Marie Castro


Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos
Dos hermanas. Una, Joséphine, historiadora especializada en el siglo XII, enfrentada a las dificultades de la vida. La otra, Iris, bella y con una vida parisiense fútil y acomodada. Una noche, durante una cena cualquiera, se jacta de escribir una novela. Atrapada por su mentira, persuade a su hermana, abandonada por su marido y ahogada en deudas, de escribir la novela que ella firmará, pero pudiendo quedarse ella el dinero. El éxito del libro cambiará su relación y sus vidas para siempre.
Love in the Medina
In the Medina of Casablanca, Thami, a young man from a conservative family with a lineage of honourable Koranic lawyers, incenses his father as he decides to enter the profession of butchery. Whilst handling the meats, he soon discovers another taboo passion: women and love. “Love in the Medina” is about a journey of initiation, a quest for freedom and Thami’s revolution of romance in ever-changing Morocco.
Je hais les parents
¿Por qué las mujeres siempre queremos más?
Juliette, Florence y Marie son amigas desde la infancia. Marie es médico y ejerce su profesión en un hospital público. Lleva ocho años casada con Pierre, un artista sincero, cariñoso y divertido, cuyo mayor defecto es no llevar ni un euro a casa. Marie se esfuerza en ser la mujer perfecta, pero un día empieza a hartarse de cargar siempre con todo. Florence está casada con Julien, un empresario voluntarioso y tajante con el que tiene un hijo, Ludovic. Apocada y temerosa, hace años que trabaja de redactora en una agencia de publicidad cuando por fin su jefe, un tipo muy especial al que todos llaman “Calígula”, le confía una cuenta. Todo parece ir sobre ruedas... Por su parte, Juliette es abogada, pero nunca tiene dinero. Ni consigue que sus clientes le paguen ni encuentra un hombre que la quiera. Al menos, eso cree... Así, las tres mujeres, atrapadas en una vida urbana, sin un respiro entre el trabajo y su vida privada, consiguen robar unos momentos para verse y hablar sin tapujos.
Ne quittez pas!
Félix Mandel, an internationally renowned astrophysicist, is married with a four-year-old son and often has his head in the clouds.
Les filles, personne s'en méfie
Eight-year-old Judith was plucked from everyday life to act in a film that was made in Paris. After returning home from the experience, she finds that her parents' marriage is on the rocks. She makes her way back to Paris with her friend Nora, and the two of them do what they can to survive.
¡Si yo fuera rico!
Aldo Bonnard ve cómo su vida se desmorona: su mujer le pide el divorcio, las deudas se le acumulan y está a punto de ser despedido de su trabajo. Pero, de repente, gana una fortuna con la lotería. Cuando decide darle la noticia a su esposa, descubre que lo está traicionando con su nuevo jefe. Tiene ante sí un espinoso dilema: compartir las ganancias con su esposa y su rival o bien esperar a que se consume el divorcio para anunciar su buena suerte. Elige, naturalmente, la segunda solución y empieza a vivir clandestinamente como un hombre rico.
La famille selon Mathieu
What should have been a simple family reunion turns into a settling of scores.
La voleuse de Saint-Lubin
Françoise Barnier, the film's heroine, is a mother. One day, she stole something. She was in dire straits but no more so than usual. She was not in debt. She had always refused the degradation of excessive debt and charities, attempting to live in line with the rules laid down by society and the law. We follow her journey through the judicial institution. Here, two ideas of justice and law collide.
Pseudobiografía del caudillo galo Vercingetorix (siglo I a.C.). Cuando las legiones romanas conquistaron las Galias, su padre fue secuestrado y ejecutado. Un sabio druida, Guttuart, le vaticina a Vercingetorix que liberará las Galias del poder de Roma. Ya adulto, se convertirá en un bravo y valiente guerrero que, al principio se unirá a las fuerzas del carismático general Julio César.
Let There Be Light!
God comes to Earth in order to make a film.
The Little Boy
Eight-year old Francois has moved from Paris to a quiet chateau with his parents who want to escape the stress of the war. In a nearby town, his father's mistress works as a tutor. Soon his father allows a refugee family of Polish Jews to move into the basement. Francois has a terrible crush upon their daugther. Real trouble begins when a Nazi commander and his unit also move into the house, totally unaware of the refugees living below them.
Le Roi de Paris
El rey de Parí es Victor Derval, el gran actor, y quiere ser el conquistador de la escena teatral de 1930. Vive con su corte: el director del teatro de la Gran Comedia, su fiel vestidora, un marqués en decadencia y su antigua amante y compañera de escena.
Max & Jeremie
Even among bombers and murderers, there is a social ladder, a hierarchy to climb. Jeremie is a mere bomber who blows up people and places for mobsters in Paris. He may not look it, scruffy lad that he is, but he is a sensitive fellow, and he feels his lowly status keenly. If only he could graduate to the ranks of hitmen, who are honored in his world, perhaps then he would feel more like somebody. He finally gets his chance when he receives instructions to kill the eminent hitman Max, who knows too much to be left alive. Instead of planning a cool and distant hit, Jeremie gets to know his quarry personally and thereby gets entangled in a mass of conflicting allegiances. Max has one more assignment and has asked Jeremie to help him with it. The hero-worshipping boy can't bring himself to knock of this classy guy. However, just having such an inept apprentice as Jeremie around is enormously dangerous for the soon-to-be-retired killer.
Jesuit Joe
Canada, 1911. Narrated by a vulture, the story of Jesuit Joe, a mixed-race who belongs to a rebel Indian family, which have pay a lot for the defense of their territory. After having striped a policeman of his uniform, Jesuit Joe cross the Far North to give justice.
Wedding in Galilee
A Palestinian seeks Israeli permission to waive curfew to give his son a fine wedding. The military governor's condition is that he and his officers attend. The groom berates his father for agreeing. Women ritually prepare the bride; men prepare the groom. Guests gather. The Arab youths plot violence. One Israeli officer swoons in the heat and Arab women take her into the cool house. A thoroughbred gets loose and runs to a mined field; soldiers and Arabs must cooperate to rescue it. As darkness falls, tensions between army and villagers rise, and the groom's wedding-night anger and impotence threaten family dignity and honor. Can cool heads prevail?
L'Homme aux yeux d'argent
Después de cumplir sentencia, un ladrón vuelve a su tranquila ciudad natal para recuperar el botín, pero un detective de policía sin escrúpulos y su joven subordinado siguen al delincuente.
I Married a Shadow
After a train accident, a woman survives and is mistaken for an other woman she just met on a train before the accident.
The Trout
Frederique (Huppert) abandona el pueblo, donde su familia tiene una granja de truchas, para emprender un viaje al Japón y a los brazos de un hombre.
El otro señor Klein
París, Francia, 1942, durante la ocupación nazi. Robert Klein, un exitoso marchante de arte que se beneficia de las desgracias de aquellos que son despiadadamente perseguidos, descubre por casualidad que existe otro Robert Klein, aparentemente un hombre judío, alguien con quien podría ser identificado erróneamente, algo peligroso en tiempos tan duros.
Women Reply
What does being a woman really mean? How do women live the status society reserves for them? A group of women, beautiful or not, young or not, gifted with motherly instinct or not, answer before Agnès Varda's camera.