Tom Steele

Tom Steele


Tom Steele


El precio del poder
Un emigrante cubano frío y sanguinario, Tony Montana, llega de Cuba para instalarse en Miami, donde se propone hacerse con un nombre dentro del crimen organizado de Florida. Junto a su amigo, Manny Rivera, inicia una ascendente carrera delictiva.
Sillas de montar calientes
Townsman Who Falls from Chair (uncredited)
El avaricioso gobernador Lepetomane y su malvado ayudante Hedley Lamarr quieren que los habitantes de Rock Ridge abandonen la ciudad, para vender los terrenos a una compañía de ferrocarril. Para facilitar sus maquiavélicos planes, nombran sheriff a Bart, un negro condenado a la horca, para que fomente el desorden y la anarquía en la ciudad.
Diamantes para la eternidad
W Technologies Gate Guard (uncredited)
Tras pasar unas merecidas vacaciones en Francia, el agente secreto James Bond recibe una llamada del Jefe M para realizar una peligrosa misión relacionada con unos diamantes en bruto desaparecidos.
Zabriskie Point
Tom - Security Guard (uncredited)
Tras un enfrentamiento en un campus universitario entre estudiantes y policías, un joven de familia acomodada, que ha matado a un agente, tras robar una avioneta huye con un compañero al desierto de Arizona. Allí se encuentra casualmente con una muchacha que trabaja para un abogado, que dirige un importante proyecto inmobiliario.
Harper, investigador privado
Eddie Rossiter (uncredited)
Un investigador privado de Los Angeles es contratado por la esposa de un multimillonario que ha desaparecido misteriosamente. Tras las primeras pesquisas, lo que a priori se planteaba como una ausencia voluntaria del extravagante ricachón, comienza a complicarse...
Sakima and the Masked Marvel
The Masked Marvel
La ingenua explosiva
El rancho familiar de Catherine "Cat" Balou (Jane Fonda) se ve amenazado por la inminente llegada del ferrocarril. La joven maestra de escuela, empeñada en conservar sus raíces, busca la ayuda de Kid Shelleen (Lee Marvin), pero descubre que es el pistolero más borracho de todo el Oeste. Cuando su padre muere asesinado por matones a sueldo de la compañía del ferrocarril, ella jura vengarse.
Gladiator (uncredited)
Hacia el año 75 antes de Cristo, un esclavo llamado Espartaco es vendido a una escuela de gladiadores donde le adiestran para combatir en la arena de los circos romanos. Pronto, Espartaco lidera una rebelión por el maltrato sufrido.
Comando paracaidista
German (uncredited)
Una vez en tierra, seis paracaidistas se enfrentan a un grupo de soldados alemanes. Cowboy, uno de ellos, se pone un uniforme nazi, y Charlie, uno de sus compañeros, lo mata sin querer. Sin embargo, los demás empiezan a sospechar que Charlie lo mató premeditadamente.
El hijo pródigo
Slave (uncredited)
Uno de los herederos de un patriarca bíblico solicita le anticipen su parte de la herencia y se marcha de la granja familiar a gozar de una vida de orgía y desenfreno en una capital extranjera. Una vez ha dilapidado el dinero, regresa al hogar paterno.
Man with the Steel Whip
Tom - Henchman at Cascade Rocks, Ch. 4 / Henchman Gage - Ch. 8
Saloon owner Barnet wants the Indian reservation land on which he knows there is gold, and organizes a gang, aided by some renegade Indians, to raid and terrorize close-by settlers,hoping to arouse them to drive off the Indians. Rancher Jerry Randall, accompanied by school teacher Nancy Cooper, sets out to defeat the plot. In order to win the loyalty of the innocent tribe members, Randall masquerades as a legendary friend of the Indians, El Latigo.
Trader Tom of the China Seas
In this 12 Chapter serial the UN enlists trader Tom Rogers and Vivian Wells, to lead the effort to prevent the natives from starting a revolution in Burmatra and its neighbors.
Six Gun Decision
A compilation of two episodes from the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series, Border City Election and Pony Express vs. Telegraph, edited together and released as a feature film.
Canadian Mounties vs. Atomic Invaders
A villain named Marlof attempts to set up secret missile bases inside Canada so he can launch missiles at the U.S. The Canadian Mounted Police dispatch agents to try to stop him.
Jungle Drums of Africa
Stunt Double
In Africa, a deceased medical missionary's daughter in Africa carries on her father's work. Before long, she finds herself in danger from crooks and a local witch doctor.
Jungle Drums of Africa
Third Constable
In Africa, a deceased medical missionary's daughter in Africa carries on her father's work. Before long, she finds herself in danger from crooks and a local witch doctor.
La rosa de Cimarrón
Hollister's Riding Double
Una joven blanca que ha sido criada por los indios Cherokees, quiere vengarse de los enemigos blancos que mataron a sus parientes indios. Para ello, necesitará la ayuda de un hombre blanco, el marshal Hollister. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lost Planet Airmen
Feature version of the 1949 serial, KING OF THE ROCKETMEN: Young member of scientific group uses new rocket-powered flying suit to thwart shadowy saboteur known only as "Dr. Vulcan".
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
Two federal agents battle a gang that hijacks trucks carrying materials vital for the security of the country and sells them to foreign powers.
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
Two federal agents battle a gang that hijacks trucks carrying materials vital for the security of the country and sells them to foreign powers.
El enigma de otro mundo
Un visitante hostil de otro planeta es detectado por una estación de radar situada en el ártico. Película de culto dentro del género, todo un clásico con excelentes interpretaciones y un insoportable suspense. Famosa cinta de ciencia-ficción en la que el productor Howard Hawks planificó y supervisó todo el rodaje. En 1982 John Carpenter dirigió un conocido remake, titulado "La cosa".
Flying Disc Man from Mars
Mota is a Martian representative, who has come to impose interplanetary law on the Earth (which has become too dangerous); opposing his authority is Kent Fowler, who resists the alien plot, without understanding its details.
Flying Disc Man from Mars
Mota is a Martian representative, who has come to impose interplanetary law on the Earth (which has become too dangerous); opposing his authority is Kent Fowler, who resists the alien plot, without understanding its details.
Desperadoes of the West
A group of ranchers, led by Colonel Arnold and Ward Gordon, are drilling an oil well but getting fierce opposition from an unknown gang of outlaws. Eastern promoter J.B."Dude" Dawson, is behind the gang as he is out to prevent the co-op members from striking oil before their lease expires, so he can secure the property for his company. When Ward, with the help of Arnold and his daughter Sally, arranges for a new driller to be brought in, the replacement man is killed and one of Dawson's men takes his place.
Trigger, Jr.
Evil Grant Withers lets a killer horse loose to ruin valuable horses on nearby ranches. He hopes to shake down the ranchers for his "protection". Roy tracks down the bad guys, but is suddenly trapped by them. Peter Miles, a boy terrified of horses, overcomes his fear and rides for help to save the day.
The Invisible Monster
Henchman Bill 'Mack' Haines [Chapters 5, 10]
Man-woman team of investigators uncover a gang whose mad scientist leader has developed an invisibility chemical and plans to build a mercenary army of invisible men.
The Invisible Monster
Man-woman team of investigators uncover a gang whose mad scientist leader has developed an invisibility chemical and plans to build a mercenary army of invisible men.
Orgullo de comanche
Tras el descubrimiento de plata en territorio comanche, el gobierno envía allí a Jim Bowie con la misión de garantizar el cumplimiento del tratado de paz firmado con los indios. Una vez allí, Bowie descubre que los colonos planean atacar a los indios a pesar del acuerdo del gobierno. (FILMAFFINITY)
The James Brothers of Missouri
Slim, Lanky Royer Employee [Ch.1] / Drake, Lanky Henchman Guarding Simpson [Ch.4] / Henchman Guarding Wagon [Ch.11]
This 12-part serial concerns the efforts of the infamous James brothers (of which Jesse was a prominent member) to become normal everyday citizens. Of course, there's no room in the Wild West for reformed outlaws, and the duo inevitably find themselves caught up in showdowns and robberies.
The Wyoming Bandit
Wyoming Dan (Trevor Bardette) returns home after 20 years evading the law for a crime he didn't commit, only to find his son on his deathbed. Seeking revenge for his son's murder, Dan enlists the help of Rocky Lane (Allan Lane), who poses as an outlaw to try to uncover the truth. When the duo manage to track down the killer, they find him armed to the teeth.
King of the Rocket Men
Knox/Taxi Driver
Prof. Millard pretends to be dead and helps Jeff King ferret out Vulcan, the evil traitor at the science academy. Donning his Rocket Man costume King goes from one hair raising rescue to the next in order to keep the newly invented Decimator out of the clutches of Vulcan and his minions.
Ghost of Zorro
Although ostensibly the grand-son of the legendary hero, Clayton Moore's Ken Mason is little more than a cowboy in a black mask in this 12 chapter Republic serial. Mason, the head of the telegraph line work crew, assumes his ancestor's trade-mark mask (but not whip) in order to prevent a local czar (Roy Barcroft) from sabotaging the burgeoning telegraph line. Pamela Blake, a brunette starlet formerly known as Adele Pearce, played Mason's imperiled girlfriend, and the serial also benefitted from the usual competent work of Republic's great stunt-performers, including Dale van Sickel, Tom Steele, Eddie Parker, and Joe Yrigoyen.
Adventures of Frank and Jesse James
Mike Steele [Chs. 1-2, 11] / Water Tower Henchman [Ch. 12] / Henchman Gus
Jesse James returns to Missouri, and he and brother Frank come to the aid of a young woman who owns a gold mine. Her father was murdered and she took over the mine, and now the villains who killed her father are trying to drive her out of the mine so they can take it over.
The Denver Kid
When Border Patrol Lieutenant Roberts is killed, it appears that his brother Tim was the killer. To clear the Robert's name for his boss, Lieutenant Rocky Lane heads south of the border posing as an outlaw. He hopes to get in with the gang and find Tim who is using an assumed name. As always, Nugget is there to help.
Jungle Goddess
When a plane carrying the daughter of a millionaire crashes in an African jungle, two pilots set out to collect the reward. They discover that she has become the goddess of a primitive tribe. An insurgent witch doctor and fierce wild animals make escape from the jungle difficult for the trio.
G-Men Never Forget
John Parker
An escaped criminal impersonates a Police Commissioner, causing no end of trouble to a determined Federal Agent.
G-Men Never Forget
An escaped criminal impersonates a Police Commissioner, causing no end of trouble to a determined Federal Agent.
Dangers of the Canadian Mounted
Fagan / Carter / Truck Driver / Lou / Sloane / Spike
Crooks discover a Genghis Khan treasure ship on the Canada-Alaska border but the treasure is hidden somewhere on land. In their efforts to find the hidden treasure they resort to murder and sabotage to stop the construction of the Alcan highway which will bring homesteaders to the area. Sergeant Royal of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police battles through 12 episodes to find the crooks and to learn the identity of their mysterious leader known only as 'The Boss'.
Jesse James Rides Again
Jesse James wants to start a new life in a new location, but quickly finds himself wrapped-up in protecting townsfolk from the machinations of evil oilmen.
Jesse James Rides Again
Jesse James wants to start a new life in a new location, but quickly finds himself wrapped-up in protecting townsfolk from the machinations of evil oilmen.
Son of Zorro
Henchman Leach [Chs. 5-6, 9]
A man returning home after having fought in the Civil War discovers that corrupt politicians have taken over the county and are terrorizing and shaking down the citizens. He dons the costume of his ancestor, the famous Zorro, and sets out to bring them to justice.
The Crimson Ghost
Henchman Stricker [Chs. 4, 7, 9]
A criminal mastermind known as The Crimson Ghost is out to steal a device called the Cyclotrode, which can short-circuit all electrical current on the planet.
Daughter of Don Q
Kidnapper Norton / Streetsweeper Blake / MineThug Dow / BombThug Lyons [Chs. 2, 5, 7, 10]
When the unscrupulous Carlos Manning discovers that an old Spanish land grant recently unearthed will leave a huge section of California real estate to the heirs of Don Quantero, he employs Mel Donovan and his killer henchmen to murder them all. That will leave Manning as the sole heir to millions. However, Delores Quantero tumbles to this plot and enlists the aide of two-fisted reporter, Cliff Roberts to save all her relatives
King of the Forest Rangers
Martin / Al / Baker / Wade
An Indian rug is the key to the location of a lost treasure. When the rug's owner is murdered, it becomes a case for Forest Ranger Steve King
The Phantom Rider
A new town doctor arrives at the same time as local Indians needprotection from troublemaking looters.
The Scarlet Horseman
Government agents work to interfere with schemes to trick the Comanches into war with the Texans.
The Purple Monster Strikes
A Martian invader crashes his spaceship conveniently close to the workshop of a scientist who is developing an interplanetary craft. If the extraterrestrial Purple Monster can complete the rocket ship and return to Mars, he will be able to start a full-scale invasion of Earth. Good thing Craig Foster sets out to thwart the Monster's mission!
Secret Agent X-9
American, Chinese and Australian agents join forces to stop the Nazis from obtaining the formula for synthetic fuel.
Federal Operator 99
Jerry Blake (aka Federal Operator 99) teams-up with Joyce Kingston to thwart the plans of escaped crime boss Jim Belmont.
The Master Key
Before the outbreak of WWII, Nazi sympathizers plot to undermine America.
The Vampire's Ghost
Sailor with Barrat
In a small African port, a tawdry bar is run by a old man named Webb Fallon. Fallon is actually a vampire, but he is becoming weary of his "life" of the past few hundred years.
Manhunt of Mystery Island
Lyons / Bailey
Claire Forrest seeks her kidnapped scientist father, hidden somewhere on Mystery Island. He is held and forced to work on diabolical inventions by Captain Mephisto, a costumed villain.
Manhunt of Mystery Island
Claire Forrest seeks her kidnapped scientist father, hidden somewhere on Mystery Island. He is held and forced to work on diabolical inventions by Captain Mephisto, a costumed villain.
Cpl. "Smitty" Smith
A wildcat oil outfit is seeking to take over the ranch belonging to Pop Martin and his son Bob and daughter Helen. Bob sends his ex-army pals a "stay-way" message, which brings them on the double. The WW II vets use their jeeps, first for a cattle roundup, and then to round up the gang of crooks, including the crooked family-lawyer Thatcher, brains of the gang.
Zorro's Black Whip
Ed / Rancher
Pretty Girl Barbara Mededith takes over her murdered brother's crusading newspaper. She also assumes the dead sibling's identity as "The Black Whip," righting the wrongs of Crescent City very much in the manner of her famous ancestor, Zorro.
Code of the Prairie
Henchman Burley
Just after the Oklahoma Panhandle was annexed into the united states an ex-lawman turned newspaper man arrives to town to civilize it. He brings along Frog, a photographer and Sunset Carson as muscle. The seedy element in the territory doesn't want law and order and they plot against them and try to stop Sunset Carson being sheriff.
Bordertown Trail
The election to determine if Texas will become a state is near and men opposed are running contraband across the border. Sunset and Frog are Border Patrolmen and have an agent that tips them off by carrier pigeon. The Army arrives and the commander is Sunset's brother. When the agent is found out and murdered, his fake replacement then leads the soldiers astray.
Silver City Kid
Henchman Utah
A landowner tries to drink his neighbor's molybdenum milkshake and winds up having him killed. It's up to Allan Lane to find out what happened and apprehend the culprits.
Call of the Rockies
Cowboy Sunset Carson teams up with Frog Millhouse on a routine supply trip to Placer City. Before long, the duo find themselves ambushed by a team of dastardly highwaymen embroiled in an extortion ring. Sunset and Frog must then go undercover to set things right for a mining town under siege. Galloping hooves, spittin' six shooters, and all manner of disreputable behavior ensue.
Marshal of Reno
Stagecoach Robber
One of two towns will be selected to be the County Seat and Editor Palmer has a gang working to make sure his town is chosen. Investigating the lawlessness, Red Ryder poses as an outlaw to get into the gang hoping to find out who the boss is. But Palmer knows Red and exposes his true identity when he arrives and Red and Gabby then find themselves prisoners of the gang. [Written by Maurice Van Auken]
Tucson Raiders
In Elliot's initial appearance as Red Ryder, he finds himself framed for murder. Little Beaver then foils the crooked Sheriff's attempt to have Red killed escaping jail. When Hannah Rogers gives the Sheriff a note, Red sees her give him a signal. Gabby lifts the note and Red decodes it. The Duchess then gets a confession from Hannah enabling Red to set out after the outlaws.
Hidden Valley Outlaws
Lawyer Leland is using land rights to kick the ranchers off their land. When Wild Bill and Gabby arrive to help the ranchers, he has actor Percel frame them for murder and then incites the townsmen to lynch them.
Batallón de construcción
Seabee (uncredited)
Durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el capitán Yarrow y el jefe de construcción Donovan consiguen un permiso para levantar una base de armamento que les permita enfrentarse con cierta ventaja contra los japoneses. Cuando llega el momento de luchar, ambos lo harán con gran valentía y audacia.
The Masked Marvel
The Masked Marvel
A team of two-fisted insurance investigators (one of whom disguises himself as The Masked Marvel) endeavor to discover and thwart the loathsome saboteur Sakima.
The Masked Marvel
A team of two-fisted insurance investigators (one of whom disguises himself as The Masked Marvel) endeavor to discover and thwart the loathsome saboteur Sakima.
Background to Danger
Thug at Newspaper Office
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Aunque Turquía permanece neutral, Ankara es una ciudad llena de espías e intrigas. Los alemanes planean filtrar mapas falsos que prueben que los rusos están a punto de invadir el país. El americano Joe Barton está involucrado en esta intriga junto a dos agentes: Zaloshoff y su hermana, que quizá sean rusos. Lo que es seguro es que el odioso Coronel Robinson es un nazi.
G-men vs. the Black Dragon
Japanese spies attempt to subvert America's war effort; G-Men attempt to thwart their plot.
Texas to Bataan
Lemac-Truck Driver
In the 17th of the 24 films in Monogram's "Range Buster" series, Texas ranch owner Conroy returns from Washington with an order for horses to be shipped to the Philippines. The Range Busters, Dusty, Davy and Alibi, are selected to take the horses there but, before leaving, they capture three spies who are trying to steal the horses and also learn that the ranch cook, Cookie, is a Japanese spy, but he manages to escape. In the Philippines, they go to a café for dinner and see Cookie and Miller, a German spy. Eavesdropping, they learn that Ken Richards, a neighboring Texas rancher, is the Axis contact back in the states. They capture Cookie and break up the spy ring in the Phillipines, and then return to Texas intent on settling matters with Richards. They do so and are honored by the U.S. Government just as the radio blares forth the December 7, 1941 announcement of the Pearl Harbor bombing. They head for the nearest enlistment station.
Overland Mail
Pony Express Rider
Two investigators for a stagecoach company are assigned to find out why the company's stages keep being ambushed. They discover that the culprits are white men disguised as Indians, and they set out to discover who is behind the plot.
The Secret Code
Federal Agent
A superhero known as The Black Commando battles Nazi agents who use explosive gases and artificial lightning to sabotage the war effort.
Call of the Canyon
A radio saleswoman helps a singing cattleman trap a shady meat buyer with a bogus broadcast.
Powder Town
Truck Driver / Henchman (uncredited)
Director Rowland V. Lee's wacky 1942 comedy, about an absent-minded scientist working on a secret formula at an explosives plant, stars Edmond O'Brien, Victor McLaglen, Dorothy Lovett, June Havoc, Eddie Foy Jr., Marion Martin and Mary Gordon.
Spy Smasher
Prior to the United States' involvement in World War II, the masked vigilante Spy Smasher fights Nazi agents operating within the US, led by the treacherous sabotage leader codenamed The Mask.
Sea Raiders
Coral Strand Crewman / Whaler Crewman
A bunch of waterfront youths pursue the Sea Raiders, a gang of saboteurs.
Sea Raiders
A bunch of waterfront youths pursue the Sea Raiders, a gang of saboteurs.
King of the Texas Rangers
Tom King Jr. seeks to discover who murdered his father, a Texas Ranger; the trail leads to a network of Axis spies.
Ciudadano Kane
Reporter (uncredited)
Un importante financiero estadounidense, Charles Foster Kane, dueño de una importante cadena de periódicos, de una red de emisoras, de dos sindicatos y de una inimaginable colección de obras de arte, muere en su fabuloso castillo de estilo oriental, Xanadú. La última palabra que pronuncia al expirar es Rosebud. El país entero y la prensa en general quedan intrigados por saber el significado de esta palabra. Para descubrirlo, un grupo de periodistas se pone a investigar.
Sky Raiders
Captain Bob Dayton and Lieutenant Ed Carey are partners in a company called "Sky Raiders" which seeks US government contracts for its inventions. Enemy spies attempt to steal, sabotage and discredit the inventions and founders of the company.
La rueda de la fortuna
Hood at Fifth Voting Precinct (uncredited)
Lynn Hollister es un letrado que trata de averiguar lo que se oculta tras el asesinato de un amigo. Su principal sospechoso es Tom Cameron, pero Hollister pronto se enamorará de Sabra, la hija de éste.
Mysterious Doctor Satan
Truck Henchman
A mad scientist named Dr. Satan plots to steal key pieces of technology to enable him to build an army of robots based on his prototype to conquer America. The only one standing in his way is Bob Wayne, who fights Satan as the enigmatic Copperhead. Mysterious Doctor Satan is a 1940 film serial named after its chief villain. Doctor Satan's main opponent is the masked mystery man, "The Copperhead", whose secret identity is Bob Wayne, a man searching for justice and revenge on Satan for the death of his step-father. The serial charts the conflict between the two as Bob Wayne pursues Doctor Satan, while the latter completes his plans for world domination.
Junior G-Men
Bakery Truck Driver / Police Driver
A gang of urban street kids and a club of suburban would-be federal agents, at first rivals, join forces to rescue the father of one of the kids, the inventor of a super-explosive and its remote detonator, from the clutches of a band of foreign subversives call the "Flaming Torch Gang". A 12-episode movie serial with the chapters: •1. Enemies Within •2. The Blast of Doom •3. Human Dynamite •4. Blazing Danger •5. Trapped By Traitors •6. Traitors' Treachery •7. Flaming Death •8. Hurled Through Space •9. The Plunge of Peril •10.The Toll of Treason •11.Descending Doom •12.The Power of Patriotism
Wild Horse Range
Randall and his sidekick Manny (Frank Yaconelli) played horse traders battling a greedy and unscrupulous rival (Tom London). When some of his stock disappears, Jack follows the trail to a ranch belonging to Harriet Morgan (Marin Sais) and her young niece, Ann (Phyllis Ruth). A white stallion is accused of luring the Morgan mares astray but the horses are in reality being rustled by the ever-present London and his henchman (Charles King).
Flash Gordon Conquista El Universo
Ming's Pilot (uncredited)
Miniserie de TV. 12 episodios. En el planeta Mongo, Flash Gordon, Dale Arden y el Dr. Zarkov batallan contra la Plaga de la Muerte Púrpura, intentando reestablecer en el poder al príncipe Barin. Tercero y último serial de la Universal Pictures basado en el inmortal personaje creado por la pluma y el pincel de Alex Raymond. Los dos previos eran "Flash Gordon" (1936) y "Flash Gordon’s Trip to Mars" (1938).
Dick Tracy's G-Men
Lighthouse and House Thug
A mad doctor named Zanoff uses a drug to bring himself back from the dead after his execution in prison. Dick Tracy sets out to capture Zanoff before he can put his criminal gang back together again.
In Old Monterey
The (pre-WWII) Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.
In Old Monterey
The (pre-WWII) Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.
I Stole a Million
Cop (uncredited)
A cabbie and petty thief dreams of the big heist that will end his thieving ways.
El camino de Oregón
Jeff Scott es enviado a investigar los problemas con los vagones que intentan hacer el viaje a Oregón. Sam Morgan ha enviado a sus secuaces, bajo el mando del secuaz principal Bull Bragg, a detener las caravanas para mantener el control del comercio de pieles en la zona.
Mandrake the Magician
Powerhouse Henchman
Mandrake and his team attempt to prevent "The Wasp" from stealing and using a new Radium invention.
Buck Rogers
Kane Pilot / Hidden City Tech / Balcony Guard
Buck Rogers and Buddy Wade are in the middle of a trans-polar dirigible flight when they are caught in a blizzard and crash. Buddy then releases a special gas to keep them in suspended animation until a rescue party can arrive. However, an avalanche covers the craft and the two are in suspended animation for 500 years. When they are found, they awake to find out that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Along with Lieutenant Wilma Deering, Buck and Buddy join in the fight to overthrow Kane and with the help of Prince Tallen of Saturn and his forces, they eventually do and Earth is free of Kane's grip.
Drifting Westward
Manuel and Carga are after the hidden map of a gold mine which is somewhere in the hacienda willed to Manuel's brother, Don Careta. Following the third midnight raid on his home, Don Careta is fearful for the safety of his daughter Wanda, and sends for Jack Martin to help him.
Scouts to the Rescue
Runaway Surrey Driver
Filmed in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Sonora, California, this Universal serial is Universal's 40th sound-era serial. Eagle Scout Bruce Scott, leader of Martinsville Troop Number One, and his pack sets off in search of lost treasure and finds adventure
The Phantom Creeps
Train Conductor / Radio Truck Driver
A mad scientist attempts to rule the world by creating various elaborate inventions.
The Spider's Web
Pulp hero "The Spider" seeks to destroy all criminals. In this serialized adventure, he battles The Octopus, who intends to replace the government of the United States.
Red Barry
A police detective is caught up in a plot to steal two million dollars in bonds.
The Great Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok
A group of "Phantom Raiders" interfere with a cattle drive from Texas to Abilene; fortunately, U.S. Marshal Wild Bill Hickok is appointed to ensure the success of the mission.
State Police
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
State Police
State Trooper Recruit
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
Tim Tyler's Luck
Ivory Patrolman
A 12-episode serial in which Tim Tyler goes to Africa in search of his father in gorilla country. He meets up with Laura, who is after Spider Webb who has framed her brother. Webb causes the death of Tim's father, but is eventually tracked down.
Radio Patrol
Police Car 27 Driver
About a young radio cop and a beautiful girl try to stop an international criminal gang from getting their hands on the formula for a new bulletproof steel.
The Mighty Treve
Story of a dog that is fanatically devoted to its master.
A Million to One
The son of a disgraced Olympic decathlete prepares to become a star in his own right. His quest is complicated by a beautiful girl and a bitter rival.
Crash Donovan
A California Highway Patrolman gets involved with a smuggling ring.
The Red Rider
"Red" Davison(Buck Jones), the sheriff of Sun Dog, sacrifices his job and his good name to save his best friend, "Silent" Slade from the hangman's noose, following a framed-up court decision which sentences Slade to hang for the murder of "Scotty McKee (J.P. McGowan). Davidson allows Slade to escape from jail and follows him to aid him in proving his innocence.
The Red Rider
"Red" Davison(Buck Jones), the sheriff of Sun Dog, sacrifices his job and his good name to save his best friend, "Silent" Slade from the hangman's noose, following a framed-up court decision which sentences Slade to hang for the murder of "Scotty McKee (J.P. McGowan). Davidson allows Slade to escape from jail and follows him to aid him in proving his innocence.