Alessio De Filippis


Acid Space
Alex (voice)
The famous rock band The Paperback music is convened for a big concert at Big Depression. Arriving at their destination, no musical event seems ready for that day, but suddenly a secret passage opens to the planet Planio, where dictator Balthazar has banned all kinds of music.
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La Pallastrike sull'Isola di Pasqua
Mike (voice)
This movie is set on the Easter Island, where a group of children that must face the mean ruler of the island in a pallastrike match in an arena. Their objective is to free a group of kids that have been petrified during the years.
Gli Smile and Go e il braciere bifuoco
Norves (voice)
Gli Animotosi nella terra di Nondove
Dedo (voice)
I Roteò e la magia dello specchio
Potto (voice)
I Roteò e la magia dello specchio
Ghirù (voice)
Los Juguetes de Navidad
Cuando la ayudante de Santa, La Befana, se enferma y debe despegar en Nochebuena, recluta a Scarafoni para que la ayude a entregar todos los juguetes. Nadie más que los juguetes sabe que Scarafoni planea subastar los juguetes al mejor postor, lo que significa que los juguetes no llegarán a los niños que han sido buenos todo el año y los merecen. Los juguetes deciden entregarse solos, y la historia los sigue mientras luchan por evitar al desalmado Scarafoni y encontrar sus verdaderos hogares.