Ignė Narbutaitė


Assistant Editor
Elena imparte clases de baile, mientras que Dovydas trabaja como intérprete de lenguaje de signos. En el momento en que se conocen, se establece un hermoso vínculo entre ellos. Sin embargo, su relación será puesta a prueba cuando Dovydas confiesa a Elena que tiene sentimientos románticos por ella, pero es asexual, es decir, no siente y nunca ha sentido deseo sexual por otra persona.
Once Upon a Vilnius
Vilnius is a city of notable historical heritage and unique character currently undergoing considerable changes. Some of the life fragments our camera has recorded are no more. The film, therefore, is a testimony to that which has faded into oblivion, and a glimpse into what is to come.
The Old Man
Vaiva dreams of living in Spain with her Spanish boyfriend. Before leaving for the foreign country, she needs to save up some money for her new start and begins working as a nurse for a bedridden man in a remote village of Lithuania. Time passes by slowly here, and the Spanish lover doesn’t pick up the phone for days.