Vyacheslav Babenkov

Vyacheslav Babenkov


Vyacheslav Babenkov


Don Juan from Zhashkiv
Zhenia Horobchyk
Zhenya Horobchik is a Kyiv photographer originally from Zhashkiv who is much loved by women. He is looking for a job, but accidentally finds a new love. Zhenya already has a wife and a son, and an ex-wife and a bunch of problems. He's torn between them and decides he'd rather be under a train than go on like this.
Ucrania, años noventa. El joven Vova, cruel y tenaz, lucha para encontrar su lugar entre los despiadados miembros del hampa de una ciudad donde reinan el crimen y la corrupción.
Mientras dormimos
Después de observar una inquietante y familiar tomografía computarizada anormal de una niña de 13 años, la radióloga Nina Evanko lucha para encontrar la fuente del trastorno del sueño de la joven. Lo que descubre es más oscuro y extraño de lo que podría haber imaginado.
An infantile web designer surrounded by modern gadgets finds himself locked in an apartment without electricity. Finding a way to survive the blackout, he recalls a forgotten childhood dream. But will he stay true to himself when the electricity returns?
Immigrant Holdem
Igor Kurganov
Immigrant Holdem
Immigrant Holdem
Slow life in a small seaside town N is suddenly disturbed by a local scandal around a man who has recently passed away. Only his wife and his friend know where he was buried, and they refuse to tell the others, seemingly in accordance to his last will. Each character seeks answers to the questions of their own, but they are searching on the outside, inquiring society and each other, so their efforts are futile. Something is about to happen.
A group of filmakers decide to catch the hype on Youtube.