Nikola Rakočević

Nikola Rakočević

Nacimiento : 1983-06-27, Kragujevac, Serbia


Nikola Rakočević is a Serbian actor. His first appearance in front the cameras was in the short film The well-known thing, but his first major roles are in movies Šejtanov Ratnik and Šišanje.


Nikola Rakočević
Nikola Rakočević


Next to You
Set five years on from the school days of director Stevan Filipovic's previous film Next to Me, a state of emergency exists and politicians are accused of capitalising on public anxiety around Covid-19, which makes the shocking situation that reunites the characters significantly more extreme. The story centres on Ksenija (newcomer Mina Nikolic), a driven young woman striving to move from tabloid hack to a career journalist in a world of click-bait headlines and showbiz scandals cooked up to feed the masses. Ksenija's personal and professional journey is hampered when Vera tests positive for Coronavirus and Ksenija must question how far she will bend to survive in a climate where political pressure is increasingly overt and can be said to capitalise on fear during the pandemic.
Priest Dositej
Se lee en las Naciones Unidas la carta de una niña de Kosovo, dedicada a su padre desaparecido, en la que aborda públicamente la difícil vida de los serbios, especialmente de los niños serbios que viven en los enclaves.
Belgrado, 1993. Serbia está en guerra, la gente lo pasa mal por culpa de las sanciones internacionales y la inflación desorbitada, pero cada cual hace lo que puede para sobrevivir. Marijana es la madre que mantiene unida a la familia. Su marido parece que solo levanta la mirada del suelo cuando mira a su hija Minja, que hoy cumple ocho años. En lugar del cocker spaniel que le prometieron por su cumpleaños, le traen el perro de tres patas del vecino para que juegue con él durante el día, y la tarta, en lugar de con mantequilla, ha habido que hacerla con margarina. En el salón de casa, Minja y sus compañeros de clase celebran una fiesta temática sobre las Tortugas Nija. En la cocina se apiñan los adultos.
A Nikola le quitan los hijos después de que los servicios sociales deciden que es demasiado pobre para proporcionarles un entorno de vida digno. Se pone en camino a pie para presentar una denuncia en Belgrado.
ZG80 is a prequel of Metastaze. The movie brings back its characters to prewar Yugoslavia where they, as part of Bad Blue Boys, go on a football match in Belgrade to see Dinamo play against Crvena Zvezda. They encounter guest fans, their arch rivals Delije, in a series of events that lead to football fans war on the streets of Belgrade.
Jana says goodbye to her band members, friends, ex-girlfriend and her family. They all share a feeling of regret saying goodbye to her, but also joy for her bright future in Michigan, where she's going on post graduate studies. Only her sister knows a secret, that Jana is not going away to study, Jana is going away to have her sex change. These are her two days to say goodbye to her life.
Meet Me in Venice
Liza is a young Dutch woman who travels to Venice to meet her Italian father Mauro. Mauro has not seen Liza since she was three years old, when he and Liza’s mother decided to split up. Mauro has traveled the world since as a musician. When Liza is in Venice it turns out there is more in store than just a couple of days in Venice. He takes Liza on a musical voyage along the route of the Orient Express. A trip that will eventually take them to Istanbul.
The Sky Above Us
Belgrade, 1999. People go in and out of cafés, and lively conversation echoes all around. As if no one expects the NATO bombings. As if they never even started. But there is tension nonetheless, behind the eyes of people who suppress their fear at any cost. It is in this time and place that Ana, Sloba and Bojan construct their own sense of normality in order to retain their sanity. Three ways to deal with fear. One random sky above.
Serbia in the Great War
Dragutin Gavrilović
Brief history of Serbian history from the World War I
Teenage assassin sets out on a long voyage to gun down a witness under protection program, who luxuriates in the artificial worlds of Las Vegas.
The Man Who Defended Gavrilo Princip
Rudolf Zistler
When Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand, Austrian future king , the World War I began. What will Gavrilo Princip do? He has to choose, hard jail untill death, or hanging. There are so much things happening in Bosnia.
Military Academy 2
Who will finish the academy, and who will quit? What relationship will survive, and what will fade away? Young cadets have a lot in their lives - ambitions, careers, problems and happy endings.
The film follows three young characters of different social status, possessed by love for the wrong person. During the day and night, after a series of tragicomic, sometimes absurd situations they are going through, their paths intersect. The fanatical pursuit of the object of his obsession, all three end up in a suspicious night club in one last attempt to fulfill their dreams. Download the movie of the need to fulfill, regardless of the consequences. This film is dedicated to all the people in love and those who have not understood why. Film defend their dignity, to the end, despite everything.
1993. En pleno conflicto étnico entre serbios, croatas y musulmanes, un joven soldado serbio impide que unos compañeros maten de una paliza a un civil de origen bosnio. 15 años más tarde, a través de las vidas del padre, novia y mejor amigo del soldado, y del hombre al que salvó vemos la magnitud del aquel acto y cómo ha marcado las vidas de sus protagonistas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Through the intimate stories of seven young directors, October is the generational attitude towards Serbia today, shown in different perspectives and through different genres - from black comedy to melodrama, poetic portrait to the socially engaged horror. Motif that binds all of the stories together is the tenth anniversary of the democratic revolution. Each film is taking place on that day, 5th of October in 2010, and each film is differently related to the anniversary and what that event means 10 years after. The film brings fresh visions of the seven young directors who were teenagers at the time of the overthrow of president Milosevic and his regime. On a personal and emotional way they show a complex picture of modern Serbia.
Narra la transformación de Novica, un brillante estudiante de instituto, en un agresivo skinhead de ideología nazi.
La mujer con la nariz rota
Una joven con la nariz rota, que viaja en taxi con un bebé, salta del coche en pleno atasco en un puente de Belgrado y se tira al río dejando al bebé abandonado. Este suicidio marcará los destinos de tres testigos del suceso; el taxista, un duro refugiado bosnio que no sabe qué hacer con el bebé: Anica, una profesora de instituto y Biljana, una farmacéutica que de pronto se da cuenta de que no quiere casarse con su prometido...
The hardships of a young female refugee and her personal melodrama of being forced to choose between two men, out of whom she prefers the poorer one.
Sheitan Warrior
Trouble usually starts when the power falls into the wrong hands. That's how the book that hides an ancient evil fell to Stanislav. It does not matter whether Stanislav is a nice guy who helps old ladies cross the street, a psychopath, nerd, or a blood-thirsty young man.
Milan Srećković - Uncle
An antiwar movie about living-dead soldiers waiting for morning to go home.