Do Gwang-seop


Special Effects Supervisor
A stylish crime, action film about a CEO of a private detective agency and a prosecutor to catch the axis of evil.
Special Effects Supervisor
A story about the love and friendship that takes place in an era where a man and a woman communicate through radio by chance.
Special Effects Supervisor
Representa la impresionante persecución del agente 'Carter', introducido en una operación misteriosa en la península de Corea donde estaba brotando un virus.
Yaksha: Operaciones despiadadas
Special Effects Supervisor
Encargado de investigar a un equipo encubierto y su infame líder en una ciudad muy peligrosa, un honorable fiscal interviene en una guerra mortal entre espías.
The Recon
Special Effects Supervisor
An education officer who was dispatched died after a gunshot went off in the dead of night. At the same time, deserters flee to the DMZ in the access control zone, and the 3rd platoon is urgently deployed to the DMZ search operation. There, the crew sees an unidentified soldier, not a deserter or a search crew.
Amenaza explosiva (Hard Hit)
Special Effects Supervisor
On his way to work, a bank manager receives an anonymous call claiming there's a bomb under his car seat, and if anyone exits the car, it will explode unless he can pay a ransom.
Special Effects Supervisor
Skill, beauty, personality, ‘Diving Diva’ Lee-young has it all. Not being able to be with her best friend Su-jin is the only thing that gets in her way. Just so she can help Su-jin out, she changes her event to synchronizing swimming. While pouring everything to Olympics selection practice, Su-jin and Lee-young are involved in a freak accident. Su-jin disappears without a trace, while Lee-young survives but loses her memory. Lee-young’s memory slowly comes back to her but remembers strange side of Su-jin. Her iron will begins to shake on the diving board.
Nido de víboras
Special Effects Supervisor
El destino de un mediocre grupo de desgraciados comienza a converger lentamente mientras se desmorona. Joong Man va tirando a duras penas trabajando en una sauna y cuidando de su madre enferma, hasta que encuentra en el vestuario una bolsa llena de dinero.
A Resistance
Special Effects Supervisor
Desde la ocupación japonesa, los coreanos lucharon para la independencia tanto en casa como en las afueras. El 1 de marzo de 1919 dio comienzo una protesta nacional que duraría dos meses. Yu Gwan-Sun era una joven estudiante que perdió a sus padres y a la mayor parte de su familia durante la manifestación tras ser ella misma quien les convenció para ir a participar y luchar contra el opresor. Ahora se siente culpable de su muerte, y siente más que nunca que el concepto de "libertad" se encuentra en sus manos. No sólo la suya, sino también la de todos los ciudadanos de Corea
Intimate Strangers
Special Effects Supervisor
Un grupo de personas se encuentran por primera vez en mucho tiempo y juegan un juego que revela los secretos de cada uno. (Remake de la exitosa película italiana 'Perfetti sconosciuti' (2016), dirigida por Paolo Genovese.)
Student A
Special Effects Supervisor
Being bullied at school and suffering violence at home, Mi-rae, a middle school loner, lives on the border between reality and fantasy. The only places she feels restful are the computer game world, and the would in the novel she writes in her notebook. As her classmates Baek-hap and Tae-yang come close to Mi-rae, she gradually opens up her mind to them. In the meantime, the computer game service is terminated, and the world in her novel also disappears, leading Mi-rae to face a tough reality again.
Special Effects Supervisor
20 years after discharge from the army and now an excavator driver, a former paratrooper who had been mobilized to suppress the May 18th Democratic Uprising in Korea in 1980, happens to find a skull in the ground one day. Driving his excavator, he pays visits to his former superiors one by one and realizes they were all both assailants and victims of the times.
Biting Fly
Special Effects Supervisor
The movie is about victims of a systemized fraud tracking down the scammers.
Uno a Uno
Special Effects Supervisor
El 9 de mayo, una estudiante de secundaria fue brutalmente asesinada. Hay 7 sospechosos y 7 sombras que los aterrorizan. ¿Quiénes son y cuál de ellos eres tú?
National Security
Special Effects Supervisor
On September 4, 1984, democracy movement leader Kim Jong Tae (Park Won Sang) is arrested and taken to an infamous interrogation facility in Namyeong-dong. For the next 22 days, he would be cruelly and continuously tortured in all manners by interrogators intent on forcing him to confess to communist collaboration.
Special Effects Supervisor
Un día, en la pequeña y pacífica localidad de Sameri, que se jacta de no tener causas penales desde hace 10 años, sucede un terrible accidente. Los ecologistas que estudian animales salvajes en una montaña cercana descubren una colección de partes desmembradas de cuerpos. La víctima resulta ser la nieta de Chun, un legendario cazador. Chun está convencido que no fue un humano quien asesino a su nieta, sino un jabalí come-hombres llamado Chaw. Aterrorizada, la gente del pueblo invita a uno de los más famosos cazadores al pueblo para capturarlo. Así se formará un pequeño grupo con el cazador, Chun, un policía y un par de ecologistas que darán caza al monstruo.
The Wonder Years
Special Effects Supervisor
A 13 year old girl who lives with her widowed mother in a town in Korea. Somewhat withdrawn and living in dreams, her main dream is that her real mother is a famous pop singer. Soo-ah falls in with a delinquent schoolgirl, and after a tense argument with her mother, blurts out that she is not her real mother. She runs away on a train to Seoul to see her "real mother" at a concert and be with her.