Jean Abeillé
Nacimiento : 1938-09-07, Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France
Old man
Vogel's Father
París, 1982. Jefes de un "peep show", Le Microdrome, y acribillados por las deudas, Franck y Serge tienen la idea de producir pequeños films pornográficos protagonizados por sus bailarinas para así relanzar su establecimiento.
Un voisin
In a Paris suburb condominium, after the death of a young woman's boyfriend, a strange and deadly game of death begins between three women living there.
A cottage inhabited by a peasant, crazy painter in his spare time, who only paints naked women. After his death, another farmer decides to transform the place into a brothel which quickly attracts the notables of the area. But all those who come disappear one by one.
The young vicar Victor and Sister Marie Ernestine, caught while they were making love, are defrocked by their cardinal. In front of their newly rented flat, they will come upon two couples who practice swinging.
Xavier Durmont young deputy newly elected, is charged by a representative of the Court of Auditors to investigate a dubious case of waste disposal involving a minister. He becomes then the target of slander orchestrated by the agency of a mysterious Armand.
Mr. Von Schreiter
The annual general assembly of the co-owners : quarrels about nothing, the collapse of the management agency, that turns becomes absurd.
Monsieur Charlie
Marion is a low-level employee in a high end ready-to-wear clothing business. He has a sole obsession: to present a prototype he's made to his boss, Monsieur Charlie. Jeanette, who he's very fond of, is worried and looks for him everywhere, while Michel, who controls the merchandise, wants to tell Monsieur Charlie that something isn't quite right about this particular morning.
Marchand de journaux
It's the story of a young married man name Lionel who is swamped by colossal debts and whose wife is soon to give birth. At his wits' end, he decides one day to commit an irreparable act and kidnaps his millionnaire neighbors' 1-year-old baby. He demands a small ransom of €60,000. But Lionel is no criminal and all his attempts at exchanging his hostage for money fail. Meanwhile, he becomes increasingly attached to the baby. When he at last manages to get the money, he must come to terms with releasing his hostage.
The mayor
The story of a septuagenarian, recently divorced, which in its reconstruction desire and quest for a new companion will rediscover the small pleasures of life and the art of seduction.
Charles Senac, author of a single novel but crowned by the Prix Goncourt, is hated by the regulars of the bar-restaurant "Le Renard jaune" who regularly insult him. One morning he is found dead in his home. For inspector Giraud, it is clear that the culprit is among the customers of "Le Renard jaune".
M. Béchamin
The film tells the story of a gentleman of a certain age, a distinguished homeless, who becomes the mentor of a young girl of 20. He will keep out of trouble, especially when she’s about to marry a fool. He will try to change her life by making it more beautiful in the manner of a guardian angel.
Two insomniacs go into partnership to start a club bringing together people who suffer from the same trouble and decide together to become vigilantes and more precisely vindicators serving causes they are interested in. But relations between the various members will go on deteriorating.
Professeur Toroto
A scientist invents a product destined to make vegetables grow larger. His nephew, until then totally lacking a penis, drinks a little of this liquid by accident and from then on develops outsize genitals that lead some of his acquaintances to become jealous.
Le commissaire Mandrin
While unemployed, Gobert must repay 40 bank loans he had taken out. In the housing project where he lives in, bailiffs swarm. Gobert will organize resistance and develop an original and popular loan system which will soon arouse the interest of the French government.
Un vieux commissaire
Whilst seeking out locations in the South of France for his next film, director Luc Moullet comes across a male corpse. He immediately decides to use this to his advantage. By swapping his passport with that of the dead man, Moullet hopes that the world will believe he is dead, thereby ensuring a renewed interest in his work. Unfortunately, the scheme backfires, since the dead man was someone rather important...
In a Mediterranean city, the association of volunteers The Rescue is expecting a new director. A former trade unionist, Birgos, who’s just escaped from an asylum with Cleo, another internee, is believed, by mistake, to be this new director.
A pedophile network, to which belong notables of a French provincial town is about to be discovered by a young woman who herself lost her son, a child survivor of one of these horror festivals, and an anarchist gunsmith.
Le frère de Castang
le vérificateur
Maurice works at the police service for foreigners. He is single, loves Spanish music and spends all his free time in a Hispanic cabaret.
From his locksmith's shop, a simple guy dreams of becoming a crime boss, at the wheel of his Cadillac surrounded by blonde bimbos. He starts small, assassinating petty criminals. Gaining renown in the newspapers as "Le Furet" (The Ferret), he soon sets his sights higher. The police and organized crime both take up the chase.
Labray - le préfet de police
In the lead up to the presidential elections five candidates turn up from out of nowhere. Then, as the days go by, they are eliminated one by one, each meeting with a violent death, until one is left to become president.
After a car accident, Jean Mardet ends the agony of his wife with a rock. Mardet then keeps killing because he believes that God himself has entrusted a mission to him: kill the unfortunate souls.
A documentary about Luc Moullet and the mountainous locations featured in his films.
le directeur de la pouponnière
Bruno Bonbeck, a retired soccer referee, is the world’s biggest layabout until his politician wife, the Junior Minister for Sport, delivers an ultimatum: you get a job or I get a divorce. The film traces the trials and tribulations of Bruno’s 18-hour hunt for gainful employment and has a very unexpected ending.
A secret society, somewhere in France, is responsible for the major unsolved murder mysteries throughout history (such as Henri IV, Lincoln, Kennedy, John-Paul I)...
Mireille Bertillet, a provincial judge, is transferred to Paris. She inherits a heavy file compromising high personalities.
le commissaire Marino
In La Roche-sur-Mer, the factory where the father of Mathieu's boyfriend, a 12-year-old boy, works will close. Desperate, the man tries to commit suicide and is saved by his son.
Commissaire Boulic
Geneviève Lechat is the director of a marriage agency. At 50, she is still very desirable and very fulfilled, especially emotionally. She offers her son, André, to open an agency branch on the Internet.
Commissaire Corbeau
Having first lost his wife then his job as a tweed tailor, Alex Ponttin has devised a novel way to keep himself in touch with society. He admits himself into people's homes, by pretending to be a relative or an official, and persuading his victims to give him a night's free board: He finds at first a lunch at the horrible couple Dumont, where a thief follows him for a robbery. Alex spent an evening in front of TV at Marie, mother of seven children. He runs from Marie to find an evening and a new bed at the home of charming but shy lesbian Caroline and her funny lover Gloria. To save her inheritance, Caroline - accused for her homosexuality by her horrible sister Catherine - tells her aunt Amélie, that Gloria is her secretary and Alex her lover. So Alex has to present himself nude in Caroline's bed. He saves Carolines inheritance. The police officers investigating the case are so terminally stupid that Alex has little chance of being arrested.
Directeur du rallye
A bicycle race is held every year in a pass of the Alps called Parpaillon. With the energy of a skillful cyclist perhaps as a great tribute to François, the mailman played by Tati in The Big Day, Moullet makes a comedy by pedaling at a pace that allows him to reinvent the possibilities of film gags. La Cabale des oursins is a guided tour to the northern France, transformed into a Geography lesson in the pataphysical style of an Alfred Jarry disciple.
A travelogue of abandoned strip mining sites in France extolling their potential for recreational use.
M. Roque
Based on Elliott Chaze's "Black Wings Has My Angel", the film tells a story of (nudist) gangsters on a coup and on the run
le client de l'hôtel
Much against his will, Aurélien Brada is put in charge of a cute orphan girl and her cute dog.
The commissioner
El lugar es París en 1955. Guy es un crítico de cine de la revista "Cahiers du Cinéma", y un fanático del director italiano Vittorio Cottafavi, a quien considera muy superior a Michelangelo Antonioni. El lugar que frecuenta para ver películas es el Alcazar, un cine de barrio de París que pertenece a una pareja mayor con poco interés en el cine, y mucho interés en el dinero. Un día, el Alcazar recibe una visita inesperada: Es Jeanne, crítica de cine de la revista rival "Positif" ("Cahiers" y "Positif" eran en realidad las revistas de cine más importantes de la época), que - para disgusto de Guy - es una gran fan de Antonioni. Discuten acaloradamente por las películas, pero de alguna manera él se siente intrigado y atraído por ella...
Plumet, le marchand de médailles
The leader of a nudist colony enlists the help of left-wing militant when he mistakenly believes he should receive the Legion of Honor.
Charles and Emmanuelle organize as every year, the congress of perfumers who distribute their products in their castle. Garibaldi, their mutilated and somewhat disturbed son-in-law, will be the butler.
Mr Smith
Traveler at the counter
Roland and Martine, once child stars in a TV series, have sunk into a life of crime. Answering an ad from Isabelle, a young girl seeking work with children, they abduct her with the intention of selling her into prostitution. At the last moment, having become fond of her, they relent and set out to take her home. She rebels, insisting that she enjoys their exciting life of stolen cars, stolen cheques, hotels and restaurants left without paying the bill, and the threesome become a formidable team. Then Isabelle's mood changes again and she disappears with a hitch-hiker. Worried over her future, Roland and Martine trace her to the town where she is about to get married and abduct her, this time from the church steps. Roaring off in a stolen ambulance, the three are happily on the run again.
Faking an injury for insurance money, a peddler seeks out a cure to support his claims while a suspicious investigator tries to expose the scam.
El loco doctor Enger está obsesionado con su plan para construir un hospital para curar a los niños ciegos, tras una matanza y secuestro juega con la policía durante su persecución.
Creativas formas para evadir las barreras económicas que cotidianamente nos impone el sistema capitalista. (FILMAFFINITY)
Michel, a referee has to suffer the consequences of having whistled a penalty against a team which is supported by football hooligans.
Small Role (uncredited)
La película comienza con una premisa: un estudiante debe salir de Francia pues ha cometido una ilegalidad, un marinero le ofrece su puesto en un buque mercante que está por zarpar, pero a cambio de que escuche su historia. A partir de ahí, el relato no arranca verdaderamente, sino que explota, estalla en múltiples relatos de la vida del marinero y sus encuentros con diversos personajes (un ciego, una bailarina, un hombre de 90 años, un intelectual, entre otros).
Durante la ocupación de París por las tropas alemanas, un grupo de actores trata de sacar adelante una obra de teatro. Nadie sospecha que, en el sótano del edificio, se oculta el director del grupo, un hombre de origen judío que desde su escondrijo dirige la obra a través de las indicaciones que da a su mujer, que es la protagonista.
Le gardien d'usine
Ten years after the French political upheavals of 1968, a maturing "soixante-huitard" falls in with some young radicals who are influenced by a book he had written. But does he still have the guts to translate his ideas into acts against the state? And is he still attractive to younger chicks?
Le presbyte hypermétrope
Goumic, an industrialist and his wife Anne lose their big house when their town's mayor coerces them to sell it for a low price.
Durante los años 30, Marsella se parece enormemente a Chicago: las luchas entre bandas por el control de las lucrativas actividades ilegales acaban en carnicerías y baños de sangre. Roch Siffredi ha perdido a su compañero, François Capella, cobardemente asesinado por un matón... y está dispuesto a todo para vengarlo.
Un épargnant