Junichi Ôsumi


El samurái espía
Art Direction
Los años de guerra llegan a su fin en un Japón unificado bajo el Shogunato Tokugawa. El espía Sasuke Sarutobi, cansado del conflicto, desea la paz pero otro importante espía llamado Tatewaki Koriyama planea abandonar al shogun por un clan rival, convulsionando el oscuro mundo de los espías.
Lo bello y lo triste
Art Direction
Tiempo atras, Ôki, que está entrando en la mediana edad, tuvo una aventura con Otoko, una chica de 16 años. Se quedó embarazada, pero el niño murió al nacer, y la relación se detuvo en ese instante. Tiempo después, Ôki se convirtió en un famoso escritor, debido a una novela sobre esta historia de amor. Otoko, por su parte, se hizo famosa como pintora. Pero nunca olvidó el doble trauma y se hizo lesbiana. Su estudiante favorita y amada es la bella Keiko. Veinticuatro años después de su historia de amor, Ôki viaja de Tokyo a Kyoto para encontrarse con Otoko. La reunión es educada, escondiendo las sombras emocionales. Keiko tiene un plan: seducir a Ôki, quedarse embarazada, tener el bebé y dárselo a Otoko.
Samurai from Somewhere
Art Direction
Young Lord Takenaka stands to succeed his father until a series of violent actions lead his retainers to think that he has gone mad with blood-lust. Never offering any explanation, he continues his seemingly unprovoked attacks until he is sent away from his domain.
El asesinato
Art Direction
La película cuenta la breve vida de Hachiro Kiyokawa, un ambicioso ronin de finales del siglo XIX japonés. Kiyokawa, un personaje misterioso y experto luchador, se mueve entre las dos facciones enfrentadas (el Shogun y el Emperador) para luchar por sus propios fines.
Samurai from Nowhere
Art Direction
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
Tres samuráis fuera de la ley
Art Direction
Una banda de campesinos secuestra a la hija del magistrado de la aldea, con la esperanza de poder chantajearlo. Se encierran en un molino reclamando mejores condiciones para la vida de los campesinos y obtener una reducción de impuestos. Sakon Shiba, un samurai vagabundo, se gana su confianza y los ayuda en su misión. Pronto se alían con él Sakura y Kikyo, dos otros samurais. Empieza una lucha encarnizada en la que tendrán que hacer frente a todos los enviados del magistrado.
The Image of Mother
Art Direction
A resolute young man searching for his mother, whom he was separated from as a child, defies a family who mistreat the poor and homeless.
Tange Sazen
Art Direction
In 1730, the Tokugawa Shogunate orders the Yagyu Clan to repair a huge shrine. Since it cannot refuse the Shogunate's request, the impoverished Yagyu Clan tries to raise funds by obtaining a sword which holds the key to a wondrous, hidden treasure. After learning the sword's secret, Tange Sazen sides with the Yagyu Clan, but his motive seems to be more than just pure interest in the treasure...
18 Roughs
Art Direction
Experienced shipyard worker Shimazaki gets an offer of free lodging from his employer in the company seaside rest house if he agrees to see to its running. After moving in, Shimazaki finds out that this will also mean taking care of a flock of youngsters, and he soon becomes their none-too-successful warden. At work the boys are disciplined, as soon as they return to their dormitory however they turn into an unmanageable mob.
Twin Sisters of Kyoto
Art Direction
In this Japanese drama, a dry goods merchant's daughter is surprised to discover that she has a twin sister. In rural Japan it was thought that twins bring bad luck, so the sister was abandoned at birth. Later her parents tell her that her sister was kidnapped. The woman doesn't believe this and when she eventually meets her twin, both women are involved in love affairs. The merchant's daughter is seeing an educated fellow. Trouble ensues when she begins suspecting that he may be more interested in her sister.
Amor bajo el crucifijo
Art Direction
La historia básica de "Amor bajo el crucifijo" es sobre Ogin, hija de un maestro del té, ambos cristianos en el Japón feudal. Ogin se enamora de un príncipe feudal, también cristiano que ya está casado, y eso crea problemas. Además, cuando el Shogun prohíbe el cristianismo, la situación empeora.
The Tragedy of Bushido
Art Direction
A 16-year-old youth is ordered to commit ritual suicide to follow his deceased lord into death and preserve the honor of his clan. His elder brother's wife, who has raised him as if he were her own child, asks her husband for permission to spend a single night with the young man and teach him the pleasures of the flesh, out of motherly mercy. However, the following day, an official decree is issued to ban suicide through fidelity...
The Hidden Treasure
Art Direction
Shochiku's commemorative 3000th film production; a suspenseful period drama.