Sze Hung-Bor

Sze Hung-Bor


Sze Hung-Bor


Fist of Fury: Soul
Master Ho
Durante la Asamblea de Wulin, Blood Demon Luo dañó severamente a grupos de héroes. El líder, Huo Changkong, perdió la mitad de sus movimientos en la batalla decisiva. Huo finalmente inyectó su poder en el joven Liu Jing y lo protegió de la evacuación. Catorce años más tarde, Liu Jing, que decía tener talento, quería aprender de los maestros de Kung fu, llegó al "Huo Boxing" por casualidad. El maestro Huo, el dueño, le permitió aceptar el desafío de la lucha, pero Liu Jing fracasó y tuvo que irse. En la calle, Liu Jing se encontró con otro as, Tang Baibai, y lo siguió en busca del maestro único en su tipo, pero llegó a la red secreta de la Sociedad Pluma Negra y se encontró con el Demonio de Sangre.
Special Forces King 3: Battle Tianjiao
Hui Qiang
The story of the film is unique. It links the "female special forces" with the task of destroying the super-large "drug trafficking" gang, coupled with the thrilling action scenes, which makes it stand out among many military movies. The plot of the film is ups and downs and exciting. The background tells about the female soldiers joining the group of drug dealers, dancing with wolves, and gradually unearthing a huge drug production and drug trafficking gang... As soldiers, they have fulfilled their missions honorably and brilliantly given to them by the motherland and the people. The story conforms to the main theme of the times. It not only shows the excitement when performing the task, but also shows the tenacity of the pioneers of the times.
The King is Invincible
Ju Ye
The Bravest Escort Group
Ma Ji
The story follows a band of courageous bodyguards headed by Yang Liu An, and tasked by General Ma Bao with escorting his daughter Chen Yuanyuan, concubine to the recently deceased Ming emperor Wu Sangui, and her son, the last hope of the Ming Dynasty, to safety. En route, they must fend off the attacks of enemy general Hala, as well as Ma Bao’s treacherous second-in-command Ma Biao, all the while being closely watched by the mysterious Zhu You.
The Black Cat Agent Files
Jade Leung (Black Cat) stars in this police action thriller as Yiu, a capable cop who is rescued during an ambush by Man. As Yiu becomes friendly with Man, she also begins to suspect that he may be a secret agent with the gang that Yiu was trying to catch. Her investigation into the agent's file uncovers a secret that is tied to her own past.
Hooker's World
The prostitute of Xiaoliu (played by Ronnie Cheung) was shot and killed in an unethical transaction. The person who opened the room with her was the senior inspector-Gao Kun (played by Simon Lui), who was forced to suspend his duties in the police force. Gao Kun's girlfriend Joey (Grace Lam) is also a policeman, and his boss Zhang Sir (Wang Hexi) approved to take over the investigation. For this reason, Joey pretended to be a little Liu's girlfriend and mixed in. Because Xiaoliu's stable business is so good, the peers are jealous. They know that Gao Kun has taken bribes to help them. They want to get the same help and hijack Joey...
The Real Bruce Lee  2
Master Yang
Mostly a re-cut of the movie Dragon the Master 2 with 30 extra minutes of footage added from various Bruce Lee, Bruce Li, Dragon Lee, and Bruce Le movies.