Diane Régimbald


This short animation draws on advanced digital technologies to offer a new vision of dance in cinema. With motion capture (MoCap) and particle processing, designers Denis Poulin and Martine Époque create virtual dancers free of their morphological appearance. In this balletic and hypnotic film, dynamic traces carry the motion of the real dancers behind the on-screen movements. Addressing environmental themes by way of metaphor, CODA is a fused universe where space and time collide, deploy, and dissolve. In this technically and formally innovative film, luminous bodies in the infinite space of the cosmos transform and evolve to the rhythms of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring.
Edmond era un burro
Edmond no es como los demás. Cuando sus compañeros de trabajo se burlan de él colocándole un gorro de asno, de pronto Edmond tiene la revelación de su verdadera naturaleza y parece que se siente a gusto con su nueva identidad. Aunque ello marque aún más la distancia entre él y los demás. Franck Dion nos cuenta con delicadeza la historia enternecedora de este tierno marginal, y aborda el tema de la dificultad de ser uno mismo frente al conformismo social. (FILMAFFINITY)
Drux Flux
Partly figurative, partly abstract, Drux Flux is an animation film of fast-flowing images showing modern people crushed by industry. Inspired by One-Dimensional Man by the philosopher Herbert Marcus…
Sleeping Betty
En un lujoso palacio situado en el primer piso de una casa de un barrio obrero de Montreal, la princesa Isabelle está sumida en una fuerte crisis narcoléptica. Junto al lecho donde duerme está el rey, quien, para ayudarla, acude a su tío Enrique VIII, a su tía Victoria, a un extraterreste, a una bruja muy moderna y a un apuesto príncipe. (FILMAFFINITY)
Marianne's Theatre
The curtains of a theatre open onto a smaller puppet theatre presided over by Marianne. The ringmaster waves her baton at three shadowy acrobats that climb one by one out of her hat. Each performs his number, although not without some difficulty. The clumsiness of the first, the mischievousness of the second, and the fieriness of the third trigger a few clashes that ultimately lead to chaos. How can Marianne create harmony without losing control? Will her show flop? Who's really calling the shots, the little puppet or her acrobats?