Evi Nomikou

Nacimiento : , Greece


Dr. Paraskevi (Evi) Nomikou is a marine geologist who studies the morphology of underwater volcanoes with extensive experience in marine volcanic and seafloor extruding processes. She is an Assistant Professor at the Dep. of Geology and Geoenvironment of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). She has participated in more than 70 oceanographic cruises that focused on submarine volcanism, mud volcanoes, landslides and slope stability and the exploration of seafloor mineral deposits. More recently, she has played a leading role in the evaluation of the potential hazards associated with renewed volcanic activity at Santorini volcano in Greece. Her studies on underwater volcano areas where new earthquakes and deformations have been taking place are critical to the ongoing evaluation of future eruption scenarios. She has also been involved in the study of economically important seafloor mineral deposits within the crater of the submarine volcano Kolumbo, off the coast of Santorini. In 2013 and 2018 she was involved in expeditions to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, mapping the sea floor of ocean core complexes and in 2015 in the Azores Platea, mapping the offshore volcanoes. She effectively transfers her enthusiasm for sea floor exploration using innovative marine technologies to younger students through her educational lectures at the university creating a high profile role model for young women thinking of pursuing careers in oceanography.


La Atlántida
El geólogo y aventurero Martin Pepper inicia su viaje más apasionante con el objetivo de demostrar que la Atlántida existió en lo que hoy es la isla griega de Santorini antes de que fuese destruida por la erupción volcánica más grande de la Historia. Para ello se sirve de nuevas pruebas científicas obtenidas a partir de un escaneo por sonar del fondo marino y un análisis microscópico de su antiguo ecosistema. Pepper también deberá comprobar si Santorini encaja con la descripción original que Platón hizo de la Atlántida: la extraña forma anular de la ciudad o el papel que jugaron los sacerdotes egipcios que registraron la leyenda por primera vez. El viaje nos llevará del mar Mediterráneo al Océano Atlántico y al final de la aventura veremos los asombrosos hallazgos que podrían por fin ubicar la Atlántida de forma precisa y contarnos cómo era.