Slobodan Dimitrijević

Slobodan Dimitrijević

Nacimiento : 1941-04-20, Ниш, Србија

Muerte : 1999-12-04


Slobodan Dimitrijević


Joza, a middle-aged professional driver, offers Stella, a young and attractive prostitute, a ride from Zadar to Zagreb. Joza remembers his traumatic war experiences and his son who returned from combat with a severe disability. Underneath her seemingly cold and calculated demeanor, Stella is also a grieving parent. During the ride, the two develop a special relationship.
El pacificador
Serb Official
Un tren que transporta cabezas nucleares sufre un accidente en los Urales (Unión Soviética) y provoca una explosión nuclear. La Dra. Julia Kelly (Nicole Kidman), una funcionaria del gobierno americano experta en contrabando nuclear, descubre que el accidente forma parte de una trama relacionada con el tráfico de arsenal nuclear, una tapadera para ocultar el robo de material militar por parte de una organización mafiosa con destino a la venta a organizaciones terroristas. El coronel Thomas Devoe (Clooney) y ella reciben el encargo de capturar a los culpables e impedir la venta del material en la frontera iraní
Territorio comanche
Oficial en el casino
Guerra de Bosnia, principios de los noventa. Cuando estalla la contienda, son muchos los corresponsales de guerra que acuden al lugar del conflicto. Pero también estalla la lucha entre los medios de comunicación, que no dudan en explotar el dolor ajeno con tal de subir la audiencia. Laura, una joven periodista de éxito, se instala en Sarajevo durante el asedio al que se vio sometida la ciudad. Allí conoce a Mikel, un experto reportero de firmes principios, y a José, su cámara. El contacto con las víctimas, los encuentros con periodistas de otros países, las disputas con Mikel y José, que desaprueban el enfoque oportunista que ella da a la información, llevan a Laura a reflexionar seriamente sobre su trabajo. Mientras tanto, con colegas de todas las nacionalidades y con la intérprete croata Jadranka, Laura recorre cada día la zona más peligrosa de Sarajevo: lo que ellos llaman "territorio comanche".
Pont Neuf
Račićev otac
A young Croatian painter Josip Račić in the solitude of a Parisian attic encounters unusual people and falls in love with a cabaret singer. The ambience of the cheap Parisian hotel mixes in the painter's mind with memories of his childhood and youth in the Slavonian plain, all these things finding their expression in his paintings that start to attract the attention of experts...
The Sands of Time
Col. Sostcho
Three nuns are caught up in the midst of Spanish Civil War in the 1930s.
Born to Ride
SS Col. Muhl
The US Army has decided to modernize its cavalry, so Colonel James E. Devers is ordered by a general to convert a horse unit to motorcycles, but his men are easily outclassed as riders by a pack of rowdies, especially Grady Westfall; when he is arrested risking a long jail term, he's given one way out: enlisting as Corporal, assigned as driving instructor. Unit commander Captain Jack Hassler reviles his unorthodox boyish methods as undermining discipline and tradition, not to mention flirting with the Colonels daughter Beryl Ann, but he's needed, especially when his unit is deployed on a secret mission in Spain.
The Donator
Kapetan Koch
A war drama about a German officer's search for a priceless art collection.
Hamburg Altona
Three prisoners, Combe from Rijeka, Menso from Bosnia, and Bogart from Belgrade, escape from prison. Their final destination is the city of their dreams - Hamburg. They temporarily part ways and agree to meet at the train station in Zagreb. First, each of them goes to his hometown. From there on, we follow three separate stories. In the first, Combe, in the shady harbor district of Rijeka, tries to get back at his former crime partner, Mrvi, who turned him in to the police. In the second story, we witness Mensa's relationship with his wife Riza and their children in a small Bosnian village. The third story depicts Bogart's love affair with a young teacher in a Belgrade suburb. Afterwards, at the train station in Zagreb, Bogart finds out from the newspaper that the police caught his friends. At the last minute, he changes the original plan.
Tamerlane (as S. Dimitrijevic)
Jonathan Cabot es un laureado gimnasta que será elegido para luchar en una brutal competición que se llevará a cabo en Parmistán, un minúsculo y recóndito pais de Oriente. Para alzarse con el triunfo, Cabot deberá encontrar el punto de equilibrio entre sus conocimientos de gimnasia occidental y los secretos de la lucha oriental.
The War Boy
SS captain
The 12-year-old son of a freedom fighter grows up fast in World War II Yugoslavia.
Double Impact
A group of partisans in Syrmian front gets task to break in the German back up platoon and find out what happened to the previous group of partisan agents who have disappeared without a trace. As it usually happens, the betrayal, personal tragedy and mutual distrust are being unfolded.
A Dangerous Track
A small group of extreme Albanian nationalists are hunted by Yugoslav security services.
Find a Way, Comrade
Based on a TV sit-com series and set in World War II, about how an ordinary woodcutter develops into an active partisan fighter.
Broad Are the Leaves
The action takes place in 1943 and today, and a Partisan school in Srem is in the center of action. A young journalist gets appointed to shoot a film report about the participants in the Liberation War from this area. In Srem village she meets common, simple people. She discovers that a free territory and a Partisan school was there. She also finds out that everybody acted as one. Deply going through all of those events, young reporter grows mature, identifying herself with the revolution participants.
The Trophy
Vuksan Tomašević
A committee made up to investigate illegal masonry in Yugoslavia causes more problems both for the builders and government, and in fact no one have any use of it. The pressure from all sides makes committee work less diligently.
Somewhere, Sometime
Little is known about this probably never released film.
Black Sun
Santiago Alemany
A German artist in Spain decides to revenge the death of two Nordic tourists and to defend the strikers in a bloody conflict.
Arrive Before Daybreak
The story of political prisoners, detained in a jail before the start of the WWII, and their torture and attempts to escape, and join a partisan unit.
Operation Stadium
Sturmbannführer Ebner
This movie tells a true story about events in Zagreb in 1941. Nazis and their collaborators organized the great gathering of students on Dubrava stadium. The intention was to publicly separate Jews from them which would lead to future pogrom. The event, however, took an unexpected turn.
Stand Up Straight, Delfina
A Macedonian girl is trying to swim the British Channel. During the ordeal, she remembers her troubled past.
The Peaks of Zelengore
During the Battle of Sutjeska, partisan troops must endure 24 hours of big and heavy attacks on German units Ljubino grave, to the main Partisan units, with the wounded and the Supreme Headquarters, pulled out the ring that is tightened around them.
View from the Loft
Inspector Mark Santini
Young Linda Channing visits her fiancé Ian Faulkner at an old aristocratic residence near London. Here he witnesses several mysterious murders. There are no clues to these murders - only bloody corpses and the terrifying sound that always comes shortly before the murders. Inspector Mark Santini embarks on the investigation and slowly unfolds a story full of old wrongs and terrifying revelations...
The Security Service Closes the Circle
A foreign spy service sends Mitar Petrović, an engineer, to Belgrade. His mission is to contact an enemy group that for some time has been planning to sabotage a project of great significance to the Yugoslav economy. The enemy action also has a political dimension as it is planned to take place during an international symposium of scientist in Belgrade. Stopping at nothing, Mitar's group prepares the final coup. Gradually the security service uncovers this clever and well-planned plot…
Due to fighting against the Germans and the Ustashas, the partisans in central Bosnia decide to strike the salt pans, and take the much needed salt for the people and army. After serious attacks and heavy losses, they complete their mission successfully.
Little Mother
Marina Pinares, the wife of the president of a South American country, insists on being his vice-presidential running mate in the next election. She's no stranger to assassination to get what she wants, so some suspect she'll kill her own husband after the election to become president. In a series of flashbacks we see her rise to power: a party girl willing to sacrifice a friend's virtue to gain favor; the lover of a soldier she later tortures; the mistress of the military man she soon marries.
A Shot
Youth, which courage is always without prejudice, in Skopje in time of Bulgarian occupation in WW2, desire freedom for the people, resolves to several actions, including the biggest, to assassinate the police chief Emanuel Machkov...
Walter Defends Sarajevo
Sarajevo 1944. The German armies desperately need fuel in the retreat. Walter, the enigmatic and charismatic leader of the resistance movement, can endanger their supplies. The Germans are taking a cunning plan to remove that obstacle.
Nunzio Sampieri
The revolt of the people of a Sicilian village further to the Expedition of the Thousand which, in 1860, enables Garibaldi to liberate Sicily.
Times without War
Drama of the life of a young man of today torn between his desires and the opportunities of his environment.
White Wolves
Listiger Fuchs
Farsighted Falcon, chief of the Lakota, seeks refuge in the Black Hills with his wife Blue Hair and two warriors, sole survivors of their tribe. When they are attacked by the outlaw Bashan, Falcon strikes out for the town of Tanglewood to take on Bashan's boss, mining magnate Harrington.
The Sun of Another Sky
In a small railway station a group of building workers are organized by a man called Jakov to travel to Germany for work. In the meantime, local bar owner Kurjak is getting a visit from his son first time after three years.
Mount of Lament
Lado Tajović
Lado Tajovic, a student, is charged by the communist party to go to his home in the Montenegrin Mountains, to illegally spread the liberation movement's propaganda. Alone, surrounded by enemies, always awake and ready to evade traps and ambushes, Lado fights on the verge of sleep, against people which are cowards ready to betrayal. He fights his own temptations, hallucinations that constantly besiege him. Although he perseveres in holding to party directives: no killing and no revenge, Lado at one moment of weakness falls to a primal human act vengeance.
The story of an inter-generational conflict between two brothers of completely different political and secular views.
Bitter Fruit
A police drama set in an unidentified and oppressed South American country among a group of conspirators. The main characters are two sisters Soledad and Tita.
Operación gigante
Un agente secreto trata de proteger la vida de una joven cuyo padre fue asesinado por la misma banda que ahora la persigue a ella.
Monday or Tuesday
Marko Požgaj
A divorced journalist Marko Požgaj starts his working day by taking his son to the school. During the day many thoughts and images pass through his mind - the memories of childhood, ex-wife, current girlfriend, but mostly his father who died in a war.
Manhattan Night of Murder
Alec Korsky
Second Jerry Cotton movie. A ring of gangsters has been terrorizing New York City. Special agent Jerry Cotton is summoned by the FBI to help crack down on the Criminals and put them out of business. He doesnt pull any punches either.
La senda de la traición
La pandilla de Rollins quiere apoderarse de la tierra incitando a los colonos en una guerra contra los indios, pero Winnetou y Old Shatterhand intentan mantener la paz, hasta que Rollins acusa a Winnetou por el asesinato del hijo de Jicarilla Chief.
El asalto de los apaches
Un despiadado hombre de negocios pretende vender unos supuestos pozos de petróleo al Western Arizona Bank. En realidad esos pozos junto al lago Shelly no existen, y además un grupo de colonos se dirige para establecerse allí. Dos hombres se darán cuenta del engaño...
The Key
Segment "Duga ulica" (A Long Street): A young man named Boris and a girl, Vera, live in the same neighborhood. They meet one night when she loses her key. Boris invites her to spend the night at his place; Segment "Čekati" (To Wait): Married students, Ivan and Sonja, live in an old woman's apartment. She is sick and the couple hopes that she will die soon, so that they may inherit her apartment; Segment "Poslije predstave" (After the Play): A husband and a wife lose the key to their apartment and have to spend the night in a hotel. The experience is wonderful and renews their feelings for each other, if only for a night.
Prometheus from the Island of Viševica
Mladi Mate
A middle-aged manager of a big-scale company pays visit to his native island with his wife, in order to attend ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque dedicated to local partisan heroes. During his visit, he's constantly overwhelmed by the memories from the past, his first love, the combat days and his enthusiasm to introduce electricity on the island, which was not appreciated by his fellow islanders.
El tesoro del lago de la plata
Rollender Donner
El coronel Brinkley es un criminal que se ha hecho con el mapa de donde está el tesoro del Lago de la Plata. Winnetou y Old Shatterhand acuden una vez más en pro de la bondad, pero por el camino se encontrarán con tribus enemigas que les harán frente.
Scaffolding Games
While trying to remain faithful to his own life philosophy of permanent independence and denial of love, a characteristic so peculiar for his generation, Sasha refuses to admit both to himself and and to the others his love for Bojana. Everything changes when Bojana falls from scaffolding on Sasha's graduation day.