanto tiempo.