Vicente Moreno Acuña


Será Que Ya Es Primavera
Adriana is a disenchanted seamstress, trapped in the routine of her unhappy marriage. Hanging between threads, music and memories, she'll try to revitalize her life by signing up for a talent show in her neighborhood.
Será Que Ya Es Primavera
Adriana is a disenchanted seamstress, trapped in the routine of her unhappy marriage. Hanging between threads, music and memories, she'll try to revitalize her life by signing up for a talent show in her neighborhood.
Los primos esperan
Paula, Santiago, Lucía y Nicolás deciden permanecer en la casa de su recientemente difunta abuela mientras el resto de los adultos concurren a su velorio. Entre viejos juegos, nuevas preguntas y una ausencia que aún late entre las paredes, los primos encontrarán nuevas formas de lidiar con la pérdida.