Wang Runshen

Wang Runshen

Nacimiento : , Xiong, Hebei province, China

Muerte : 2007-09-27


Wang Runshen


Los hombres detrás del sol 2: El laboratorio del diablo
Durante la primavera de 1945, los japoneses establecieron una base secreta en Manchuria. El Escuadrón 731, en donde muchos chinos, coreanos y mongoles perdieron la vida producto de experimentos grotescos. Morisha, un joven doctor idealista queda horrorizado por las torturas que se llevan a cabo en dicho campo, pero su angustia se incrementa cuando su novia llega a la unidad disfrazada de prisionera china.
Los hombres detrás del sol
Camp Lieutenant
Durante la Segunda Guerra Chino-Japonesa y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los japoneses ocuparon durante diez años el noroeste de China. Allí establecieron un campo de concentración japonés, donde numerosos prisioneros chinos fueron brutalmente asesinados durante el proceso de creación de diferentes formas de ataques bacteriológicos. Los hombres que trabajaron en ese proyecto fueron bautizados con el nombre de "Escuadrón 731", quienes investigaron en el campo de la guerra química y bacteriológica con el fin de lograr nuevas armas para el frente. También llevaron a cabo aberrantes experimentos de vivisección. Esta película es la historia de todas esas muertes y torturas en nombre de la ciencia.
Qiao zhong zhi jian
An undercover CCP helps peaceful liberation of Peking.
Answer You Tomorrow
Lu Xi, a female engineer at a locomotive factory who lost her husband during the decade of turmoil, and Feng Shaoheng, a young engineer, are working on the automation of lathes.
北斗 (上)
Struggles in an Ancient City
1943, the Japanese Army is falling back to the Pacific, leaving only collaborationist troops. Commissar Yang Xiaodong is sent to inflitrate the provincial capital.
Tracks in the Snowy Forest
Zirong Yang
To Liberate Shanghai
Ethnic Hui Detachment
Flying in the Sky
Division commander Fang
During Korean War Chinese Air Force fought against the American pilots who claimed to be the world's king of the air. Zhang Lei (Cao Huichu), who comes from a poor farming family, is determined to kill the enemy and serve his country after graduating from aviation school. After arriving at the front line, both the division commander (played by Wang Runshen) and the team leader were satisfied with his test flight results, but the proud Zhang Lei did not want to be a wingman and thinks he is useless. His pride and conceit made him pay the price. With the help of leaders and comrades, he gradually got out of complacency. In the next air battle, he used his actions to correct his mistakes and actively helped the lead plane complete aerial tactical coordination and shoot down the enemy plane. After his own plane was injured and on fire, he was still able to cover his comrades and crash the injured plane into the enemy plane