Mihai Mihăilescu


Dommnișoara Aurica
Makeup Artist
This movie is about the loneliness of an older lady at the end of WWII, in Bucharest. Her mental faculties are declining and she is increasingly living in her own mind.
Călifar's Mill
Makeup Artist
Stoica, a poor man from a small village, asks for Călifar's help to make him rich. Călifar deceives him, offering him only a vision which seems very real for Stoica.
Postcards with Wildflowers
Makeup Artist
Laura (Carmen Galin) comes from a small town on the Danube to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. She is addressing Irina (Elena Albu) and her mother (Eliza Petrachescu) for a miscarriage following her death. Overwhelmed by a blame not belonging to her, Irina suicides.
Los guerreros del imperio
Assistant Makeup Artist
Narra la lucha de los dacios, los primeros rumanos, contra las legiones romanas. El emperador Domiziano y el comandante de las legiones romanas en la Dacia, Furio, quieren el sometimiento total del país, mientras el senador Ezio prefiere la alianza. El asesinato de Ezio por un soldado de Decébalo, rey de los dacios, sirve de justificación para que Roma decida una represión armada.