Lisandra López Fabe


Entre perro y lobo
Inmersos en la selva cubana, tres veteranos de la Guerra de Angola practican un ritual secreto: entrenar y vivir de nuevo como los soldados que un día fueron. Son los últimos samuráis de la Revolución cubana, listos para luchar contra el enemigo. ¿O es acaso para luchar contra ellos mismos? Ajenos a las profundas transformaciones que están teniendo lugar en el mundo, los tres hombres hacen de sus entrenamientos una suerte de terapia improvisada: un juego de guerra en el que aún son camaradas válidos, fuertes y, sobre todo, espiritualmente jóvenes.
Raudel has been haunted since childhood by the sight of a strange light. Now, at the age of 27, he dedicates himself to scrapping ships in Bahia Honda, Cuba, a place where the line that separates the living from the dead is almost invisible.
The city dissolves itself in the same way it was created. With each movement, its inhabitants are preparing to leave to another place, while forming the newton image.
Brouwer, el Origen de la Sombra
Leo Brouwer, extraordinary, world famous composer, opens the doors of his space of creation and allows the spectator to explore his quotidian and his work. With a sharp and questioning look, he reflects about life and contemporaneity and shares anxieties that accompanied and inspired him throughout eight decades.
In a faraway region, a family transforms everyday actions into rituals. Their circular existence is focused on the father, around whom the limbo of the nation organizes its forms.
A malignant force analyzes the people living in a house. They don't seem to notice their fate, except for and old man who is sure that finishing his masterpiece will save everyone from the inevitable.
Diarios de niebla
Behamut Limited Corporation has edited this film using the remaining materials found in Dzershinsky City after it imploded. Doctor James Cracker Fishboume was in charge of its aesthetic aspects.