Jaroslav R. Vávra

Nacimiento : 1902-03-08,

Muerte : 1990-05-05


Posel úsvitu
Basada en la novela de Karel Capek, el destacado escritor checo de principios del siglo XX que acuñó la palabra robot para su obra R.U.R., la historia gira en torno al descubrimiento de Krakatit -un poderoso explosivo- por parte de Prokop, un científico experimental que, tras un explosión accidental en su laboratorio, entra y sale del delirio. Cuando se da cuenta de que, en un período delirante, le ha dado la fórmula para hacer Krakatit a uno de sus colegas, intenta encontrar al hombre, quien no se da cuenta de lo peligroso que es Krakatit. En el proceso, casi vuelve a revelar su descubrimiento a intereses extranjeros, a un grupo de anarquistas y a fuerzas de la oscuridad aún mayores...
The Light Penetrates the Dark
Zdenek Pešánek created the first public kinetic sculpture, for the power station in Prague. This short experimental film focuses on a kinetic sculpture by Zdenek Pešánek. For a period of eight years it issued beams of light from the outside wall of a transformer station at Prague’s power utility before its destruction in 1939. Though genuine, these shots seem abstract to us. They are a rhythmically assembled ode to the light-creating devices and phenomena of electricity. Light arcs, coils, bulbs and various luminous elements support the alternation of positive and negative film images, creating an impressive universe of light and shade. In the 1920s, Pešánek had obtained financial support for his work with electric kinetic light art. In the 1930s, he was the first sculptor to use neon lights. He built several kinetic light pianos, and published a book titled “Kinetismus” in 1941. —http://www.centerforvisualmusic.org