Makeup & Hair
Mira lives for the sport of ice hockey and leads her team as captain with a strong determination. It's a challenge to reconcile this with her role in the family vineyard: with her mother and her adventurous but increasingly demented grandfather, she runs the farm - with all its responsibilities. The new player Theresa completely unsettles her with her nonchalance and openness. And when Mira's missing brother Paul also turns up and all three get lost in late-night Vienna, Mira discovers the freedom it means to break rules, to reinvent herself - and that you can only love if you let go.
Makeup & Hair
Bosnia, julio de 1995. Aida trabaja como traductora para la ONU en la pequeña ciudad de Srebrenica. Cuando el ejército serbio ocupa el pueblo, su familia está entre las miles de personas que buscan refugio en los campos de la ONU. Como participa en las negociaciones, Aida tiene acceso a información importante.