Yin Yue

Yin Yue

Nacimiento : 1985-07-22, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China


Director, writer and composer from Mainland China. Debuted in 2007 with film "The Secret I Cannot Help". He studied film and television production at the University of Westminster in the United Kingdom from 2016 to 2017, and studied at Songlin Studios, BBC, Warner, Universal and other well-known companies. He is the ten film directors trained by the Zhejiang Provincial Government’s "Xinguang Project". His work "Full Metal Crack" was nominated for the Global Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Award, and won the Best Special Effects Award and nominated for the Best Art Award at the China International Youth Film Festival. After the previous fantasy love movie "Big Fish" became a hit at the box office, the director concentrated on filming the highly positive "Donkey 2", and then set his sights on the story of Journey to the West with national influence.


Yin Yue


Giant Fish 3: Fish Monster of Han River
Pei Duobao receives a mysterious letter from his hometown and returns to Hanjiang Village with his daughter. The letter-writer unexpectedly drowns in the river and Pei Duobao's dead wife's grave is dug up by a demonic formation. Rumours spread that there is a sexy female ghost in the form of a fish monster that eats people's hearts and hooks their souls. One after another, people begin to die in the village, in the same way as the "three mountain gods" described in ancient books. The evil gradually overwhelmed the entire village of Hanjiang, and everyone believed that evil spirits were coming and that they would all be sacrificed and no one would be spared.
The Legend of Enveloped Demons
Snake Girl
El equipo de Lin Cheng se adentra en la selva en busca del secreto del elixir de la inmortalidad, pero se encuentra con una misteriosa chica. Lin Cheng se lleva a la chica y es atacado por una serpiente gigante, y la expedición queda aniquilada. Lin Cheng regresa a la ciudad con la chica. Descubre que la serpiente gigante ha llegado a la ciudad y que tiene un ADN súper reparador en su interior. Comienza a criar a la chica serpiente con el propósito fundamental de encontrar a la serpiente gigante. A medida que Lin Cheng pasa tiempo con la chica serpiente, se desarrolla una relación amorosa entre ambos. Sin embargo, Lin Cheng, que busca fama y fortuna, la utiliza para capturar a la serpiente gigante y llevarla al laboratorio para que la diseccionen. La chica escapa con la serpiente gigante y se desilusiona con Lin Cheng. Jiang lleva un equipo de matanza a la selva para buscar la serpiente.
The Great Sage
The story is based on the 57th episode of Journey to the West - "The Real Sun Wukong", in which Sun Wukong is trapped in a mysterious cave by the Yellow Eyebrows Monster. With the help of his best warrior, the King Bull Demon, he sets up a field of life and death for the little demons to fight for their lives, and when they die, he takes their spiritual power and pours it into the mud to create the Six Eared Macaque Monkey, which tries to replace the real Monkey King. The monkeys disguised as monkeys in Mount Huaguo and spent their days with Sun Wukong. He is accustomed to fighting alone and is forced to join forces with other demons to save himself, but he gradually realizes the true meaning of the word "Great Sage". In the end, Sun Wukong is reborn from his stone heart and escapes from the cave in a duel with the Yellow Eyebrow Monster.
Dragon Hunter
Donkey On The Tree 2:  Stubborn Donkey goes on
Giant Fish
The film tells the story of Zihao living in a seaside town returning to Hong Kong and living a life by the sea. One day, he met the mysterious girl Xiaoyi and began to take care of Xiaoyi's life. The ocean boat where Zihao's father was, the fishing boat returned, but the crew were all missing. Zihao, who experienced the pain of losing his father, walked out of the haze under the care of Xiaoyi, and the two were together. But the good times didn't last long. A mysterious middle-aged man named Lao Jin came to Hong Kong and revealed Xiaoyi's true identity
The Loony Park
Full Metal Duel
Two students have to fight against some AI-Monsters and try to protect the campus.
Full Metal Duel
Two students have to fight against some AI-Monsters and try to protect the campus.
Love is Beautiful
The boss and friend of a young woman is kidnapped.