Seiichirô Nomura


El emperador y el general
Después de la detonación de las bombas atómicas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, el ejército japonés y el gobierno se enfrentan por la demanda de los aliados de la rendición incondicional. El Ministro de Defensa Anami defiende el continuar luchando, hasta la muerte del último japonés si hace falta. El Emperador Hirohito se reune con sus ministros para solicitar la impensable rendición pacífica del Japón. Cuando el ejército planea un golpe para derrocar al gobierno civil del Emperador, Anani debe decidir entre sus deseos o su lealtad al Emperador.
Kunisada Chûji
Kunisada Tadaharu, a peasant of Kunisada Village in Joshu Sai County, could not stand the bad government and poor harvest of Takebe Genhan, the governor of the time. entered the world of As he played more and more games at the gambling hall, he became feared as "Chuji the gambling robber", and became a boss who had a share of Inui such as Nikko's Enzo and Shimizu's Kentetsu. However, due to a disagreement, he killed his benefactor Isaburo Boss, and was abandoned by Yasugoro and was chased. However, Chuji cleverly took advantage of the peasant uprising, shut himself up on Mt. Akagi, opened a gambling hall, and was touted as the greatest boss in the Kanto region. The magistrate, who learned of the close relationship between the peasants and Chuji, finally arranged for Chuji to go on a trip. Chuji, who doesn't know that he was weighed, gleefully descends the mountain, but...