Jerzy Skrzepiński

Jerzy Skrzepiński

Nacimiento : 1923-09-08, Tuszyn, Polska

Muerte : 2017-09-11


Jerzy Skrzepiński


Production Design
Who Is That Man?
Production Design
The story is set in 1939. A military officer is stripped of his rank for his apparent collaboration with a counter-espionage agent while on a mission in Paris. Then he is enlisted in his own country's counterespionage unit, due to his knowledge of languages. He is assigned to Gdansk where he is trying to uncover mysterious "Wotan" in the German Secret Service. He eventually tracks down and kills the agent, but by doing so wipes out the possibility to clearing himself of the charges. Just as the death sentence is to be carried out on him the war breaks out and he escapes out of the bombed prison to join partisans.
Mister Blot's Academy
Production Design
Thanks to the powers of magic, Adaś Niezgódka is transported to the fairy tale land of Mr. Blot – the protagonist of Jan Brzechwa’s classic book. Mr. Blot is a teacher and a magician in one. His lessons cannot be boring. Especially when bIotology is the subject. Adaś learns about the miracles of the enchanted land, but also gets to know its dark secrets.
Production Design
La acción se desarrolla en una localidad al este del Imperio Austro-Húngaro en los primeros días de la I Guerra Mundial. En la austera (taberna) del viejo judío Tag se esconden judíos de varias capas sociales amenazados por las tropas cosacas...
Okolice spokojnego morza
Production Design
Captain Roman Markowski is a sailor. One day, after returning from the sea, his ex-wife calls him. It turns out that their son has disappeared. It also turns out that the boy got to the Maritime School. The captain's life gets complicated when his son suffers a serious accident.
Where the Water Is Pure and the Grass Is Green
Production Design
The young Kuriata takes the position of the secretary of the City Committee in Grodów, where a corrupt clique ruled for many years. Kuriata begins to introduce competent people to managerial functions, which is enthusiastically received by workers who want changes for the better.
Production Design
Production Design
Historia real de la escuadra del oficial Henryk "Hubal" Dobrzañski, quien después de que Polonia fuera invadida por las fuerzas del Eje en 1939 no renunció ante los invasores alemanes y siguió luchando.
Production Design
Poland's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1973
The Game
Production Design
Professionally active, childless, married woman loses her father during a business trip. With an overwhelming sense of transience and the fear of death, she doubts her attachment to her husband. It turns out that in marriage, too, he only plays his part, with greater or lesser conviction.
Zwariowana noc
Production Design
Production Design
Imperio Nuevo. Egipto se encuentra en una difícil coyuntura. Por una parte, los asirios amenazan con invadir el país y, por otra, el empobrecimiento del pueblo es cada vez mayor. Una vez proclamado faraón, el joven Ramsés XIII (faraón inexistente) decide poner remedio a esta situación sirviéndose de las riquezas de la casta sacerdotal, que concentra en sus manos el poder económico, religioso y, de hecho, también el político. Prueba de ello es que el faraón fue derrotado y sus reformas nunca se llevaron a cabo.
El manuscrito encontrado en Zaragoza
Set Decoration
Durante el asedio a Zaragoza, un general francés descubre un extraño manuscrito que, al ser leído, le transporta a una España surrealista en la que los espíritus de unos bandidos ahorcados, bajo la apariencia de hermosas huríes, se dedican a seducir y atrapar en los laberintos del tiempo a todo viajero extraviado que ose adentrarse en sus dominios.
A Lady from the Window
Production Design
Adventures of a two little girls kidnapped from their families.
Mój stary
Production Design
A boy awaits the return of his long-absent emigre father but is disappointed when they finally meet.
The Verdict
Production Design
Film starring Wienczyslaw Glinski, Lidia Korsakówna and Grzegorz Roman
Visit of a President
Production Design
A little boy, craving for his father's attention, imagines a made-up "Mr. President" who looks just like his father but is caring and attentive.
Polar Bear
Costume Design
A Jewish man who escapes a Nazi transport hides in a Polish ski resort town by posing for photos with tourists dressed as a polar bear.
Polar Bear
Art Direction
A Jewish man who escapes a Nazi transport hides in a Polish ski resort town by posing for photos with tourists dressed as a polar bear.
Historia jednego myśliwca
Art Direction
Historia jednego myśliwca
Production Design
Set Decoration
Durante la ocupación nazi de Polonia, toda una generación de jóvenes tuvo que crecer a marchas forzadas a causa de la adversidad. Stach es un adolescente caprichoso que vive en las afueras de la Varsovia ocupada por los nazis. Guiado por pequeños actos de desafío y el fervor comunista, se adentra en el movimiento de resistencia, donde conoce a la valiente y bella Dorota. Pronto se ve implicado en la arriesgada lucha contra la opresión y la búsqueda de dignidad, madurando mientras asume la responsabilidad de las vidas de sus amigos y compañeros...