František Mádl


Lov na mamuta
A young man tries to enter the building of the Mammoth Cybernetic Supermachines Research Institute again and again but each time the doorkeeper spots him and kicks him out. The youth finally arrives with all his friends and a huge live bear from the circus where he works as an accountant. He is finally allowed in where he explains to the members of the directorate that he wants to work at the Institute, since he graduated in cybernetics and, besides, he has invented a machine for forecasting time of death. When the conniving research manager learns that their director is going to die in two days, he hopes to rise to his position.
The Five Sinners
Deváté jméno
Spanilá jízda
Zámek pro Barborku
La trampa del diablo
Siglo XVIII. A una aldea bohemia llega un nuevo párroco que adopta una actitud inquisitorial sobre la vida y costumbres de sus feligreses, tratando de averiguar si en su grey se oculta alguna oveja negra. El elemento discordante resulta ser un maduro molinero, que destaca por saber interpretar los signos de la tierra y del clima.
Where an Alibi Is Not Everything
“A bored housewife, a husband who married her for show, and a stupid boy who is full of himself because he is dating a Swiss woman.” The words of Inspector Tůma sound like they’re from a European melodrama, but in fact they come from a Czechoslovak crime story. A pair of detectives, counterfeit medicine, the high-society setting of a Karlovy Vary hotel, and Oldřich Nový as the aging hotel manager Kraus.
Life for Jan Kaspar
The bridegroom Jan Kaspar is an officer in the Klement Gottwald's Nová Hut rolling-mill. After bidding farewell to his freedom, he accidentally takes a sip from the bottle of tetrachlore which he stores at home. He disregards the dizziness, but the next day, he faints in the factory and has a brain concussion. During her regular tests, doctor Dudková is shocked by a high percentage of residual nitrogen found in Kaspar's blood. Doctor Bohácek, with whom Dudková consults, thinks that it is a liver disease and informs the head physician Filip. The doctors know nothing about tetrachlore and are in the dark about the case. Despite that, they immediately start to fight for Kaspar's life and their struggle consequently affects their personal lives.
Una invención diabólica
Set Decoration
Un malvado millonario llamado Artigas planea utilizar un artefacto explosivo para doblegar a las naciones libres, operando desde un submarino pirata, donde mantiene como prisionero al inventor del explosivo. En uno de sus raids hunde un buque que llevaba a la bella Jana, la hija del profesor, la cual es rescatada y llevada al cuartel general de Artigas, bajo un enorme volcán. Este filme está basado en la novela 'Face au Drapeau', que Jules Verne escribió en 1896. Combinando collage, animación fotograma a fotograma, falsas perspectivas, decorados, miniaturas y sobreimpresiones, Zeman construyó planos de un barroquismo hipnótico que, en una película como Una invención diabólica, dotaron de vida los aguafuertes elaborados por Benette y Riou para los libros de Julio Verne editados por Pierre-Jules Hetzel.
Severní přístav
Way Leading to Happiness
The Trap
Czech drama film.
Distant Journey
Praga, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Hana Kaufmann, una oftalmóloga judía, se casa con el Dr. Antonín Bureš, un hombre cristiano. Cuando su familia es enviada al campo de concentración de Theresienstadt, su romance se convierte en una lucha por la supervivencia.
The Green Notebook
Na dobré stopě
Costume Design
Nobody Knows Anything
Poslední mohykán
Warriors of Faith
Czech history movie.
Man from the Unknown
Costume Design
Venice Film Festival 1940
Kariéra matky Lízalky
pomocný režisér
The Good Soldier Schweik
The Dogheads