Martial Arts Choreographer
When loveable Labrador Maeumee has a set of puppies, Dong-Wook's grades start to suffer. Because of this, Dong-Wook's mother decides to get rid of Maeumee and the puppies. The dogs then stay at a relative's video shop until the animals can be placed into an animal training center. Meanwhile, two unscrupulous jewel thieves come into the video store and spots the little puppies. Hyeok-Pil decides to steal the littlest puppy to use as a runner to transport diamonds. Maeumee spots the two men taking away her young puppy and goes after the thieves! Can Maeumee save her puppy? Will Dong-Wook ever get to see Maeumee and the puppies again?
Martial Arts Choreographer
Los ciudadanos de Gwangju llevan una vida relativamente pacífica, hasta que un día los militares se apoderan de la ciudad, acusan a los residentes de conspiración y afirman que son simpatizantes comunistas que preparan una revolución contra el gobierno actual. Al ver que los soldados golpean a personas indefensas, principalmente estudiantes, hasta matarlas, los ciudadanos están listos para tomar represalias y formar una milicia.