Jiulong Guo

Jiulong Guo

Nacimiento : 1948-01-01, Beijing, China


Jiulong Guo


Demon Catcher 2
Theater Chief
A Sealed Book
Fox's Strange Talk
The Fourth Master
According to legend, there is a type of person who can walk in the yin and yang and know ghosts and spirits. Shen Xiaohan adhered to Master's last wish and escorted Master's ashes back to his hometown for burial. On the way home, he passed a family and learned that there was a ghost here, and the owner Wu Laohan was deeply hurt by it. Wu Laohan knew about the ghosts. With the ability, he asked Master Xiao Shen to come to exorcise the ghosts...
The Story Of The Night Watcher
Master of Four Eyes
Charging Out of Prisoner Camp
Lao Jiaqiao
The Oriental Illusionist
Lao Xiazi
The two juggling schools of Yin and Yang inside and outside Shanhaiguan started a juggling duel because of a "Book of Fortune" that was rumored to be able to change fate against the sky.
Kung Fu Duo
Ding Qian
Bastard Rule
Father Lin
The Looming Storm
Yu Guowei dirige un departamento de seguridad de una fábrica con su asistente Xiao Liu. Pese a ganar un premio al trabajador modelo su trabajo no le llena y pronto se obsesiona con atrapar a un asesino que ha cometido un crimen en su pueblo.
Intrude The Widow Village at Midnight
Liu Daizi
Lack of Love
A villager helps the left-behind kids of migrant workers.
Sword Master
Zhi Kesen
Harto de una vida llena de sangre, el Tercer Maestro ha decidido fingir su muerte y refugiarse en un burdel. Sin embargo, un espadachín que siempre quiso enfrentarle y Qiudi, su antigua prometida, deciden sacar al maestro de su escondite... a la fuerza.
The Leader's Way. The stars have aligned
Lee Kuan Yew
The film covers a period from 1984 to 1991 and tells about the rise of new independent states, including Kazakhstan. In addition, it features the role of the first President of Kazakhstan in the reforms carried out in the country, as well as the initiatives, which today have turned into global scale projects.
When We Were Young
7 Assassins
When social unrest plagues a Kingdom in ancient China, the Imperial Court collects stockpiles of gold from local governments to expand the royal army. However, the gold is robbed while in transport. In a desperate move to retrieve the stolen treasure, elite royal guards are sent on a mission to go after the gold but soon find out they are not the only ones in pursuit of it.
The Great Magician
En Pekín, en la década de 1920, un grupo de magos se juntará para cumplir con un desafío: reproducir un truco llamado los Ocho Inmortales.
True Legend
Lao Yun
Su Qi-Er, un hombre rico que vive durante la dinastía Qing que pierde su fortuna y reputación como resultado de una conspiración contra él. Después de haber sido forzado a salir a las calles, Su dedica su vida a las artes marciales y resurge como un héroe patriótico conocido como el "rey de los mendigos."
The Bloody Blade 10
Yu Min
The French Concession Inspector Zhong Lang accidentally rescued Qian Shouchang, a wealthy businessman who was attacked by a killer. Boss Qian was very grateful and invited Zhong Lang to settle in the Qian Mansion on the day of his birthday banquet to ensure safety.
The Legend of Foguang Temple
Xuan Hong
La maldición de la flor dorada
Host of The Festival
China, siglo X, dinastía Tang. En vísperas del Festival Chong Yang, el Palacio Imperial se llena de flores doradas. El regreso inesperado del Emperador, con el príncipe Jai, para celebrar la fiesta con su familia, resulta sospechoso, pues su relación con la Emperatriz es muy fría. Durante muchos años, la Emperatriz y el Príncipe heredero Wan, su hijastro, han mantenido una relación ilícita, pero Wan se siente atrapado y sueña con huir del palacio con Chan, la hija del médico Imperial. Mientras tanto, el Príncipe Jai, el hijo fiel, crece preocupado por la salud de la Emperatriz y su obsesión por los crisantemos dorados.