Alexey Starchenko

Alexey Starchenko


Alexey Starchenko


Present Future
An uncompromising Russian businessman returns home from Peru. He lost his memory, but acquired a mystical mentor who will help him unravel the chain of events that drove him so far from home.
Lev Yashin The Dream Goalkeeper
TASS photo correspondent
Un niño de la clase trabajadora, como todos sus compañeros, jugaba al fútbol día y noche, y soñaba con ser un delantero. Pero sin importar para qué equipo jugó, en el patio, en la fábrica o en el ejército, inevitablemente se le puso en la portería en el futbol soviético. Se llamaba Lev Yashin (1929 - 1990), conocido en el ambiente futbolistico como "la araña negra Yashin", uno de los mejores porteros, de la historia del futbol.
Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor
During the Civil War in Russia a group of White Guard officers is trying to rescue the family of the tsar Nicholas II captured by Bolsheviks. The officers face betrayal and fight a Red Army detachment sent to eliminate them. It is the Red Army commander against the head of the White Guard group. The only thing that matters is who will be the first to reach the tsar placed under arrest in Yekaterinburg...
All honest
Alex – a simple guy from the outskirts of Moscow, served two years in the army and returned to the "citizen". He always wanted to conquer the capital and become famous. His future, he was connected with the sport fanatically engaged with the school. In sweet dreams he saw a wide and direct road to the glory of the world champion, the red carpet and the Shine of Olympic gold medals. And now the time has come...