Ángel Pistone


Steadicam Operator
Una pareja entra a una casa a robar una pintura valiosa. Las cosas no saldrán como estaban planeadas.
Someday, Somewhere with Sondheim
Camera Supervisor
A theatrical journey through the history of the great musical master Stephen Sondheim, through his work, reimagined by Argentine musical artists. By young artists, in an atempt to put together the pieces that make him the grand master of musicals. To Sondheim, with passion, who continues being alive and is still driving us crazy with his creations.
En Paz
Camera Department Manager
Un ingeniero solitario es interceptado por un jóven ladrón, a quien ofrece darle todo el dinero de su cuenta si comparten una cena juntos; Lo que deriva en una charla que pondrá a prueba los pensamientos de ambos y su fe en la vida.