Jörg Kalt

Nacimiento : 1967-01-11, Suresnes, France

Muerte : 2007-07-01


Una colisión con una oveja en una carretera rural de Suiza inicia una serie de experiencias extrañas e inquietantes para la pareja austriaca formada por Anna y Nick, que deja a ambos incapaces de saber exactamente dónde están: en el mundo real, en su propia imaginación o en la imaginación de un tercero.
Forever Never Anywhere
Never at the sea.
Crash Test Dummies
Ana and Nicolae, a young Romanian couple, travel by bus from Bucharest to Vienna with the prospect of making quick money by handing over a stolen car. As soon as they arrive, however, they are reassured that the car is not yet ready for them. Ana then wants to go back to Romania, Nicolae would rather travel further west. They are stuck penniless in Vienna.
Crash Test Dummies
Ana and Nicolae, a young Romanian couple, travel by bus from Bucharest to Vienna with the prospect of making quick money by handing over a stolen car. As soon as they arrive, however, they are reassured that the car is not yet ready for them. Ana then wants to go back to Romania, Nicolae would rather travel further west. They are stuck penniless in Vienna.
To the Future through the Night
Nick, a jobless cook, falls in love with Anna, a film student. Some time after their adventurous first night she leaves him. Then time starts to run backwards - for everybody but Nick. He finds himself in a backwards world, everybody talks, runs, eats backwards. He accepts the situation, realizing that Anna is bound to return to him this way. He wants them to live together, him forwards, her backwards...
Meine Mutter war ein Metzger
Bitte, Danke - Gute Fahrt
Speak Easy
Assistant Director
Young people on the telephone.