Chloé Pompon Levainville


The story of a young Belgian actor of Moroccan origin who agrees to play the role of Saint-François-d'Assise to put an end to the roles of nice Arabs that are stuck on his forehead in often mediocre films. Getting into the historical figure will represent a real challenge for him; when his father, settled in Morocco, suddenly returns to Brussels with a new wife, and the beginnings of Alzheimer's, he finds himself having to juggle between the expectations of his colleagues and his family.
My Little Sister
Lisa y Sven son una pareja de hermanos gemelos que viven separados entre Suiza y Alemania, muy lejos el uno del otro. Siguen caminos separados (ella, una dramaturga que no escribe, y él, un actor exitoso), hasta que Sven es diagnosticado con una agresiva leucemia. Esto empuja a Lisa a volver a su lado y tratar de mantenerlo vivo a través del teatro, a sabiendas de que intentarlo puede costarle su propio matrimonio.