In the first feature-length animated movie based on the Hanna-Barbera series, Jonny Quest fans get to meet the women behind the adventurous men. Joining scientist Benton Quest, his plucky son Jonny, bodyguard Race Bannon and Jonny's young pal Hadji are Benton's biologist wife Rachel, Race's ex-wife Jade and young 12-year-old Jessie, who harbors a big secret. Throughout, Team Quest battles the evil schemes of modern-day alchemist Dr. Zin, who has cloned himself and created an army of mutant reptiles in the Peruvian rain forest. The clash there results in a tragedy that changes Jonny's life forever - and later leads to a worldwide pursuit of Zin that includes examining rare Leonardo da Vinci documents in Paris, exploring the Roman catacombs and a final confrontation in the Australian outback.
Una señora de Beverly Hills le deja todo a Benito Bodoque porque su única heredera legítima, su sobrina adolescente Amy, de 16 años, no está. Pero eso es solo si Benito permanece con vida durante 48 horas. Si no, el malvado mayordomo Snerdly y su loco perro lobo ruso son los siguientes en la fila, y se apresura a usar todos los trucos del libro para hacer entrar al pobre Benito y la tropa se pone en camino para rescatar a Benito y encontrar a la heredera perdida Amy.
Cuando el tio de Shaggy le deja en su testamento una fortuna en joyas ocultas, Scooby y Scrappy se le unen en su concienzuda búsqueda del tesoro a través de los pasadizos y puertas secretas de la vieja mansión encantada de Beauregard. Aterrorizados pro el fantasma del tio de Shaggy, la banda pide ayuda a los indomables Hermanos Boo, una familia de fantasmas cazadores de espectros.
A dopey exterminator (from the Goode Riddance Exterminator Company) tries to rid Hardwood Hall of a hungry, but...
The hero, Handsome Harry, is poor, honest, hard-working and pure as the driven snow. The villain, first cousin to Sniveley Whiplash, is deceitful, mean, contrary, selfish and a down-right ornery cuss who would steal and hock his mother's false teeth. The pretty heroine is, at best, fickle and a front-running gold-digger but Harry is smitten with her and yearns for her hand in holy matrimony, but she opts to marry the villain and his money-bags. Years go by and Hero continues to study and work hard in the hopes his fair lady will become his. More years go by, and all concerned are aged with gray, and the heroine decides Handsome Harry is her man. The villain, takes up with young chorus girls for consolation.
A detective in training is about to take his final exam. He is sent to room 13, where his professor befuddles him with a tricky doorknob. Next, he goes to a tea party with his professor loosely disguised as an old lady; the butler serves a pot of "T.N.Tea" even though his back is full of knives. The professor keeps disappearing; the student tracks him by his footprints, even though the footprint powder at one point becomes train tracks and the doors he opens have a skeleton and some card-playing ghosts. Finally, the budding detective phones for the police; when they arrive (driving on the phone lines) and pile into the phone booth, he passes, and is given the first, second and (under bright lights) third degree.
An air-raid warden in Harlem; everyone turns out their lights willingly. All except for one: A lantern, whose flame refuses to go out. Joe plays cat-and-mouse with the flame a while, blowing it toward a box of TNT; he quickly inhales, swallowing the flame. He coughs it back out. The flame hides on Joe's finger; he can't figure out where it's coming from, and scratches his head. The flame smoulders under his hat, engulfing him in a black cloud. The flame then migrates to his foot, giving him a hotfoot. He transfers the flame back to the lamp, then drops the lamp into a manhole, where it acts like a searchlight. The cover is no help, as it's got more holes than Joe can plug (especially since the light goes right through his ears). Finally, he's about to put out the light with TNT when the "all clear" is sounded, but too late; he still blows up the manhole covers, which all land right on Joe.