Miles Malleson

Miles Malleson

Nacimiento : 1888-05-25, Croydon, Surrey, England

Muerte : 1969-03-15


Miles Malleson
Miles Malleson


Yours Unfaithfully
An “un-romantic comedy” about the price of free love, Yours Unfaithfully is an insightful, intelligent and exceptionally intimate peek behind the closed doors of an open marriage. Stephen and Anne, blissfully happy for eight years, are committed to living up to their ideals. When Stephen, a writer who isn’t writing, begins to sink into a funk of unproductive moodiness, Anne encourages him to seek out a fresh spark. Can their marriage survive uncompromising generosity, sacrifice and love? More than the story of an unconventional couple, the play is about what happens when our ideals clash with our emotions.
Conflict is a love story set against the backdrop of a hotly contested election. Miles Malleson combines his two great passions: sex and politics. The result is a provocative romance that sizzles with both wit and ideas. It’s the Roaring 20’s, London. Lady Dare Bellingdon has everything she could want, yet she craves something more. Dare’s man, Sir Major Ronald Clive, is standing for Parliament with the backing of Dare’s father. Clive is a Conservative, of course, but he’s liberal enough to be sleeping with Dare, who’s daring enough to take a lover, but too restless to marry him. Clive’s opponent, Tom Smith is passionate about social justice and understands the joy of having something to believe in. Dare is “the woman between” two candidates who both want to make a better world—until politics become personal, and mudslinging threatens to soil them all.
You Must Be Joking
A motley group of soldiers are set loose on swinging England in an initiative test to collect a selection of esoteric items
Asesinato a bordo
Miss Marple pertenece al consejo de administración de un buque escuela y uno de sus miembros ha sido asesinado. El inspector que lleva la investigación concluye que la muerte se ha debido a un fallo cardíaco, pero miss Marple cree que ha sido envenenado, tras examinar la caja de rapé del muerto. Cuarta y última película de Margaret Rutherford en el papel de Miss Marple.
La gran sorpresa
Dymchurch Registrar
Un equipo de astronautas estadounidenses que están inmersos en los preparativos de un viaje a la Luna se quedan confundidos y muy intrigados cuando un hombre asegura que él, su novia y un científico viajaron a la luna 65 años antes y fueron atacados por los “selenitas”, unas criaturas extrañas mitad hombre, mitad hormiga que viven en enormes cavernas de cristal.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Theseus, Duke of Athens, is going to marry Hyppolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Demetrius is engaged with Hermia, but Hermia loves Lysander. Helena loves Demetrius. Oberon and Titania, of the kingdom of fairies have a slight quarrel about whether or not the boy Titania is raising will join Titania's band or Oberon's, so Oberon tries to get him from her by using some magic. But they're not alone in that forest. Lysander and Hermina have there a rendezvous, Helena and Demetrius are there, too as well as some actors, who are practicing a play for the ongoing wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. Due to some misunderstandings by Puck, the whole thing becomes a little bit confused...
A Jolly Bad Fellow
An English professor decides that there are too many useless people in the world and invents a gas that will kill them off. But first they'll at least have a good laugh.
Cielos arriba
Bishop Rockeby
Un error clerical conduce a que un sacedorte de izquierdas de un pequeño pueblo se encuentre en un pueblo de ricos, donde inmediatamente horroriza a sus snobs feligreses por designar a un basurero y a un hombre negro como guardianes de la vicaría y dejarla abierta a la familia Smith, quienes acaban de ser deshauciados de su caravana. Él convierte a la viuda aristócrata en trabajadora de la absurda caridad, pero pronto revolucionará al pueblo y muchos de sus habitantes... (FILMAFFINITY)
El cerebro viviente
Dr. Miller
Un científico mantiene vivo en su laboratorio el cerebro de un ser humano muerto, un empresario que se mató en un accidente aéreo. Poco a poco el cerebro va tomando control de la voluntad del científico.
El fantasma de la ópera
2nd Cabby
Cuando la "prima donna" de la Ópera de París se retira, Christine Charles es elegida para sustituirla, pero es despedida por rechazar las insinuaciones del empresario. Esa misma noche es raptada por un enano deforme, que la lleva a las catacumbas de la Ópera, donde encuentra a un hombre horriblemente mutilado que vive escondido allí. Él conoce el secreto del Fantasma de la Ópera y le cuenta una escalofriante historia de injusticia, depravación y codicia.
Go to Blazes
A gang of aspiring bank robbers involve themselves with arsonists and purchase their very own fire truck in an attempt to create the ultimate diversion. But posing as firemen leads them to disaster.
Postman's Knock
Likeable country postman Harold Petts gets transferred from his village to London, where on his arrival he unwittingly foils a mail train robbery. Innocent in the ways of the big city, he is thought to be a member of another gang by both the train robbers and the police, who all suspect him of trying to rob the post office where he works.
The Bing Crosby Show
Guests: Bob Hope, Marion Ryan, Dave King, Terry-Thomas, Shirley Bassey. Filmed on location in London, where Bing was filming Road to Hong Kong. Bing wanders the streets of London encountering his guests, including Bob Hope (in drag).
Double Bunk
Rev. Thomas
When newly weds Jack and Peggy face eviction, they are tricked into buying a run down houseboat. After rebuilding the engine, they take their friends Sid and Sandra, on a local trip down the river to Folkestone, but somehow they end up in France, and with no fuel and supplies, they resort to desperate actions to get back home.
Los Caballeros del Infierno
Jason es el hijo de Lord Netherton, un pervertido que dirige un antro dedicado al vicio y conocido como el Club del Infierno. Tras ser golpeado por entrar en una de las orgías del aristócrata, la madre de Jason decide marcharse de su casa con el pequeño. Años después, Jason, que ahora trabaja como acróbata en un circo holandés, decide regresar a Londres para reclamar la mansión familiar. Pero para ello deberá enfrentarse al club.
El robo al Banco de Inglaterra
Assistant Curator
En 1901, un grupo de nacionalistas irlandeses buscan dar un golpe al gobierno británico atracando el Banco de Inglaterra.
Las novias de Drácula
Dr. Tobler
Después de que el joven barón Meinster sufra la mordedura del conde Drácula, para impedir que actúe como un vampiro, su madre decide confinarlo en sus habitaciones. Sin embargo, una joven lo libera sin sospechar las consecuencias de su acción.
El fotógrafo del pánico
Elderly Gentleman Customer
Böhm interpreta a psicópata que fotografía a sus víctimas mientras mueren; es un hombre profundamente perturbado, cuyo desequilibrio hunde sus raíces en la infancia. Su padre, un científico obsesionado por estudiar las reacciones infantiles ante el miedo, destrozó su psique y lo convirtió en un adulto acomplejado y afectado por una demencia demoníaca. El personaje necesita registrar en imágenes el terror que sienten sus víctimas antes de morir. Por eso ejerce la profesión de fotógrafo, para encubrir sus intenciones y poder satisfacer sus morbosos impulsos sin levantar sospechas.
And the Same to You
Dickie Dreadnought is the boxing-mad nephew of pious clergyman Reverend Sydney Mullet. To mollify his disapproving uncle, Dickie embarks on an elaborate plan to keep his budding boxing career a secret, with he and his tough-talking promoter Wally Burton both pretending to be devout 'men of the cloth'.
Mr. Rankeillor
David Balfour, un muchacho atrevido y orgulloso (como el Jim de La isla del Tesoro), se ve envuelto en una doble serie de aventuras: las relacionadas con la herencia que le ha sido arrebatada y las derivadas de de las secuelas de la guerra civil inglesa del siglo XVIII. Adaptación de la novela homónima de Robert Luis Stevenson por la factoría Disney
Estoy bien, Jack
Windrush Snr.
El ingenuo Stanley Windrush regresa de la guerra, y piensa abrirse paso con exito en los negocios. Para su desilusión, se da cuenta que tendrá que empezar desde cero, y pronto se verá envuelto en una pelea entre la gerencia de la empresa y la asociación sindical a la que pertenece, que le utilizaran como una herramienta en su lucha por alcanzar el poder, y que cuando se convierte en un obstáculo, se unirán para destruirlo. (FILMAFFINITY)
El perro de Baskerville
Bishop Franklin
Adaptación de una novela del escritor inglés Arthur Conan Doyle. Sobre los Baskerville pesa una maldición que ha traído muerte y desgracias sin cuento a las sucesivas generaciones de la familia. Cuando Sir Charles Baskerville aparece muerto en los páramos, Sherlock Holmes sospecha que el único miembro de la familia que permanece vivo, Sir Henry, será la siguiente víctima, pero no a causa de la maldición, sino debido a la ambición de alguien que saldría muy beneficiado de su muerte. El famoso detective sabe que debe descubrir al asesino antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Despiste ministerial
Resident Advisor Davidson
Humorística comedia británica sobre un inepto diplomático que es enviado a una remota isla del Pacífico para establecer buenas relaciones con una colonia que ha sido olvidada durante medio siglo. Pero claro, el lugar es mineralmente muy rico y hay que sacar tajada.
The Captain's Table
Canon Swingler
A captain is promoted by his company from tramp steamers to their flagship passenger liner. Although he is a thoroughly competent sailor ready to take charge of such a ship, he is less prepared for the social duties his new position involves, not least the way he in which becomes the target for all the unattached women on board.
Bachelor of Hearts
Dr. Butson
A German scholar has girl troubles while studying at Cambridge.
Behind the Mask
Sir Oswald Pettiford
A newly qualified surgeon takes the blame for his drug addict colleague after the death their patient through neglect.
Marx - Undertaker (uncredited)
El conde Drácula decide abandonar su castillo de los Cárpatos y establecerse en Occidente. Pronto conoce a una joven de quien se enamora y a la que visita por las noches. Esta alarmante situación hace que la familia de la chica busque la ayuda del doctor Van Helsing.
Un crimen por hora
The Judge
Gideon, inspector de Scotland Yard, tiene un día de lo más apurado. Debe hacer frente a los recados de su señora esposa, amén de llegar pronto al concierto de su hija. Y en medio, antes y después de ello, debe hacer frente hasta a cuatro casos distintos, algunos de ellos verdaderamente peligrosos.
Happy Is the Bride
1st Magistrate
In a quiet summer corner of Wiltshire that is forever England, David and Janet decide to tie the knot. Unfortunately this is the cue for everyone else to take over proceedings, to the dismay of the couple and the increasing despair of Janet's father.
La verdad al desnudo
Rev. Bastable
A causa de las graves presiones que recibe, un periodista ha intentado suicidarse en varias ocasiones. Pero ahora ha decidido fundar una publicación para contar la verdad, sin miedo a represalias. Para financiarla, recurre al chantaje de varias personalidades. Los problemas aparecerán cuando un presentador de televisión se le resista. (FILMAFFINITY)
La dinastía del petróleo
Minor Role
Bruce Campbell decide trasladarse a Canadá cuando se entera de que a su abuelo le queda poco tiempo de vida. Llega allí con la clara idea de hacerse cargo de la herencia que recibirá cuando él falte. Pero los lugareños no tienen ninguna prisa por conocerlo, pues no sienten simpatía por el abuelo ya que creen que en su tierras había petróleo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Brothers in Law
Kendall Grimes Q.C.
Roger Thursby is an overly keen, newly-qualified barrister who rubs his fellow barristers up the wrong way. When he is thrown in at the deep-end, with a particularly hot-tempered judge and tricky case, Thursby learns how to prove himself not only to the judge and fellow barristers but also to the public gallery.
Tres hombres en una barca
2nd Old Gentleman
Harris, J, y George deciden irse de vacaciones en bote por el Támesis en Oxford.
Dry Rot
Country Gentleman
Comedy about a trio of not particularly bright bookmakers who try to fix a horse race.
The Silken Affair
Mr. Blucher
An accountant who is creative with his firm's books uses the money to fund a romantic spree.
El hombre que nunca existió
En la primavera de 1943, un vecino de Punta Umbría descubrió, mientras pescaba en ”El Portil”, el cuerpo sin vida de un militar inglés junto con los restos de una balsa neumática. Sin saberlo, aquel pescador, acababa de encontrar al hombre que nunca existió: la operación ”Mincemeat” había comenzado.
Private's Progress
Mr. Windrush Sr.
Stanley Windrush has to interrupt his university education when he is called up towards the end of the war. He quickly proves himself not to be officer material, but befriends wily Private Percival Cox who knows exactly how all the scams work in the confused world of the British Army. And Stanley's brigadier War Office uncle seems to be up to something more than a bit shady too - and they are both soon working for him, behind the enemy lines.
Lord Paunceton
Concerned about his small stature, a young Scottish boy applies for a mail-order body building course, successfully gaining both height and strength. The film was released as "Wee Geordie" in the USA.
Rapsodia Real
Ricardo, heredero del trono de Laurentia, elige el exilio para poder vivir con la mujer que ama, Marta Karillos. Sin embargo, cuando siete años después muere el rey, su padre, decide regresar para recuperar el trono. Para ello, deberá aceptar un matrimonio de conveniencia con la princesa Cristiane.
El paraíso del capitán
Lawrence St. James
Henry St. James, capitán de un ferry transmediterráneo, tiene su vida sentimental perfectamente organizada. Tiene una esposa inglesa en Gibraltar y otra más exótica en Tánger. Pero, cuando ambas deciden, cada una por su cuenta, ir a esperarlo al puerto de destino del barco, su idílica vida correrá un grave peligro.
Folly to Be Wise
Dr. Hector McAdam
A newly-arrived army chaplain is put in charge of camp entertainment and has the idea of putting on a Brains Trust with local notables. Unfortunately for him, it emerges from a question on the rights and wrongs of marriage that there is more going on between three of the panelists than he wants to know about - though the audience obviously thinks differently.
Venetian Bird
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
El enigma de Manderson
Burton Cupples
Una mujer de la alta sociedad es acusada de asesinar a su marido, un hombre de negocios. Investiga las pistas del caso Philip Trent, un caballeroso sabueso a punto de retirarse.
La importancia de llamarse Ernesto
Canon Chasuble
Para Jack, el nombre de Ernesto significa poder vivir a su aire, en la ciudad, lejos del campo, donde está Ernesto, su irreverente hermano, al cual ha de vigilar continuamente. En realidad esto sólo es una treta para poder escapar del campo siempre que le apetezca, ya que Jack y Ernesto son una misma persona. Todo va bien hasta que un día su mejor amigo va atando cabos y descubre que Ernesto no existe. La situación se complica cuando su prometida le confiesa que lo que más le atrae de él, es su nombre.
Treasure Hunt
Mr. Walsh
Short of money the owners of Ballyroden Hall must attempt to run it as a guest house, but not everyone is happy about the plan.
The Happy Family
Mr. Thwaites
When the Government decide to build a Festival of Britain exhibition site, everything goes to plan, all except the fact that the main road and the pedestrian subway into the site, are blocked by a little corner shop, which is owned and run by a Mr. Lord and his family. When the Lords refuse to be bought off, and decline the compensation offered by the authorities. the police and the bailiffs try to evict them, only to come under fire from the family, who have barricaded themselves inside the shop.
The Woman's Angle
A. Secrett
El cabeza de una familia de músicos tiene una vida amorosa muy complicada.
The Magic Box
Orchestra Conductor
Now old, ill, poor, and largely forgotten, William Freise-Greene was once very different. As young and handsome William Green he changed his name to include his first wife's so that it sounded more impressive for the photographic portrait work he was so good at. But he was also an inventor and his search for a way to project moving pictures became an obsession that ultimately changed the life of all those he loved.
Cuento de Navidad
Old Joe
Ebeneezer Scrooge (Alastair Sim) es un cruel avaro hasta una Nochebuena fatídica cuando es visitado por tres fantasmas. Los espíritus le muestran cómo su comportamiento durante los años le ha hecho un hombre solitario, amargo. Utilizan eventos del pasado idealista de Scrooge, su tristre presente y su lúgubre futuro, las apariciones harán todo lo posible para derretir su alma steely. Cicatero Ebeneezer Scrooge aprende de sus errores justo a tiempo para las vacaciones de Navidad y consigue que la vida de todos sea un poco mejor.
El hombre del traje blanco
The Tailor
Sydney Stratton (Alec Guinness) es un joven investigador que, tras arduos esfuerzos, consigue inventar un tejido tan revolucionario que no se puede romper ni manchar. Sin embargo, a la alegría inicial pronto le sigue la decepción, pues tanto los empresarios como los trabajadores de la industria textil llegan a un acuerdo para impedir la fabricación y difusión del nuevo tejido. La razón es obvia: los primeros temen la ruina de sus empresas y los segundos la pérdida de sus puestos de trabajo.
Pánico en la escena
Mr. Fortesque
Un hombre que es buscado por la policía, acusado de haber matado al marido de su amante, se refugia en casa de su amiga Eve, a la que confiesa que la verdadera asesina es su amante, la actriz Charlotte Inwood. Eve decide investigar por su cuenta, pero cuando conoce al detective encargado del caso comienza a enamorarse...
La salamandra de oro
Un arquéologo se encuentra con una organización terrorista en un viaje a África.
Ocho sentencias de muerte
The Hangman
Un joven ambicioso y sin escrúpulos (Dennis Price) proyecta vengar la afrenta que la aristocrática familia D'Ascoyne, a la cual pertenece, les ha infligido a él y a su madre. El plan consiste en eliminar a todos los miembros de la familia que le preceden en la sucesión al título de Duque.
Adán y ella
El padre de Evelyn, una niña internada en un orfanato, ha estado escribiendo a su hija, que no lo recuerda, cartas fantasiosas sobre su éxito en los negocios. En realidad, se ha hecho pasar por un amigo, Adam, un apuesto jugador. Cuando el padre muere, Adam se lleva a la chica del orfanato y le dicen la verdad. Pero la niña se ha convertido en una mujer de extraordinaria belleza y surgen complicaciones, incluyendo las que crea Roddy, hermano de Adam, una auténtica oveja negra.
La Mujer Perfecta
Prof. Ernest Belman
Con la necesidad de obtener dinero en efectivo, Roger Cavendish y su mayordomo toman un trabajo que consiste en escoltar una noche a la mujer perfecta. Se trata de Olga, la creación robótica del profesor Belman; pero resulta que en realidad es Penelope, la sobrina de Belman, haciendo una buena imitación de la perfecta Olga.
Cardboard Cavalier
Judge Gorebucket
Cardboard Cavalier is a 1949 British comedy film directed by Walter Forde and starring Sid Field, Margaret Lockwood and Jerry Desmonde.The film depicts a historical romance between Lord Lovelace and Nell Gwyne.
La dama blanca (Reina de espadas)
1806: Un oficial del Ejército obtiene de una avejentada condesa el secreto para ganar perpetuamente a las cartas. Lo malo es que esta lo obtuvo a través de un pacto con el Diablo.
Train of Events
Johnson, the Timekeeper
A train disaster is told in four short stories to give character studies of the people involved, how it will affect them and how they deal with it.
El enemigo de las mujeres
Ligera comedia amorosa en la que un playboy que vive en una zona vacacional presume de que no hay mujer que se le pueda resistir. Sin embargo, su ego cae por los suelos cuando conoce a una actriz que está por la zona de incógnito, y que no parece hacerle demasiado caso. Ante tamaña afrenta, el hombre decide seducirla a cualquier precio... incluido el matrimonio.
Matrimonio de estado
Lord of Misrule
Después de haberse casado por razones de estado con el heredero del trono inglés, el futuro Jorge I, Sophie Dorotea busca el amor verdadero.
Bond Street
Minor Role (uncredited)
Charts the events occurring during a typical 24-hour period on London’s thoroughfare Bond Street. Linking the four stories together is the impending wedding of society girl Hazel Court and Robert Flemyng.
Idol of Paris
The Idol of Paris is based on Paiva, Queen of Love, a novel by Alfred Schirokauer. Set in the mid-19th century, the film traces the rags-to-riches story of a girl named Theresa. Sleeping her way to the top, she becomes a highly sought-after Parisian courtesan, one worthy of the attentions of the Emperor Napoleon. But Theresa has no time for the Emperor, not with such virile lovers as Hertz around and about.
While the Sun Shines
Lady Elisabeth Randall is an English Air Force corporal during World War II. She is on her way to marry her fiancé when she finds herself being romanced by two different men.
Land of Promise
Mr. Know-All
Described as a 'film argument' about homes and houses, this film is in three parts showing houses as they were, houses as they are and houses as they might be.
Land of Promise
Described as a 'film argument' about homes and houses, this film is in three parts showing houses as they were, houses as they are and houses as they might be.
Journey Together
Two Englishmen (Richard Attenborough, Jack Watling) train with the Royal Air Force, ending with a bombing raid on Berlin.
Al morir la noche
Hearse Driver (Segment "The Hearse Conductor")
En un caserón inglés se reúne un grupo de personas que comienzan a contar historias de misterio: la de un conductor de autobús que parece anunciar la muerte, la de un fantasma infantil que mora en una mansión, la de dos amigos enfrentados por una mujer incluso después de la muerte, la de un espejo maldito, la de un muñeco de ventrílocuo que controla a su propietario.
Yellow Canary
A socialite poses as a Nazi spy to mask her activities as a British agent.
The Demi-Paradise
Theatre Cashier
Ivan Kouznetsoff, a Russian engineer, recounts during World War II his stay in England prior to the war working on a new propeller for ice-breaking ships. Naïve about British people and convinced by hearsay that they are shallow and hypocritical, Ivan is both bemused and amused by them. He is blunt in his opinions about Britons and at first this puts off his hosts, including the lovely Ann Tisdall, whose grandfather runs the shipbuilding firm that will make use of Ivan's propeller. The longer Ivan stays, however, the more he comes to understand the humor, warmth, strength, and conviction of the British people, and the more they come to see him as a friend rather than merely a suspicious Russian. As a romantic bond grows between Ivan and Ann, a cultural bond begins to grow as well, particularly as the war begins and Russia is attacked by Germany.
They Met in the Dark
A Royal navy Commander is tricked by a pretty girl who is working for the Nazis. She tricks him into revealing some military secrets and he is court martial. He vows to track her and her accomplices down.
El sexo débil
Tran Guard
Cuenta la historia de siete mujeres británicas de clase alta que deciden ayudar durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Squadron Leader X
Equipped with an RAF uniform, an English accent, a photograph of his "wife" and a packet of Players (cigarettes), a German agent is parachuted into occupied Belgium to create anti-British propaganda. Unfortunately for him he chooses a night when the Belgian resistance are smuggling the crew of a British bomber home across the channel. Before he knows it he is landing on the south coast of England. With MI5 hot on his trail, the fugitive tries to contact his old German émigré friends in London. But they have all been interned on the Isle of Man. How will he escape back to Germany ?
Thunder Rock
Chairman of Directors
David Charleston, once a world renowned journalist, now lives alone maintaining the Thunder Rock lighthouse in Lake Michigan. He doesn't cash his paychecks and has no contact other than the monthly inspector's visit. When alone, he imagines conversations with those who died when a 19th century packet ship with some 60 passengers sank. He imagines their lives, their problems, their fears and their hopes. In one of these conversations, he recalls his own efforts in the 1930s when he desperately tried to convince first his editors, and later the public, of the dangers of fascism and the inevitability of war. Few would listen. One of the passengers, a spinster, tells her story of seeking independence from a world dominated by men. There's also the case of a doctor who is banished for using unacceptable methods. David has given up on life, but the imaginary passengers give him hope for the future.
El gran Mitchell
A finales de 1920, el diseñador de aviones R.J. Mitchell considera que ha llegado a la cima del éxito con su revolucionario mono-avión. Pero, un día en Alemania, poco después de que Hitler asumiera el poder (1933), se da cuenta de que es vital diseñar un nuevo avión de combate para garantizar la supervivencia de Gran Bretaña.
Unpublished Story
Morale-boosting story released in the middle of World War II. A journalist uncovers a peace organisation at the centre of disreputable dealings.
They Flew Alone
Vacuum Salesman
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
They Flew Alone
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
Major Barbara
Idealistic young Barbara is the daughter of rich weapons manufacturer Andrew Undershaft. She rebels against her estranged father by joining the Salvation Army. Wooed by professor-turned-preacher Adolphus Cusins, Barbara eventually grows disillusioned with her causes and begins to see things from her father's perspective.
El ladrón de Bagdad
Con la ayuda del ladronzuelo mendigo Abu, el califa Ahmed se enfrentará al malvado Visir que le ha arrebatado el poder y dejado ciego, aspirando al amor de la hija del sultán de Basora. La famosa narración del clásico de la literatura árabe "Las mil y una noches" debe su logro principalmente a la labor del productor Alexander Korda.
El ladrón de Bagdad
Con la ayuda del ladronzuelo mendigo Abu, el califa Ahmed se enfrentará al malvado Visir que le ha arrebatado el poder y dejado ciego, aspirando al amor de la hija del sultán de Basora. La famosa narración del clásico de la literatura árabe "Las mil y una noches" debe su logro principalmente a la labor del productor Alexander Korda.
El ladrón de Bagdad
Con la ayuda del ladronzuelo mendigo Abu, el califa Ahmed se enfrentará al malvado Visir que le ha arrebatado el poder y dejado ciego, aspirando al amor de la hija del sultán de Basora. La famosa narración del clásico de la literatura árabe "Las mil y una noches" debe su logro principalmente a la labor del productor Alexander Korda.
For Freedom
Minor Role
Made in 1940, this stirringly patriotic film cleverly combined new scenes with genuine newsreel footage. A newsreel journalist is on hand when the Giant German battleship Graf Spee flees into Montevideo Harbour after a punishing encounter with the British warships Exeter and Ajax. As events unfold in a very unexpected way, he is there with his camera to capture the dramatic end to the encounter.
Q Planes
Minor Role
An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.
Sixty Glorious Years
Continuing the story of 'Victoria the Great'.
Sixty Glorious Years
Wounded Soldier
Continuing the story of 'Victoria the Great'.
A Royal Divorce
The love affair between the French Emperor Napoleon and the lady Josephine leads through Napoleon's rise to power and their eventual divorce.
The Rat
Jean Boucheron the cat burglar is the darling of the Montmartre whores--and catches the eye of slumming socialite Zelia de Chaumont, who decides to "reform" him. A complication is his lovely young ward Odile... murder and a grand courtoom scene ensue.
Victoria the Great
Sir James
The film biography of Queen Victoria focussing initially on the early years of her reign with her marriage to Prince Albert and her subsequent rule after Albert's death in 1861.
Victoria the Great
The film biography of Queen Victoria focussing initially on the early years of her reign with her marriage to Prince Albert and her subsequent rule after Albert's death in 1861.
La condesa Alexandra
Drunken Red Commissar
Fotheringill, un joven periodista inglés expulsado de Rusia por escribir un artículo antizarista, es persuadido por un agente del Servicio Secreto Británico para unirse a los miembros del movimiento revolucionario. Bajo el nombre de Peter Ouranov, Fotheringill participa en un complot para asesinar al Ministro del Interior, pero es descubierto y deportado a Siberia. Un año más tarde, Fotheringill interroga a la bella prisionera Alexandra, que resulta ser la hija del ministro zarista por cuyo asesinato sufrió destierro en Siberia. Ambos se enamora perdidamente y deciden escapar juntos.
Action for Slander
Minor Role
A bankrupt officer, accused of cheating at cards, defends his honour with a writ.
Action for Slander
A bankrupt officer, accused of cheating at cards, defends his honour with a writ.
Tudor Rose
The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.
Tudor Rose
Jane's Father
The tragic story of Lady Jane Grey, the young queen who reigned in England for nine days before she was executed.
Rhodes of Africa
Rhodes of Africa is a 1936 British biographical film charting the life of Cecil Rhodes. It was directed by Berthold Viertel and starred Walter Huston, Oskar Homolka, Basil Sydney and Bernard Lee.
Peg of Old Drury
Minor Role (uncredited)
a biopic of eighteenth-century Irish actress Peg Woffington. It was based on the play Masks and Faces.
Peg of Old Drury
Scenario Writer
a biopic of eighteenth-century Irish actress Peg Woffington. It was based on the play Masks and Faces.
Lazybones is an idle baronet. He hasn't a care in the world until his father cuts him off without a penny. He then meets an American heiress & marries her but finds she has been disinherited as well. They find even more trouble in the shape of the American's cousin.
Vintage Wine
Henri Popinot
The members of the Popinot family of French champagne tycoons suspect that the widowed head of the family Charles Popinot is keeping a mistress in Rome and generally living a wild life. Unbeknownst to them he has happily re-married and had a son with a much younger woman. She believes he is twenty years younger than he really is and is shocked when his relatives including his mother, grown-up sons and granddaughter arrive in Italy.
39 escalones
Palladium Manager (uncredited)
Richard Hannay está en un music-hall londinense. De repente, suena un disparo y comienza una pelea. En medio del tumulto, una chica asustada le pregunta si puede ir con él. Richard accede y la lleva a su apartamento...
Falling in Love
British comedy. It was released in the United States the following year under the alternative title Trouble Ahead.
Nell Gwyn
King Charles II first meets Nell Gwyn after seeing her do a turn at Drury Lane. They soon become close, the King preferring her feisty irreverent company to that of the aristocratic French Duchess of Portsmouth. Nell becomes his most loyal subject, while ever-ready to take the Duchess down a peg. But the actress can never hope to be fully accepted by the King's circle despite his constant attentions.
Nell Gwyn
King Charles II first meets Nell Gwyn after seeing her do a turn at Drury Lane. They soon become close, the King preferring her feisty irreverent company to that of the aristocratic French Duchess of Portsmouth. Nell becomes his most loyal subject, while ever-ready to take the Duchess down a peg. But the actress can never hope to be fully accepted by the King's circle despite his constant attentions.
The Queen's Affair
The Chancellor
'Ruritania. Incognito president falls in love with incognito queen he deposed.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Queen's Affair
'Ruritania. Incognito president falls in love with incognito queen he deposed.' (British Film Catalogue)
Perfect Understanding
A young couple decide to marry under the condition that they agree never to disagree. That agreement is soon put to the test when the husband finds himself attracted to a beautiful young woman.
Perfect Understanding
A young couple decide to marry under the condition that they agree never to disagree. That agreement is soon put to the test when the husband finds himself attracted to a beautiful young woman.
Perfect Understanding
A young couple decide to marry under the condition that they agree never to disagree. That agreement is soon put to the test when the husband finds himself attracted to a beautiful young woman.
Money Means Nothing
British comedy film directed by Harcourt Templeman and Herbert Wilcox..
Money Means Nothing
British comedy film directed by Harcourt Templeman and Herbert Wilcox..
The Love Contract
A young woman becomes the driver of a wealthy stockbroker who lost her family’s savings.
Love on Wheels
Academy of Music Porter
A department store assistant becomes publicity conscious.
The Mayor's Nest
A trombonist becomes mayor of a small town, but he struggles to cope with municipal issues.
The Sign of Four: Sherlock Holmes' Greatest Case
Thaddeus Sholto
A young woman turns to Holmes for protection when she's menaced by an escaped killer seeking missing treasure. However, when the woman is kidnapped, Holmes and Watson must penetrate the city's criminal underworld to find her.
The Water Gipsies
Jane Bell has lived on an old barge moored in the Thames with her feckless father and sister ever since their mother died, but she would prefer her life to be more like the movies
Frail Women
An illegitimate war-baby adopted by a wealthy spinster.
The Blue Danube
In a Hungarian gypsy encampment, carefree Sandor lives with his beautiful sweetheart Yutka. Into their lives rides a blonde countess, with whom Sandor becomes infatuated. Yutka soon flees from her faithless lover. Sandor roams the country, searching for his lost love, but finds her too late. she now wears furs and has her own aristocratic love. Sandor returns heartbroken to his Romany encampment.
A Night in Montmartre
Theatre Play
A young couple live under a café in Paris that, unknown to them, is owned by a brutal blackmailer. When he is murdered, they fall under suspicion. However, the husband's father, an amateur detective, believes in their innocence and sets out to find who really killed the blackmailer.
A Night in Montmartre
Minor Role
A young couple live under a café in Paris that, unknown to them, is owned by a brutal blackmailer. When he is murdered, they fall under suspicion. However, the husband's father, an amateur detective, believes in their innocence and sets out to find who really killed the blackmailer.
Sally in Our Alley
A woman believes her boyfriend died in the First World War, but he is now looking for her
City of Song
Theater Watchman
A tourist guide in Naples is taken on by an English woman impressed by his singing, and who regards him as her protege.
City of Song
A tourist guide in Naples is taken on by an English woman impressed by his singing, and who regards him as her protege.
Children of Chance
A casual date at a high-class hotel leads Binnie, an aspiring showgirl, to be mistaken for model and actress Lia de Marita – landing her an audition for the producer of a new musical stage show. Marvelling at her good fortune, what Binnie doesn't know is that Lia is also the wife of a notorious jewel thief and that she's already fled the country in possession of a valuable, ill-gotten necklace!
Night Birds
Minor Role
Early British thriller about a master criminal named 'Flash Jack', who heads a gang of top-hatted thieves that rob the wealthy. A detective tracks the crimes to a posh night club.
Night Birds
Early British thriller about a master criminal named 'Flash Jack', who heads a gang of top-hatted thieves that rob the wealthy. A detective tracks the crimes to a posh night club.
The two worlds
Two Worlds
An old Jew is forced to hide the Austrian lieutenant who killed his son and loves his daughter.
The Yellow Mask
A musical crime film directed by Harry Lachman.
The W Plan
A tense WWI spy thriller in which Colonel Duncan Grant (British star Brian Aherne, in his first talking role), parachutes into Germany to gather intelligence on the enemy’s secret ‘W Plan’ and to assist Allied POWs in digging escape tunnels.
Battling Bruisers: Some Boxing Buffoonery
An opening section of heavy handed humour about boxing styles gives way to a genuine and extraordinary discovery in this silent curio. Cutie Cannaro is the nicest man in boxing: his swishy walk and camp gestures leave no doubt that we're looking at one of the earliest representations of gay men in British cinema. The effeminate seconds in his corner have the unmistakeable air of screaming chorus boys. The kisses they exchange as he enters the ring may be read as French but the cumulative effect of hints on screen reveal a boxing pair who seem more interested in each other than the fight. The rest of the film is a fascinating pastiche of all things Russian, with Brighton Pavilion standing in for Moscow and some daring camera angles.
The story of the fighter plane and pilots that helped win the Battle of Britain in World War II