Boleslaw Michalek


Boleslaw Michalek


Swan Song
After discussions with Schwartz, a producer from the West, screenwriter Stefan comes back to Poland. Everybody reminds him of his previous success: “The Flame”. The tired protagonist goes back to his wife, actress Ewa, who is eagerly awaiting him. Ewa goes to an audition which doesn’t turn out too well. On the next day, Stefan and his collaborators are wondering what to write a scenario about. Meanwhile, Stefan has a tooth ache. He decides to visit a dentist but is scared away by the price he has to pay for the treatment. Stefan still can’t find an idea for a scenario, and Ewa is not being cast. They decide to sell the car, but a man who takes their car out for a test drive doesn’t return. Stefan is changing ideas for the scenario constantly, he can’t make up his mind… at home, a pipe goes off… the wine he keeps in gallons blows up… the milicia (People’s Republic of Poland’s police) comes and general chaos ensues, as they are drowning in water and wine… which gives Stefan an idea…
Un amor en Alemania
En mayo de 1983, un hombre de 49 años, acompañado de su hijo, viaja al pueblo de su infancia, en Baden. Su deseo es descubrir qué le sucedió en realidad a su madre. Sus recuerdos son muy borrosos y, además, por aquel entonces era demasiado pequeño para comprender lo que ocurría a su alrededor.
En septiembre de 1793, el Comité de Salud Pública, instigado por Robespierre, instaura el "Terror". El hambre reaparece y con ella la revuelta: las cabezas ruedan. Danton regresa a París para oponerse a Robespierre: es el choque entre dos políticos irreconciliables, entre dos fuertes personalidades. La película narra los últimos días de Georges-Jacques Danton: su proceso y su ejecución en la guillotina, junto a sus amigos, por orden del autoritario y dogmático Robespierre.
Chance Meeting on the Atlantic
Takes place on an ocean liner from Canada to Poland. It is a story of several people with pasts and problems stemming from uncomfortable confrontations. The main confrontation is between a Polish doctor with a heart condition meeting a man he knew before. Neither of them was willing to admit their differences from the college days. The meeting torments the doctor enough to start him drinking and dying of a heart attack.
The Gorgon Case
In 1931, just before the New Year, in a house of architect Henryk Zaremba scream rips the night. The daughter of Zaremba is found killed in her bedroom, obviously killed with a pickaxe. The police arrives and starts the investigation. Rita Gorgonova, the governess of the girl and also lover of Zaremba becomes the main suspect. Film based on real events - investigation and court trials of the most famous pre-war Polish murder case. Despite being historically accurate the movie is both involving and entertaining since the case was simple on the surface, but very complicated in details.
Death of a President
After Poland won freedom from of its long overlordship by Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918, it took a further four years for its National Assembly to elect Gabriel Narutowicz as its first president. Narutowicz was a professor who until his election had been living in Switzerland. Those were chaotic times, and shortly after his election, he was assassinated by right-wing fanatics. This epic Polish film chronicles the circumstances of Narutowicz's election and assassination.