Sarah José

Sarah José


Actress Sarah José was born and raised in Southern California, the daughter of a South American neurologist, and a former nurse. It was by happenstance that Sarah came to act. She was in Ballet class when she was asked to audition for her first theatre play. After performing in a handful of stage plays and musicals, Sarah auditioned for Joanne DeNaut, CSA at South Coast Repertory and was admitted to their summer company intensive. She was considering the idea of "doing movies" when she arrived to the set of DIVOS! (2020) and was offered the role of Tina Hernandez. She said yes.


Sarah José


Human Resources
Sarah Browne
Después de comenzar un trabajo en una espeluznante ferretería, un joven ansioso descubre un misterio impactante que lo lleva a una lucha contra fuerzas aterradoras que acechan detrás de las paredes.