Florian Bartholomäi

Florian Bartholomäi

Nacimiento : 1987-01-10, Frankfurt am Main - Germany


Florian Bartholomäi
Florian Bartholomäi
Florian Bartholomäi


Die Füchsin - Romeo muss sterben
Florian Boehm
Youssef's niece Saida finds her boyfriend, the young doctor Hagen Hoffmann, slain in their shared apartment. Based on the victim's computer activities, the police assume that the crime was committed in a drug environment.
Die Füchsin - Treibjagd
Florian Boehm
The wife of the Düsseldorf Police Council Rainer Bachmann is kidnapped. While trying to save his mother Monika, the adult son is shot dead. His widow Nicola desperately seeks support.
Chasing Paper Birds
Mia, Keks and Ian are at a turning point in their lives, searching for happiness but not sure of what will happen if they actually find it. Over a long night in Berlin, their storylines weave into one another.
Leif in Concert
It's Lene's first day back at work after some time off. Friends and acquaintances, regulars and strangers come to her jazz and blues bar. While Lene is waiting for Danish musician Leif, who is scheduled to perform tonight, the guests discuss all kinds of topics, ranging from pop music by elves and invisible cell phones to maggots eating away at corpses. But what if Leif doesn't show up at all?
Die Füchsin - Schön und tot
Florian Boehm
During a dress rehearsal for a fashion show, the model Nastja believes to have seen a murder. The victim is her friend Kira, but there is no trace of her. The detectives Anne Marie Fuchs and Youssef el Kilali, however, soon come across the body of the young woman in a clothes trolley belonging to the fashion company and begin to investigate.
Die Füchsin - Im goldenen Käfig
Florian Boehm
Youssef's cousin Jamila is said to be forced into marriage, but at the henna evening the German groom is disfigured with baseball bats. Soon afterwards, Youssef and his fellow detective Anne Fuchs find Jamila's secret lover - dead.
The Most Beautiful Couple
While two young teachers are spending their summer holiday on the Mediterranean coast they are overwhelmed by a sudden attack. Back home, they try to deal with the trauma in their own ways until a surprising encounter changes everything.
La sombra del pasado
Günther May
Kurt Barnert es un joven estudiante de arte en la Alemania del Este. Está enamorado de su compañera de clase, Ellie. El padre de ella, el Professor Seeband, un famoso médico, no aprueba la relación de su hija y está decidido a destruirla. Lo que ninguno de ellos sabe es que sus vidas están conectadas por un terrible crimen cometido hace décadas.
A Clear Felling
Martin and Eric grew up in a small village in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. They have been friends since they were little boys and met when they were fishing, and from then on went to the lake together every Sunday. But their friendship is also marked by rivalry, because on one of their trips together they also met Frenni, who both fell in love with. The three of them roamed the woods and fields as children and remained friends when they grew up and Frenni got together with Eric. The couple is inseparable and very much in love, and this great love and the friendship of the threesome is only repeatedly tested by the drunken attacks by Eric’s unpredictable, aggressive twin brother Basti.
Die Füchsin - Spur in die Vergangenheit
Florian Boehm
Anne Marie Fuchs' ex-husband Konrad Gelden was shot dead in his villa. This shatters the private detective's hope of solving the riddle of the disappearance of her son Florian. Almost thirty years ago, he was kidnapped as a boy to punish Anne for leaving the Stasi. When Anne's business partner Youssef receives a new order, the tide turns.
Undercover küsst man nicht
Simon Brückner
La última viajera del tiempo: Esmeralda
Paul de Villiers
Los vigilantes, guiados por el conde de Saint Germain, se han esforzado para registrar en el Cronógrafo la sangre de los doce viajeros del tiempo y están a punto de alcanzar su objetivo: obtener la piedra filosofal. Última entrega basada en las novelas "El amor a través del tiempo" de Kerstin Gier.
Duelo de hermanos: La historia de Adidas y Puma
En los años 20, los hermanos Dassler se dedican a fabricar zapatillas deportivas. Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la relación entre ellos se deteriora hasta el punto de convertirse en rivales.
Sicher ist Sicher
Glogau jr.
Die Eisläuferin
Chaos in the Chancellery: Prime Minister Katharina Wendt loses her memory during a spontaneous trip with husband Helmuth and wakes up every morning since then with the knowledge of 1989. The therapy aims to activate her emotional center. No easy task with such a sober woman! Chancellery Minister Dieter Kahnitz must get her fit again until the end of the summer break, otherwise the euro will fail and then Europe will fail! But the minister would not mind being chancellor himself. Will the Chancellor succeed in remembering in time?
David Heller
David y Laila planean una gran boda en el Hotel-Castillo de su padre en Brandenburg. Sus padres nunca se encontraron, y como era de esperar, las familias muy distintas , no se llevan bien.
La última viajera del tiempo: Zafiro
Paul de Villiers
En esta segunda parte, Gwen y su novio Gideon deben enfrentarse y escapar del conde de St. Germain. Gwen ya es consciente, al igual que Gideon, de que es portadora de los genes del viaje. Por otra parte, Lucy y Paul se unen a la liga florentina y, en principio, se convierten en enemigos de Gwen. Adaptación cinematográfica de la segunda parte de la trilogía “Rubí” de la escritora alemana Kerstin Gier.
Rubí, la última viajera del tiempo
Paul de Villiers
En casa de Gwendolyn Sheperd nada ni nadie es del todo “normal”, empezando por su excéntrica tía abuela Maddy, que tiene extrañas visiones, pasando por Lucy, que se escapó de casa hace 17 años sin dejar rastro alguno... También está Charlotte, su encantadora y perfecta prima, quien, según parece, ha heredado un extraño gen familiar que le permitirá viajar en el tiempo. Pero un increíble secreto está a punto de salir a la luz: la portadora del misterioso gen para viajar a través del tiempo no es Charlotte, ¡sino la propia Gwen! Ella es, en realidad, la duodécima y última viajera en el tiempo y se dice que cuando su sangre se una a la de los otros once viajeros, se cerrará el misterioso “Círculo de los doce”. Para obtener más información, Gwen deberá viajar al pasado y por suerte o por desgracia, no lo hará sola: la acompañará el undécimo viajero en el tiempo, el arrogante, atractivo y sarcástico Gideon, con quien va a vivir algo más que una peligrosa carrera a través del tiempo…
Die Holzbaronin
Hans Brauer
"Cuando otros tienen su corazón, ella tiene un pedazo de madera"
Schneewittchen muss sterben
Thiess Terlinden / Lars Terlinden
Alex Kanning
Jahr des Drachen
Daniel Eichner
Mord in Ludwigslust
Sebastian Benjamin
In the castle park of Ludwigslust lies a dead woman. Investigators encounter a wall of silence. Everyone knew the dead "Lulu", many have a motive, everyone is afraid. But from what? Sophia Eichstätt, analyst at the LKA Kiel, investigates in the case, which assumes ever larger dimensions. Who is the perpetrator, who is the victim? Sophia gets caught between the fronts and has to decide which side she's on. It is dangerous on both sides.
Prinz Viktor
Once upon a time there was a orphan. The new stepmother and her daughter, Annabella, treat her badly and let her sleep in the ashes. One morning, in the woods, Cinderella meets a hunter who turns out to be Prince Victor.
Kasimir und Karoline
Tres vidas I: Algo mejor que la muerte
Johannes hace el servicio comunitario como enfermero de un hospital en el Bosque de Turingia (Alemania). Lo que él quiere, en realidad, es solicitar una beca para estudiar medicina en Los Ángeles, pero le falta estímulo para ponerse a preparar el examen. Un día, mientras está de guardia en el hospital, se escapa un delincuente sexual. La policía organiza una búsqueda masiva por la zona. Johannes conoce casualmente a Ana, una joven bosnia que trabaja como camarera en un hotel cercano. Ella le propone que se vayan juntos a Estados Unidos para comenzar una nueva vida, pero su situación, inesperadamente, se complica.
Willkommen in Wien
Thorsten Richter
For months, the corrupt Viennese policeman Albert Schuh unsuccessfully investigates the murder case of his former friend and colleague. Then he gets a young, overambitious partner. The German colleague Thorsten Richter is a set of correctness and ambition, and thus the exact opposite of the Viennese, the "benefits" from the criminal scene is quite open. Since the two can not stand, the dispute does not stay out. The Austrian stops the German an unnecessary undercover job on an erotic chat line and determined alone on.
380.000 Volt - Der große Stromausfall
Inspired by real events, five friends struggle to cope with their frustrations and are compelled to violence as Weltstadt, a once-popular tourist spot, falls onto hard times following the reunification of Germany.
Benjamin has one wish, he wants to go on a date with Lydia. As soon as he is on a date with Lydia, everything turns into another direction as he imagined it.
Freundschaften und andere Neurosen
The Reader (El lector)
Thomas Berg
Alemania después de la II Guerra Mundial. Michael Berg (David Kross), un chico de 15 años, pierde el conocimiento mientras regresa del colegio. Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet), una mujer seria y reservada que le dobla la edad, lo recoge y lo lleva a su casa. Entre ambos surge un apasionado y secreto idilio que se ve interrumpido por la misteriosa desaparición de Hanna. Ocho años más tarde, siendo estudiante de Derecho, Michael vuelve a verla, pero en una situación que nunca hubiera podido imaginar.
Fashion Victims
Karsten Zenker
Wolfang Zenker es un vendedor ambulante de ropa femenina, de mediana edad, que está en un aprieto: su joven competidor a muerte amenaza con robarle sus mejores clientes ya que Zenker ha perdido el carnet de conducir. Agobiado ante la perspectiva de quedar rezagado, decide cancelar las vacaciones de su hijo y emplearlo en contra de su voluntad como conductor. Las cosas van de mal en peor: el banco le persigue, Hacienda da con él, su mujer le deja, su hijo le informa de su homosexualidad ¡y se enamora del adversario de su padre! La familia y el enemigo se reúnen en un clamoroso enfrentamiento final en el que volarán los malos entendidos y las balas.
Combat 16
16 year-old Georg is forced to leave his home in the West, which means saying goodbye to his two loves; his girlfriend, and his Taekwondo team, something that is all-important to him. Now living in Cottbus, an economically depressed place where the people are not too fond of things like American culture and foreigners living in their country, Georg soon falls in with a group of angry mates. Together the group delves further into a nationalist way of thinking, and soon they are shaving their heads, and becoming a skinhead gang. "Kombat Sechzehn" features some impressive, proffessional looking fight sequences, as well as a memorable soundtrack.